One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 265 Katie's Proposal


The throat-piercing scream loosened the almost solidified space a little bit.

Under the watchful eyes of thousands of people, the 'sturdy' Bucky quickly split into dozens of pieces, floating around Katie out of thin air.

"Bageya Road, Kougeya Road! Why did you appear here!"

Hearing Bucky's words, Rikki, Alrita and others who came with him suddenly felt a wave of fear.

That was the super ruthless man who caused the navy to return without success several times, and even beheaded two Tianlong people in public!

Faced with such a person, is it really okay for you to do this, Captain?

Are you afraid of being eaten in one bite when it is broken into so many pieces?

Apparently in their eyes, Katie has become a cannibalistic demon.

Smiling slightly, facing Bucky's question, Katie showed a meaningful smile on her face.

"Because I'm here for you two." I stretched out my fingers and pointed to Bucky in front of me and Luo who was not far away.

A trace of unnaturalness quickly flashed across Bucky's face, who met the smile at close range, but it disappeared without a trace the next moment, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

As for Luo, his body was already stiff and he couldn't control it, especially when he saw Katie pointing at him, his body went limp and almost fell to the ground.

"What are you looking for us for? Do you want to thank me for saving you in Advance City?" Bucky didn't realize that something was wrong with the atmosphere around him. Bucky still had a nonchalant smile on his face, and even reached out and patted Katie on the shoulder twice. .

Bucky's move really scared the audience next to him, for fear that this would arouse Katie's killing intent to attack them.

However, Katie's next answer was beyond everyone's expectations: "Although most of the credit for saving me should be attributed to Luffy, it is undeniable that I need to thank you."

"So if you stop here, I'll pretend nothing happened, how?"

Katie's proposal was like the first spring rain in spring to bring infinite hope to Luo, who was already in despair. Just before he opened his mouth and throat to pronounce his agreement, Bucky made another statement.

"Huh? I've never seen such an arrogant person when I grow up! Why do you want me to stop!" It seemed that Katie's proposal had caused Bucky a lot of grievances. Angrily, he glared at Katie and did not back down at all. plan.



Facing Bucky's enigmatic 'confidence', everyone was collectively stunned. In addition to the dozen or so people around Bucky, there were also thousands of palace guards.

They really wondered if Bucky's head got water when it split, otherwise how dare they refuse Katie's proposal!

As for Luo, he has the heart to kill Bucky.

"Master Katie, if he doesn't quit, we will quit"

However, before Luo could finish his last word, Katie's order had already been issued.

"In that case, let's fight!"

Following Katie's order, a space gate suddenly opened above the huge central hall, revealing half of the ship.

"This, this is the legendary Emperor Wuhao!"

Looking at the ship suspended in mid-air, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

As the first ship in the history of the world that can travel through space at will, the name of Emperor Wu is also deeply remembered by the world.

Someone even listed an interesting ranking list of battleships, recording all kinds of famous ships that have appeared.

The existence of Emperor Wuhao was even ranked second.

As for the first place, it only has a name, no information or even a picture, but no one doubts its status.

Just because it is called Pluto!

The legendary ancient weapon that can sink an island with one shot!

Seeing the familiar face standing beside the Emperor Wu ship, Luo completely despaired and gave up his plan to escape.

He's meow! Escaping from the hands of seven or eight strong men who are all above the alternate generals, I am afraid that if the yellow ape comes, they will have to stop eating, let alone themselves!

"Bucky! I'll fuck your mother! If I die today, I will have to pay you in hell!"

The angry and desperate Luo finally couldn't help but swear, because he was afraid that if he didn't swear this time, he wouldn't have a chance to swear!

"Don't worry, no one will die today."

Unlike the others, Bucky didn't look nervous at all.


After being tricked by Bucky until now, Luo no longer believed every word and every word he said.

"Let's discuss it, let the princess go, I can give you a chance."

"what chance?"

This time it was not Bucky who spoke but Luo. Having learned his lesson, he kept paying attention to Katie's movements, and Luo asked a question almost as soon as Katie finished speaking.

"As long as you let the princess go, we will only send one person in this battle and you will pick it. If you win, let you go. If you lose, let us deal with it. How about it?"

Hearing Katie's words, the old king was excited, and looked at Katie with eyes full of thanks, not to mention that his hands were trembling non-stop, and he almost shed tears of excitement.

When Katie first appeared, Habilly didn't know what words to use to describe his mood.

More desperate than despair, more helpless than helpless.

Usually, no one pays attention to me here, and it is rare for a pirate to come.

But today, not to mention the two kings Shichibukai appearing together, even the legendary Katie and his gang also followed!

My heart can hardly bear such a big stimulus.

However, after hearing Katie's proposal, Habilly instantly revived with full blood. Although he didn't know why Katie did this, at least he was helping himself.

"Yes, we promise."

Luo didn't even think about Katie's proposal and agreed directly.

If you can't win even when the opponent is alone, then you can only say that you are too weak!

What's more, Luo's brain clearly records the detailed information of Katie's group. Not everyone in Katie's group is invincible, at least there are two guys who are not that strong.

And this will also be your own opportunity!

"Polar Bear, let the princess go."

After making a decision, Luo didn't talk nonsense and asked his subordinates to release him directly. He believed that people like Katie would not easily count their words.


The fat white bear hesitated a few times after hearing Luo's order, and finally let go of the bear's paw that was restraining Alice.


Alice, who had regained her freedom, trotted all the way to Habilly, and the tears of excitement spilled on the ground like pearls with a broken string.

"Thank you, thank you Katie-sama!"

While comforting the daughter in his arms, on the other hand, he sincerely thanked Katie.

Habilly knew that without Katie's help this time, he would definitely choose between his daughter and the country.

And no matter which one you give up, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

"It doesn't matter. If you really want to thank you, Mr. Xie Long will be fine. He is the one who begged us for help."

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