One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 101 Katie Shots

"Stupid rebels keep their eyes open and watch, this is the fate of rebelling against me and rebelling against God!"

Stretching out his fingers, he pointed to Gan Fore and Weipa who were hanging aside, with cheerful expressions on their faces, even though they were prepared, they were still vulnerable.

When other people saw the appearance of Wei Pa and the two of them, they almost couldn't hold back and rushed forward to fight with Anilu. If they didn't recognize the unique clothes on the two of them, they wouldn't even be sure that it was them. There were scars all over the body, and they couldn't find it. The skin was half intact, but in some places it was torn apart, and the injuries were so serious that they were on the verge of death!


Even though the two were so injured, Anilu still didn't intend to let them go, and ordered thunder to fall on the two people who were hanging.


The originally numb nerves recovered again due to the super strong stimulation, hitting the sore spot of the soul and almost defeating the last line of defense in the hearts of the two.

The already life-threatening injuries were further aggravated because of this, and the scarlet blood slid down drop by drop along the body, converging into a stream of blood on the ground.

"Bastard Enil, I will fight with you!"

In the crowd watching not far away, some people couldn't bear this kind of torture. They raised their weapons and rushed towards Enilo shouting.

With the first person to eat crabs, other people also raised their arms to resist collectively. They know how brutal Enilo's rule is, and finally ushered in a new peaceful life. How could they be willing to go back to the past? miserable life.

Facing the collective riot of hundreds of people, Enilu could not see any tension on his face.

"God's punishment!"

The arm turned into thunder, and violent thunder and lightning exploded around Anilu's right arm. At a certain moment, the condensed and compressed thunder light soared into the sky, bombarding the thundercloud above the heads of the crowd.

Feeling the extremely uneasy atmosphere above their heads, hundreds of people couldn't help but stop advancing, and all the fears that were about to be forgotten were all recalled at once.

"No, don't!" The courage to resist vanished in an instant, and one after another, they ran wildly and tried their best to escape from the thunder cloud.

"Yehaha, seeing if this is the person you sacrificed your life to protect, it's not for your own choice to abandon you now."

"Ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

The expected attack did not fall, but Enilo's wanton laughter spread throughout the battlefield.

The reason why the attack didn't fall was because he did it on purpose. He liked to watch others panic, which made him feel more like a god.

Facing Enilu's ridicule, although everyone held the sharp blade tightly in their hands, none of them had the courage to open their mouths to say a word. They all lowered their heads and dared not look at Enilu, nor did they dare to look directly at Wei Pa and Gan Fu you.

Whoosh; just when Anilu was extremely excited, an arrow pierced the sky and passed through Anilu's head with precision, but it failed to cause any damage to Anilu, and shot in the back as soon as it passed through on the open space.

"Don't listen to your beep!"

A figure came out more and more, stood in front of everyone, once again raised a bow and drew an arrow under the eyes of everyone, and the arrow pointed directly at Ai Nilu.

The fluttering long hair pierced deeply into the hearts of everyone present.

At this moment, Alice gathered everyone's attention.

No one expected that it would be Alice, a girl who just celebrated her 18th birthday yesterday, who stood up at this time.

"Just because you are worthy of being the god of Sky Island! Wishful thinking!"

"It's just that you only use force to oppress and intimidate others, and force others to submit to themselves. You are not worthy of being a god like this!"

"You can clearly hear the pain in other people's hearts, but you don't care at all. You have great power but don't take the slightest responsibility. You don't deserve it!"

"Like you, you only know how to put on airs to fool the mystery, and you put on the appearance of a god but do what a devil would do. What kind of a person are you!"

Every word punishes the heart, every sentence breaks the heart.

Alice's voice is not loud or even a little low, but it has amazing magic power, not only clearly spread throughout the battlefield, but also penetrates into everyone's heart.

At this moment, an unknown emotion sprung up from the bottom of everyone's heart like mushrooms after a spring rain, and then grew uncontrollably and crazily, filling the entire chest in an instant.

"Anilu, get out of our home! We don't need you, let alone welcome you! Get out!"

Because of Alice's words, the people who were originally intimidated by Enil's terrorist power once again raised their weapons. At this moment, they were not afraid of danger or death. In order to drive away Enil, they were willing to sacrifice everything including their own. Life!

Similarly, Alice's voice reached Enilo's ears, and he was even stunned for a moment because of this.

In the past six years when I ruled Sky Island, countless people have opened their mouths to scold me, but no one has ever said anything like her. Every word and sentence is like a fiery seal engraved in my mind. deepest.

It is undeniable that there is also an inexplicable feeling in my heart, but it is more anger, boundless anger!

"Damn! Damn you all!"

"I am God, and everything God does is correct! It's just a group of untouchables who dare to disobey God's will. If that's the case, let me die!"

"Thunder falls!"

With a wave of his right hand, the dark clouds gathered above everyone's heads erupted instantly, and a huge beam of lightning with a diameter of more than 100 meters fell from the sky. Even before it fell, the land under the beam of lightning had already begun to collapse.

"Ai Nilu, they are just unarmed ordinary people, do you need to kill them all!"

Gan Fall, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, screamed desperately, if the lightning beam really fell, the hundreds of people below would not be able to survive.

"Do you think it's possible?" However, the response to Gan Fall was only a wicked smile.

"No, don't! Run away and leave us alone!"

Having dealt with Enel for six or seven years, Gan Fall didn't know the meaning of this smile. There was no doubt that Enel had no intention of letting them go, and shouted for everyone to leave.

However, the speed of the thunder and lightning was so fast that they were just ordinary people. Although they tried their best to escape, it was of no avail. Seeing that the beam of thunder and lightning was about to hit them, they closed their eyes in despair at this moment.


Just when everyone thought that everything was about to end, a strange voice suddenly came, followed by a bright sword light that was far more dazzling than the Lei Guangzhu, and then struck the Lei Guangzhu first.

A loud bang spread across the entire sky island, and the sudden burst of dazzling brilliance temporarily blinded the eyes of hundreds of people below.

It took a long time before everything returned to calm.

When people opened their eyes to look at the world again, they were surprised to find that there were no scars on their bodies. What was even more unexpected was that three strange figures that had never been seen before suddenly appeared at the front of the crowd.

Among them, most of them were looking at the young man holding the sword in the middle.

Obviously, he resolved the crisis just now.

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