One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 256 Blood Awakening

In the time it takes to speak, Kojima has already arrived.

Without anyone saying a word, the two standing at the bow jumped off the boat consciously.

"Koshiro, do you want to take a gamble, I bet the winner will be Enilo."

Seeing Weipa and Enilo, who have already entered the fighting state on the island, Tai Long, who thinks watching a play is boring, specially asks Koshiro Kami for a small bet.

"Oh? When did the two of you become so close? You shouldn't wish Enilo would lose, right?" Koshiro said strangely, with a little smile on his face.

"Ah, this." Tai Long was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to argue.

On the other side, Magellan also came up. "Although Weipa's improvement can be described as terrifying, it is still a long way from Enilo. After all, the title of the strongest natural element of Thunder Fruit is not for nothing."

"I can see it, the two of you are definitely old gay friends." Tai Long complained dissatisfied.

Obviously, after being explained by Magellan, it is naturally impossible to continue to cheat Koshiro.

"You have wronged people. Anyone can see the actual situation of Weipa." Koshiro disagreed with Tailong's statement.

Although I am not a capable person, but my perception is still there, I can naturally judge the general situation of Wei Pa.

Hearing the speeches of the big shots, Kuina couldn't help but feel puzzled. Did Weipa really have no chance at all?

As an intern, she is naturally more inclined to Weipa, and the fruit ability is obviously unusual.

"Don't worry, young master, I will take good care of you."

After arriving at the battlefield, Enilo took the lead in making provocative words.

Wei Pa naturally responded to this. "Hehe, I hope you don't get beaten all over the floor by me."

A conversation completely ignited the fighting spirit in each other's hearts.

In the next second, the figures of the two disappeared in an instant, replaced by roars all over the sky!

I don't know how long the island has not been set foot by human beings. At this moment, it finally bears the imprint of human beings.

It's just that this kind of imprint is not friendly. Pieces of trees were broken from it, and tons of stones flew across the sky.

The two people who didn't like each other went all out as soon as they got started, and they didn't show mercy at all.

In particular, Enilo directly used the fruit ability to turn into azure lightning and scurry around the island, trying to attack from various positions.

Facing the thunder attack coming from all over him, Weipa's response was the same as Garp's, breaking everything with one punch!

After more than a year of hard training, Weipa's physical fitness has reached the king level without using the fruit ability.

Under the fruit ability, it is further upgraded to the king level Lv5, and Weipa's strong physical fitness allows Weipa to have the ability to blast ordinary thunder attacks.

"Hey! This kind of attack is not painful to me now!"

Facing Weipa's ridicule, Enilu unexpectedly did not refute, and still went his own way.

Attack Weipa with lightning while dodging the attack.

The situation is so stalemate, but it is hard to see who is strong and who is weak.


A few minutes later, an unusual voice suddenly sounded. It was Weipa's negligence that failed to block the thunder and lightning attacking from the back.

The white hair on Weipa's back was instantly scorched black under the violent thunder and lightning attack.


A roar contained Weipa's unwillingness and anger.

The pain made him realize that what Anilu did was not useless, but he was planning to play with himself and consume!

"It's too late to react now."

This time it was Weipa's turn to have nothing to say, because what Anilu said was the truth, and his reaction was indeed a bit late.

There is no doubt that under Enilo's kite-flying tactics, even if he turns into Zhu Yan, it will not help.

Because you can't touch each other at all!

"God's punishment!"

"Thunder beast!"


Enel in the battle typically takes advantage of your illness to kill you.

Seeing that Weipa's physical strength began to decline, he quickly controlled the thunderbolts to fall.

As a veteran of fruit abilities, Anilo knows very well that the stronger the fruit ability, the higher the physical requirements of the user.

Even if the vermilion fruit can improve Wei Pa's physical fitness to a certain extent, it is absolutely impossible for him to use it for a long time, once his physical strength is exhausted.

It's not like you can clean up as you want!

"This guy Enel is too bad!"

Looking at Anilu who was still flying a kite at this time, Tai Long couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The thunderous fruit with huge destructive power obviously has a more direct way of fighting, but Enilo chose this kind of way that does not cause much damage but is extremely insulting.

"Indeed." Even Koshiro had to admit that this method was a torture for Enel's enemies.

Kong has all his strength but has nowhere to use it. He wants to escape but can't escape, because there are few people in the world who are faster than him.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

As time passed, the interval between Weipa's two roars became shorter and shorter.

Resisting attacks, enduring pain, etc. all consume energy, so that Weipa is now seriously exhausted.

Feeling the increasingly empty body, Wei Pa couldn't help feeling anxious.

"What should I do, what should I do?"

Wei Pa couldn't help but ask himself in his heart.

"Is this the only way to lose?"

The insurmountable gap made Weipa at a loss, and he couldn't think of any way to meet Enilo.

If you can't even touch him, how can you hurt him!

"But, but, the only person I don't want to lose to is him!"

Weipa shouted in his heart, he can lose to anyone, but this person in front of him doesn't want to lose no matter what!

"The power of my blood, if you really exist, come out and show me, at least let me fight with all my strength!"

The next moment, just when Weipa was about to despair, the familiar feeling struck again.

Endless power suddenly burst out from all over the body, unstoppable like a fountain.

At the same time, Weipa's body also changed, and the red hair that originally only occupied one tenth of the body area suddenly began to expand.

In an instant, it occupies half of the body surface area.

What's even more exaggerated is that the aura from Weipa's body suddenly increased.

The bleeding wound on the body stopped bleeding, healed, and scabbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that, Enilu was stunned.

"This, what's going on here?"

However, before Anilu could figure out everything in front of him, Weipa not far away launched another attack.

But he saw his body squatting down slightly, his movements were a bit like that of an ape.

But at the next moment, Wei Pa's figure suddenly disappeared.

"not good!"

The strong danger signal in his mind reminded Anilu of his approaching danger.

In the heart net world, Anilu caught a fast-moving target, and subconsciously fell to the side.

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