On the Seven Towers

Chapter 569 The Road Ahead

"That's right. Many people nowadays think that magic and fighting spirit are given by gods. In fact, it's quite the opposite." The prophet said, "When we first gained the power to become gods, we would only use our innate divine power extensively. Even if we gather together After studying together for many years, we developed some very simple techniques.

For example, the God of Nature's first magic is a spell called Grass Growth, which makes weeds grow wildly on the ground, while the God of War's first magic is called Headbutt, which makes his head turn into The energy flies out and hits the enemy. The reason why he doesn't use fists is because he can control the direction of the head's flight through his brain that flies out together. And the God of Death invented a magic called the Dance of Death, which makes the dead stand up and dance again. And I gained the ability to turn back time five minutes. "

Xiao Chen and others were dumbfounded as they listened to the prophet talking about these unimaginably beautiful spells, and the original sense of awe for the gods in their hearts completely collapsed.

The prophet continued: "Later, humans on the ground gradually discovered the remaining magic power in the air. They began to learn to apply these powers.

They were roughly divided into three factions. One faction tried to use human beings' powerful spiritual power to perceive and control these magic powers, and apply these magic powers to the external world. These people later became magicians.

The other group tried to use mental power to draw part of the magic power into the body, use this magic power to flush the body, and use the magic power in the body to induce greater magic power in the world. These people later became fighting spirit warriors.

There are also people who use the bloodline of powerful monsters to transform their bodies and imitate the natural abilities of monsters to exert these powers. These people become bloodline warriors.

At first, the spells and combat techniques in their hands were worse than those of the gods, but there were too many of them. Generations of mages and warriors continued to study these techniques, and soon humans' understanding and mastery of these things surpassed that of the gods. level.

We gods are secretly learning human skills, but at the same time we are afraid that humans will become too powerful and threaten our existence. So we perform miracles in the world to recruit people who are attracted to us. These people who had faith gathered together and became the predecessors of various temples. In order for the gods to have the ability to fight against those magicians and warriors. Giving them part of their own divine power, these people became priests and paladins who could use divine power. This is the beginning of the mythical age. "

"Then what led to the battle of the gods in the end?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Naturally, there is competition for magic power. The magic power in this world is limited. As I just said, the gods' greed for magic power is endless. Originally, no god knew how these powers would work after a god dies, but those smart people Human beings have discovered the relationship between gods and magic. As long as a god falls, the magic in him will be released and become ownerless again. Her temple and priests will also lose the blessing of this power. Divine spells can no longer be used.

Then God was moved. There are several theories about the beginning of the war of the gods. Because I rarely hang out with them, I don’t know who started the fight. By the time I realized that this was a war, the God of Death had been killed by the God of Nature. The God of Nature absorbed most of the energy released by the death of the God of Death and became more powerful than other gods, including the God of War and the God of Wisdom. And I had to gang up on him. But we are still no match for the God of Nature. The God of Nature seems to have been prepared. He has made his family elves and pet dragons very powerful. In the final battle, he first killed the God of Wisdom, and finally killed the God of War at the cost of being seriously injured and falling into sleep.

And my power is the weakest, and I have no temple or priest at all, so he put me at the end, and fell asleep before he could kill me. But he has long said that since the war between gods has begun, there is no need for a second god in the world. One day he will kill me like he killed other gods. "

"It's so crazy! This, this is like killing people and eating meat!" Ye Zi said.

"In front of the desire for power, these are just the release of instinct. Not only will the God of Nature not let me go, he will not leave you any magic power. Therefore, we are truly on the same front. "At this point, the prophet looked up at the surrounding arena and said, "Our time is up."

Luo Ling said: "Wait a minute, I found that you are very familiar with our world. Can you tell me who you were before you became a god?"

"Me? Before I became a god, I had a name, He Xiaoxi. But I'll tell my story next time I have a chance." After saying this, everyone was ejected from the God of War Arena.


After the prophet left the Arena of the God of War, he disappeared without a trace. Xiao Chen and the others gathered the horses pulling the cart, and quickly left the location of the battle using the method of the weak riding horses and the strong flying. Perhaps it was the lack of news from Venegas that delayed Queen Laura's actions, and they never encountered the incoming pursuers. On the way, they forcibly bought the horses of two caravans, and finally collected enough horses for each person.

Xiao Chen announced that he would lead the team to Black Mountain. All mages who were unwilling to stay could find their own way out. The final result satisfied him. Nearly 70% of the mages chose to stay, including the most powerful Master Gordon and the three Battle Angel.

In the evening, Xiao Chen and the others camped in a small village west of the royal capital.

After everyone was settled, the four people who came out of the God of War Arena got together again.

The bonfire was crackling, and the silent barrier blocked out external sounds. Xiao Chen and the others sat in the quiet night, each lost in thought. They have experienced too many things today, and the information they have received is even more shocking. Everyone needs some time to sort out their thoughts.

Finally, Ye Zi broke the silence. She touched the tattoo on her hand and said, "It's a pity that the time is too short. We still haven't had time to ask many questions, such as what is the connection between the God of War and me."

"There will always be a chance to know in the future." Xiao Chen said.

"Judging from her description, these gods are really a combination of madmen and tyrants. I really can't figure out what relationship I can have with such people or gods." Ye Zi said.

"Actually, it's not surprising. If people like us suddenly gain power and are pushed to such a position, our mentality will definitely be unbalanced. When the power cannot match the mood and there are no restraints, it will cause disaster." Luo Ling said He was holding a branch and bending it gently.

"Sister Luo Ling, the question you asked today is implying that she is the same as us? Is she also a human being and comes from the earth?" Ye Zi asked.

Luo Ling asked: "Are there any other places where people would say that they receive bento?"

Ye Zi nodded and said, "That's right. If she were from Earth, the situation would be different."

"She is the same for everyone. What is important is what path we are going to take in the future." Xiao Chen said at this time, "From the beginning when we knew about the God of Nature, we have never sat idle. It doesn't matter if she comes or not. That’s fine, aren’t we always walking on our own path?”

Li Tianrui, who had said nothing today, said: "I like to hear Xiao Chen's words. I have been thinking in the arena that they used to have nothing to do with me, and it is all in the past tense. After all, they are just trying to trick us. Are we going to fight against the God of Nature? We can’t follow other people’s ideas. If we want to fight against the God of Nature, we must be independent.”

Luo Ling and Ye Zi, who were still pondering He Xiaoxi's identity, were stunned by Li Tianrui's words. Only then did they realize that they were being led by the other party.

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile and said: "Comrade Lao Li summed it up well. This is the path we want to take. It's exactly: let's go. Let's look at the current situation."

(Volume 4: The End of Ningwu)

Another volume is finished, thank you to the book friends who have been subscribing here for their support. Although our number is small, we live up to the saying that good friends are hard to find.

In this volume, the balance of the kingdom has been completely shattered. How could the eager northern neighbor let go of this opportunity? The struggle for hegemony on this continent will begin in the next volume.

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