One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 462 World Attention

The men who reacted operated the device, and when the last button was pressed, a TV channel that was normally broadcast suddenly went black.

"Huh? It's broken, what is it?" The owner sitting in front of the TV asked in surprise.

Just as he stepped forward to check it, the screen bounced a few times before returning to normal.


Looking at the picture displayed on the screen, the owner let out a little surprise, because it was completely different from what he had seen before.

However, he was not in a hurry to tune the channel, because he was also interested in the things on the screen.

It was a large-scale battle. Although I didn't know much about it, the ruins around the battlefield proved it.

He frowned slightly, and then wrinkled more and more. He always felt that something was wrong.

His eyes were fixed on the screen and he vowed to find something.


At a certain moment, the flashing picture made him dumbfounded on the spot, and a duck-like cry came from his throat.

Because he found that the image that flashed just now was somewhat similar to a certain landmark building in the Holy Land.

As soon as this thought came up, it was shot down with a 'snap', and even shook his head and sighed, wondering if he had fallen asleep stupidly.

That is a holy place, how could it be attacked, impossible, impossible

However, a voice that followed completely shattered his illusions, and he was almost scared to pee.

"Five old stars, you can't do this, hurry up and give up your position, your grandfather, I promise to give you a happy death!"


Now, the owner sitting in front of the TV really became a duck.

Is it because I haven't woken up yet? Otherwise, why would I hear someone scolding Wulaoxing?

Although I thought so too. Bah, I didn't think so! But is it really okay for you to say that?

For a moment, countless people were messed up in the wind.

Everything happened so suddenly that it was unacceptable. Not only that, some people went to the Holy Land and even blatantly scolded the Five Elders.

However, when Katie's face appeared in the eyes of the world, everyone was quiet.

Since it's Katie, it's fine.

A storm swept over, and the news that Katie had hit the Holy Land spread throughout the world within half an hour, and the ongoing battle was temporarily stopped because of the arrival of this news.

Because this battle directly determines the direction of the world, compared with it, his side is insignificant.

The Shadow House, the Four Emperors, the Navy, the Qiwuhai, etc., etc., everyone is watching this war that will determine the era.

However, Sakaski, who was sitting in the headquarters, gave an attack order to the 200,000 troops guarding Fishman Island while watching.

Without Katie, the overall strength of Shadow Building will undoubtedly decline a lot, this is the opportunity!

However, He and the others at the forefront didn't think so.

The threat of deep-sea sea kings to ordinary soldiers is too great!

Faced with Sakaski's order, Huang Yuan and other responsible persons did not launch an attack immediately, but started a video conference to ask Crane's opinion.

In the quiet and dim conference room, he frowned, thinking about various possibilities in his mind.

At this moment, everyone was silent, no one urged, even if the Marshal's phone on the other side kept ringing, it was useless.

After three breaths of time, the crane sternly said: "All the officers above the lieutenant general are dispatched, and the others stay where they are!"

One sentence is sonorous and powerful, although He is a woman and is old, but at this moment, he is so heroic that the dozens of lieutenant generals who are accompanying him stand at attention and take orders!

It's really a woman who doesn't give way to a man!


The persons in charge of the three parties nodded, then hung up the phone and prepared to act.

Warring States and Garp, who stood behind the crane, frowned. They knew more about the power of the Holy Land than anyone else, especially Garp.

Although I don't know when Katie broke through to the Awakened, but the Awakened is not enough, otherwise why would I wait until now.

Thinking of Katie's possible fall, Garp wrinkled more and more.

Although the appearance of this young man was not in his plan, his actions in the past two years have invisibly promoted his plan.

Of course, what is more important is his personal strength.

Although an awakened person can't solve everything, it has great significance for the future!

For this purpose, Garp does not want Katie to have an accident.

But right now, he had no choice but to pray that Katie would be fine.

Fishman Island;

The sudden news also shocked everyone in the Shadow Building, because Katie didn't tell anyone else about her plan except Esdeth.

Just when everyone was in doubt, a voice suddenly came!

"The shadow building belongs, meet the enemy with me!"

The blue figure stood in the air, and the aura emanating from his body made the admiral who was approaching at a speed tens of miles away panic for a while.

The first few people frowned even more, because they felt the fluctuation of the power of the law.

Especially Karp, with the word "dumb" written all over his face. When did the power of law become so bad?

Not only him, even Koshiro from the same camp was startled when he sensed the fluctuation of the law.

After reacting, he couldn't help shaking his head and lamented that it was indeed a family, and they were all so perverted.

The war was about to break out, and the two sides tacitly divided into two battlefields. The less powerful one was in the low-altitude area and the general was in the high-altitude area above 5,000 meters.

Although the total number of combatants is only more than a hundred people, the movement caused should not be too exaggerated.

Ice and snow, thunder, flashes of light, sword energy, etc. filled the entire sky, and the energy of various systems exploded one after another, and the calm world boiled instantly.


One of the five old stars failed to block Katie's attack, and was blasted from the sky into the ruins.

The leader looked around and found that everyone, including himself, had been hanged. Needless to say, the face of the one who was beaten into the ruins suddenly became ugly.

After a fight, the strength Katie showed really stunned them.

The power of the law is a trivial matter, but the strong physical fitness and the strange power of the five elements give them a headache.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth can attack when advancing, defend when retreating, and heal injuries; there is no flaw at all.

"Boss, the clansmen have almost withdrawn, it's time for us to let go and fight."

The fifth child who got out of the ruins said angrily, his eyes fixed on Katie, the blow just now was really humiliating and painful.

Hearing that the boss used his knowledge to scan the area below, the little breath of life that came back made him somewhat hesitant, but when he saw Katie's devastating attack coming again.

I thought to myself: Who told you to run slowly!

"Let go and fight!"

Immediately, the five quickly dodged to avoid Katie's full attack.

Without blocking, Katie's attack landed precisely on the holy land, causing secondary destruction to the land.

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