One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 504 Wake Weipa

Ten meters change into 100 meters in seconds. This is clearly a stunt unique to the captain. How could Weipa do it?

Of course, compared to his aura that is more than twice as strong and his emotions that are about to get out of control, changes in size are nothing.

Referring to his own experience when he was awakened, Enil roughly guessed what was going on with Weipa, and immediately slowed down the offensive to avoid affecting Weipa.

However, in the depths of his eyes, he was worried. Of course, he knew the difficulties in the awakening process of animal-type ability users.

"Weipa?" Enilo said cautiously, trying to awaken his consciousness.

Weipa, who seemed to be in the state of the great ape, subconsciously turned his head to look at the source of the sound. After seeing the other party's appearance, a strange light flashed in the depths of his pupils.

The violent mood then subsided, and the state of the whole person became quiet and peaceful.

Seeing this situation, Enilu smiled, it seemed that he still had some status in Weipa's heart, otherwise he would not have calmed down so quickly, but the changes of the great ape did not end there.

In the next second, the giant ape stretched out his right hand towards Anilu, and the movement was not fast or even a little slow.

Such a scene is really overwhelming, but a good duel has progressed to this point, and no one knows what this action means.

Of course, Enilu was the one who was most puzzled. Seeing that Wei Pa's palm was getting closer and closer to him, he didn't know what to do for a while, and couldn't move or not.

After a moment of hesitation, the huge palm more than ten meters long had already approached, and out of trust, Enilo chose to stand still in place.

Then, a soft touch came from the soles of the feet, and Anilo stood firmly on Weipa's giant palm.

At the same time, the corners of the giant ape's mouth slowly raised.

Seeing Weipa like Enilu always felt weird, but he couldn't figure out where the problem was.

As soon as I thought of this, there was an extremely dangerous warning signal from the back of my mind. The source of danger in all directions 360 degrees made the hairs on Enilo's body stand on end.

Before he had time to do anything extra, Enilo immediately turned into a black thunder and left the place.

Almost at the same time, Wei Pa's originally outstretched right hand closed instantly.

With a loud bang, the air exploded directly, and the air with a diameter of 30 meters around the fist instantly expanded and spread to the surroundings, forming a storm.


Seeing that the attack was in vain, the giant ape let out an extremely angry roar, hammering his fists on his chest and making a loud bang bang.

"Asshole, I'm really angry!"

Being fooled one after another, Anilu was also furious. If he hadn't reacted in time, he would have peeled off his skin just now.


His mouth grew wide, but he couldn't finish the sentence, because standing in front of him was someone he couldn't resist.

"Why are you here, Captain?"

The person who came was Katie, and of course only he was qualified to intervene in this situation.

"Weipa is awakening and his consciousness is relatively chaotic. Blindly attacking can't solve the problem, so leave it to me here."


Enilu nodded in agreement and then left the battlefield, after all, he didn't know what to do.

Although I had an awakening experience once, the situation in front of me is obviously different. If I continue to fight, God knows what the result will be.

At this moment, all the video call bugs were aimed at Katie, and both the audience below and the audience sitting in front of the TV could only feel their hearts beating violently.

I thought I would not see Katie make a move, but what is happening now is a surprise for everyone.

Although Katie's battle was reported more than once in the newspaper, it was just that the written description was far worse than what he saw with his own eyes.

Everyone wants to know how strong he is after reaching the Holy Land by himself.


Seeing that the opponent had changed, the giant ape couldn't help roaring.

However, some sharp-eyed people saw the hidden fear in the eyes of the great ape. Although they looked very fierce, they had no intention of doing anything.

"Is it really good that the difference is so obvious?" People can't help but sigh.

Although I knew that Katie was strong, I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. Weipa, who was in a state of rampage, was terrified just by standing there.

"Come on, let me move around a little bit." While speaking, Katie stretched out her right hand to provoke the great ape, and she was slightly interested in Weipa in this state.

Facing the provocative and irritable giant ape, he couldn't bear it any longer, and jumped to the sky above Katie's head, and a huge fist fell from the sky to hit Katie directly.

Seeing that the giant ape was so energetic, Katie couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of her mouth, and moved her wrists in a leisurely manner.

Seeing this, Enilu turned his head away subconsciously, and thought to himself: This guy Weipa is really looking for death, how dare he use force with the captain!

boom! ! !

The roar that resounded through the sky and the earth followed, but it was Katie and the great ape who fought.


The roar of the great ape followed, but this time there was something else besides anger, which seemed to be pain.

Before everyone could react, Katie took the lead.

"See if I don't wake you up!"

As the sound fell, Katie came directly to the giant ape in a flash, and aimed her sandbag-sized fist at the abdomen to blast.

bang, bang bang, bang bang bang;

The rhythmic muffled sound came suddenly, and it became faster and faster.

Such a sound made the onlookers have a toothache, because every sound meant an attack from Katie, such a high-frequency attack speed coupled with Katie's terrifying strength.

For a moment, everyone felt that Wei Pa was so pitiful.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths.

As time passed, Katie's punching speed was completely unstoppable, even though the giant ape tried to fight back in the process.

But every counterattack was forced back, and every time Katie counterattacked, the attack became more ruthless and more powerful.

"Boat, captain, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please forgive me!"

At a certain moment, Wei Pa's voice suddenly came.

At the same time, Katie's attack came to an abrupt end, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "Why, have you regained consciousness?"

Hearing this, the giant ape curled up tremblingly said: "Recovery."

At the end of the sentence, the body staggered, as if it touched some wounds.

Such a tragic situation made Enilu in the distance laugh secretly, and secretly said that he deserved it, and the anger in his heart disappeared.

"It's fine if you recover. Do you have any objections to the judgment of you losing this battle?"


Weipa replied that although he didn't like the result, he was not Enel's opponent from the very beginning.

Maybe now, the situation won't be as bad as before after his ability awakened.

But the reason why I was able to successfully awaken without any risk is also due to the captain's shot, which 'woke me up'.

In other words, from the moment the captain shot, he had already lost.

Seeing Weipa's lost look, Katie shook her head helplessly, and had to say that this guy's obsession was indeed deep enough.

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