On the Seven Towers

Chapter 701 The Time of Fall

"Is that a self-destruction?" Tasia exclaimed.

"That's Andrea's self-destruction technique. How could anyone practice such magic! Run!" Elena activated the flying technique as she spoke, grabbed Evelin beside her, and flew away.

Andrea's self-destruction technique, just like its name, originated from a saint named Andrea in the Seven Towers era. At that time, it was during the war between the Seven Sacred Towers and the Natural Temple. The spell developed by this saint was to have a few more people on his back when he died. This idea was highly praised by the Mages United Council at that time. Many magicians have learned this spell. In the last stage of their lives, they can use their remaining spiritual power to deal the final blow to their enemies.

However, after the era of life-and-death wars passed, few mages practiced such magic. I didn’t expect that Master Edel would be one of them.

Those white magic powers chased Tasia, Elena and Xiao Chen respectively, but Roger, who was blasted away by Edel, was not in the range of them. While they were flying rapidly, they could feel the surging power of the magic coming from behind.

Tasia saw the magic power getting closer and closer, and secretly estimated that she would not be able to withstand the death blow of the great magician. She had no choice but to take the initiative to disperse her body and throw her robe at the white light arrow. However, her mental power picked up the fallen magic accessories and storage rings and flew in the direction of Xiao Chen. The light arrow caught up with her robe and blew it to pieces.

The situation on Elena and Evelin's side was different. Elena could not give up Evelin and escape on her own.

Evelin said: "You fly more steadily, and I will kill him."

So Elena no longer changed her route, but flew straight with all her strength. Evelin fired a series of arrows with extremely fast hand speed, hitting the white light arrows again and again. The fighting spirit she released continued to interact with the light arrows. The energy in the arrow was offset, weakening the power of the light arrow a lot. When the light arrow caught up with them, the energy contained in it was less than one-third of the original. When the light arrow reached her body, Elena hugged her He caught Evelin and used his own body to block her back. Half of Elena's body was directly shattered, but Evelin only suffered minor injuries under the protection of Dou Qi.

Xiao Chen looked at the light arrows flying in the distance and ran away in a hurry. He had just crossed the level and used the thorn of the soul, which already left him in a weak mental state. He didn't have the tricks others used.

Xiao Chen had no choice but to use magic and light arrows to fight while summoning shields one after another. He even projected a part of the meditation space close to his body as a barrier, but when the light arrow containing the great magician's last mental power and vitality approached, At that moment, he knew something was wrong. The energy contained in this light arrow still exceeded the limit that he could withstand. He watched the pure white magic power swallowing up the shield on his body layer by layer. He had no choice but to Use the power contained in the world of meditation to consume it.

Layers of blue water surged around him and started a tug-of-war with the white light. At this time, the essence of his battle was the confrontation between his mental power and Edel's remaining mental power. Edel's realm is higher and his strength is stronger, but Xiao Chen's mental power is simply endless.

At first, Edel almost broke through Xiao Chen's final defense, but at the last moment, a new spiritual force that came from nowhere joined the battle. Xiao Chen felt that that force was very familiar to him, and he used it to It was extremely natural, and with its help, he actually used the world of meditation to resist Edel's attack. Slowly he and Edel became evenly matched, and after a while, Edel's power finally failed, and he was slowly pushed back by Xiao Chen's mental power.

When Xiao Chen completely eliminated the white energy, he had been pushed into the forest on the ground. Before he could make too many adjustments, he was knocked down into the grass. At this time, his mental power was almost exhausted. He seemed to feel that the new mental power was sending him some message, but the sleepiness that swept over him still made him faint.


Edel was killed by Xiao Chen and others, which suddenly relieved the pressure on the city. However, there was too much magic halo in the sky. The second battalion commander Ma Guoming and other soldiers on the city did not know what happened. .

Ma Guoming pulled the mage next to him and asked: "The most powerful magician in the sky seems to have disappeared. Has he turned into a few white lights?"

The mage supported the shield and said uncertainly: "Just now, the mage was releasing lightning magic to hit our artillery position here, but then it seemed to be attacked. The attacker became invisible and we couldn't see who it was."

Another mage said: "I only saw dispelling magic hitting his shield, and then for some reason he turned into several white lights. Maybe it was a teleportation magic?"

Ma Guoming guessed: "Did the people we were tracking outside the city attack them? Or did Captain Shi arrange some back-up and send people to attack them outside the city?"

The previous mage said: "Anyway, our pressure is much lighter now. Now I believe we can withstand it!"

Taking advantage of the decrease in attacks from the sky, Ma Guoming poked his head out to take a look at the edge of the battlement. He felt chilled by the imperial soldiers gathered below. He gritted his teeth and said, "But the situation below is not right. Although Captain Shi seemed to have sent people to destroy the bridge just now, the other party's people had already gathered at the moat, and they actually used ice magic to create bridges that were about to cross.

Damn it, the others continue to focus on the mages in the sky. Now the pressure is much less, let the remaining mortars attack the enemies gathered below. The third row is responsible for continuing to throw shells and blow up the ice bridge. "

"Battalion commander..." A mage said hesitantly, "That... I, I have a question."

"If you have anything to say, hurry up. It's already this time." Ma Guoming said unhappily.

"If, I mean if we can't hold on below. What should we do on the wall?" The mage said in a choked voice, "Others can still retreat, but we will be blocked on the wall by the enemies rushing in. Where can we retreat?"

Ma Guoming grabbed the mage's collar and said word by word: "Now you fight with all your strength. Thinking about these things will only make you die faster!"

The mage was frightened by Ma Guoming's dark face and nodded repeatedly.

Ma Guoming shook the pistol in his hand and said: "Do you think that even if you hold on below, there will be no deaths above? Now is a war. When the fighting starts, it's your turn to die or mine to die. No one's say has any say. But if anyone fails me now, I can guarantee that he will die immediately. "

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