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Early the next morning.

Headquarters of the Navy.

Just after dawn, the squirrel was already waiting in line at the port with a thousand of his subordinates.

Although they had been standing in the port for more than ten minutes, everyone did not complain, not even a trace of dissatisfaction.

Including the squirrel, the colonels, lieutenants, and ordinary sailors all stood straight in place, their eyes resolute.

Because what they are waiting for is Mr. Luo Xiu!

That legend in the navy!

They were able to carry out the mission with Mr. Luo Xiu, and they were too late to be excited, how could they complain?

You know, this opportunity was won by their commander, Lieutenant General Squirrel.

“Here it comes!”

Suddenly, the eyes of the squirrel standing at the front lit up.

I saw that in his field of vision, an old man in casual clothes was walking quickly with two young people.

Mr. Luo Xiu is here!

It’s just that……

“Stinky boy! Yesterday let you go to bed early and get up early, you secretly got up again for supper, this time it’s late! ”

At this time, Luo Xiu was still teaching this Luffy a lesson while rushing towards the port.

Luffy’s appearance was already swollen into a pig’s head, and his face was full of grievances.

“Grandpa Tai… Am I so hungry… Who let me not eat enough for yesterday’s dinner…”

“Not full yet? You’re a pig! Luo Xiu was helpless.

This little guy’s physique is almost the same as Karp’s back then.

As much physical energy as you consume, you need to replenish as much food.

Although physical strength is replenished quickly, food consumption is also fast!

If it weren’t for Luffy who secretly got up yesterday to find something to eat, and ate until the early hours of the morning, resulting in oversleep, how could they be late?

When he was about to come to the squirrel crowd, Luo Xiu finally gave up teaching Luffy.


As soon as Luo Xiu walked in, Lieutenant General Squirrel shouted loudly, saluting while shouting.

Subsequently, a thousand people also saluted Luo Xiu in unison, with a respectful expression.

“Ahem.” In the face of the salutes of all the sailors, Luo Xiu also saluted back, and then coughed lightly and said, “Everyone has arrived, in that case, then let’s set off now.” ”

“Yes! Mr. Rothew. ”

Vice Admiral Squirrel responded respectfully, and then shouted to the crowd: “Everyone board the ship!” Get ready to go! ”

When the words fell, a thousand people walked in unison through the ten wooden stairs on the warship and walked up the warship in an orderly manner.

The well-trained appearance made Luo Xiu sigh a little.

But soon, Luo Xiu took it back

“Fortunately, the little girl didn’t follow.”

Yesterday, after the little girl of Peach Rabbit heard that he was going out to do a task, she had to follow him.

It took him a lot of effort to persuade her to go back.

What is this girl like to stick to herself all day…

Shaking his head, Luo Xiu retracted his thoughts, turned his head, and found that all the soldiers had already boarded the ship, and then said to Solon and Luffy, the two little guys: “Okay, let’s go up too.” ”

Their warship is not the combat warship that Vice Admiral Squirrel often uses, but a transport ship.

After all, the island of Marin Fandor is in the first half of the Great Voyage, and if you want to go to Punk Hassad Island, which is located in the second half of the New World Sea, you must cross the Red Earth Continent.

And there are only two routes in this route, one is to walk 10,000 meters under the sea of Fishman Island,

The other is through the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Not to mention which road on Fishman Island is very dangerous, it takes a very long time, so Luo Xiu and they naturally choose to take the holy land of Mary Joya.

Yesterday, the Warring States had already reported to the World Government that they were going, so after arriving at the Holy Land of Mary Joa, someone would naturally pick them up, and they would also prepare combat warships for them on the other side of the Red Earth Continent.

This is the benefit of the Navy, if you want to go to the new world, just call the world government, and you don’t have to spend money to apply and don’t spend more time.

However, although the path to the Holy Land of Mary Joa is a little faster, and there is no danger.

But when Luo Xiu and them came to the other side of the Red Earth Continent, it was already afternoon.

After all, the distance between walking the Holy Land Mary Joa and walking on Fishman Island is the same, but there is only less time for coating.

Along the way, the guys sent by the world government to lead the way are just like robots.

Aside from a few notes, there is not a word of nonsense.

Moreover, the world government did not mention anything about Luo Xiu beating Draco.

Originally, Luo Xiu thought that the world government would make it difficult for him on this, even if the Valhik he hit didn’t want to seek revenge, but hitting Draco was almost equivalent to hitting the world government in the face.

But since the world government did not mention it, he did not find himself bored and mentioned this matter himself.

Coming to the warship prepared by the world government, Luo Xiu and the squirrel and other naval soldiers did not talk nonsense, and directly drove the warship away.

When Luo Xiu and the others left, the port went up to ten thousand meters, the top of the Red Earth Continent, the holy land of Mary Joya.

In the conference room of the five old stars, the five old stars at the peak of world government power have different postures, either sitting or standing.

Their eyes were all focused on the screen in front of them projected by the video phone worm.

What was playing on the screen was exactly the picture of Luo Xiu and the others when they boarded the ship.

At this moment, several people from the five old stars were staring at Luo Xiu on the screen, discussing something.

“This is the Luo Xiu who hit Valhik the other day?”

“Looking at his appearance, it seems that there is nothing special.”

“Please report that he is now a hundred years old, and Kazuku belongs to the navy who joined the navy at the same time, and when Kapu and Sengoku and Tsuru first joined the navy, he accepted these three as disciples, and also mentored many people, and before retirement, he was called the godfather of the navy.”

“But he has been in the Navy for so many years, but he has not made any achievements, and the results are very dull.”

“Such an old and refined fellow, since he has the courage to fight the nobles of the world, then he must have his own confidence.”

“Have you seen Lieutenant General Squirrel’s respectful attitude towards Luo Xiu? There was no communication between this lieutenant general and Luo Xiu. ”

“To make an elite lieutenant general of the headquarters so respectful, this person is not simple…”

“In the future, we have to pay attention to this guy, this person is in the navy, which will affect our control of the navy.”

“That’s right…”

Luo Xiu, who had already set sail, did not know that he had been studied by the Five Old Stars before.

Now he is leisurely drinking wine and blowing the sea breeze, sailing towards the naval branch where Caesar is imprisoned by the mastermind of the Punk Hassad bombing.


At the same time.

New World, the palace of King Dressrosa.

King Dressrosa, Nanabu Haido Flamengo, was holding a letter with a very ugly face. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read-

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