One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 455: The Riot Begins

As time passed, a loud bugle sound awakened the sleeping Navy Headquarters.

Before the sun rose, the lights on dozens of warships were turned on at the same moment.

The huge exit port was completely illuminated in just a split second.

Countless naval soldiers stood erect on the plywood warehouse, and the cool wind could not affect them.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are all looking at one place, because there stands their supreme leader!

"Comrades, you all know what happened these days. I don't want to repeat it, but everyone must be clear! No matter how the world changes, the Navy must stand firm!"

"We represent justice, symbolize justice, and shoulder justice, but the world is about to run amok because of those criminals, which is bound to cause harm to the world."

"Maybe it can't threaten you or me, but can we just stand by?"

"Can't! Can't! Can't!"

Facing Sakaski's question, everyone answered without hesitation.

The magnificent sound of tens of thousands of people shattered the dark clouds in the sky above, and caused circles of ripples on the calm sea.

Feeling the high fighting spirit of the soldiers, Sakaski nodded in satisfaction.

Then he stretched out his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and only after the voice slowed down did he continue: "The world will be in chaos, how can you and I live in peace!"

"Target Murloc Island, the whole army sets off!"

The second after Sakaski's last word fell, the loud bugle sounded again.

In response, dozens of warships blew their horns.

For a moment, the whistle that meant the departure signal resounded throughout the sea.

Dozens of warships docked at the port set sail and headed for Fishman Island in four directions.

Three minutes later, Andrilla became suddenly quiet, because the 30,000 troops who were staying here on a daily basis sent 25,000 troops directly.

All the generals of the navy were sent out, and nearly 90% of the generals, officers, officers, colonels, colonels, and lieutenants were sent out, including Lieutenant General Garp, Lieutenant General Crane, and former Marshal Warring States, and fifty-five warships were sent out!

Of course, these are not all the troops dispatched by the navy.

More manpower is waiting on the route of the four troops. Due to various reasons such as distance, funds, time, etc., they don't need to come to the headquarters to obey the unified deployment, as long as they can be carried out according to the time and without delaying the mission just fine.

After analyzing the shadow building, the navy dispatched a total of 200,000 troops this time.

Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru are in charge of the front, that is, the north of Fishman Island; the east is in charge of Lieutenant General Bogart, the backup general Momosagi, and the backup general Chafu; the west is in charge of Fujitora, Midori The two generals, Niu, are in charge; as for the final south, the general Huang Yuan is in charge.

In addition, there are more than a dozen general-level officers, hundreds of school-level officers, and 50,000 troops in each direction!

Forty nautical miles outside the Fishman Island formed a huge encirclement circle, which was the last line of defense for snipers who came to seek refuge with Katie, and also the first line of defense to prevent the members of the Shadow House from dispatching.

Sakaski is sitting in the headquarters to direct the operation.

In addition to him, the CP0 captain and the overall person in charge of this operation, Steel Bone Sora, also sit in the headquarters!

At the same time as the naval operation began, the air force also issued an order to the allies around the world to start the operation.

At the same time, one hundred and sixty-five kings of the allied countries issued action orders to the expedition troops that had already been prepared.

A total of 500,000 people with an average of about 3,000 people from each country quickly went into the sea and rushed towards the target set in the intelligence.

A total of 700,000 fighters quietly started this action plan called "Sleepy Dragon" before the sun rose.

These people are like sharp knives piercing the seas of the world, hunting for their targets.

Perhaps when some people became aware of their existence, these kingdom armies were likely to have arrived.

As for what the result will be, it depends on the sky.

Two hours later, Katie, who was practicing, was awakened by a loud knock on the door.

"Here we come!" Dissatisfied Katie answered with a frown.

The moment the door was opened, Dover's anxious voice came.

"My lord, it's not good, the world government has acted!"

Hearing this, Katie was refreshed, put away her dissatisfaction and faced up to the problem Dover mentioned.

"Go and inform the others to gather in the Dragon Palace meeting room first, and tell me about it when the time comes!"


Dover responded and then hurriedly turned and left.

His brain had already lost the ability to think when he got the news. The 200,000 elite navy was approaching, and the 500,000 royal army was hunting.

He had never encountered such a situation in his life, and he didn't know what to do, so he could only act according to Katie's opinion.

In a short while, the members of the Shadow House and the high-level executives of the Dragon Palace Kingdom gathered in the Dragon Palace meeting room again.

"Dover, come and briefly introduce the current situation." Without wasting time, Katie said straight to the point.


Dover got up and walked to the blackboard prepared in advance, picked up the chalk and said while drawing.

Three minutes later, Dover put down the chalk and said, "That's the way it is."

Faced with Dover's introduction, everyone in the Shadow Building was fine, because although Youlong's reminder shocked the world government's generosity, it was not unacceptable.

However, Neptune and the others panicked instantly.

They who have been staying below 10,000 meters under the sea have never seen such a battle.

Looking at the situation map on the blackboard, my body couldn't help shaking, and my mind went blank.

Thinking of the 200,000 elite navy on their way, a chill came from the tailbone to the brain.

"Master Kai, Kai, Katie, you should have a way to deal with it." Neptune asked in a trembling voice, for fear that Katie would give a desperate answer.

Because at this time, the only one he could ask for was Katie.

"Well~ how should I say it?"

After thinking for a moment, Katie said, "Everyone should look at this matter in several aspects."

"First of all, the main content of the World Government's operation should be the 500,000 royal army hunting outside, not the 200,000 navy approaching us."

"Secondly, even if the 200,000 navies really plan to attack our Fishman Island, I dare not say anything else, but it is still possible to keep them out."

"You have to know that these hundreds of warships in the navy are equivalent to a midday snack in front of the deep-sea sea kings, and it's a bit too small to take down my Fishman Island just by these people."

"Even if it's Karp, I still have a way to give him the moment!" Katie said firmly.

Today's Shadow Building is no longer the original dozen or so people. The total number of people including Fishman Island, Don Quixote Family, Tezolo, and the initial arrivals these days has exceeded 150,000!

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