Omni Genius

Chapter 941: Dog "traitor"

Third, ask for a subscription, ***~~~


The **** hand is painted by three, but it is one of the top ten wicked people in the underground world.

Compared with his horrible characters, the guy who likes to tear the living guys, even the shoes that don’t match him...

The ranking of this *** is absolutely authoritative, and almost no one dares to question its fairness.

If the violent mob on the *** is not satisfied with his ranking, you can kill the top players, especially the top ten murderers like the **** hand, so you can step into the sky. .

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Almost every year, people try to challenge, but they are not facing a good man or a woman, but a murderous executioner. They basically do not leave when they are delivered to the door...

The murderer like the bear bear Locke, the Qin side has already been able to clean up, and even the hard-boiled use of the violent violent means of the blasting bear Locke to kill him...

However, the bursting bear Locke and the **** hand demons are three, which is the existence of garbage. It is estimated that the waver can kill more than one.

Qin Fang’s killing of the bear bear Locke also cost a lot of hands and feet. Although his strength is now greatly increased, if the Rock Bear Lock is still alive, Qin Fang can still kill him in a face-to-face manner. Third, Qin Fang did not have much confidence...

"I didn't expect Han Long to be able to invite such people to be a bodyguard..."

I guessed the identity of the Tu three-handed demons who made Qin Fang jealous. Qin Fang’s heart was also somewhat helpless.

Originally thought that Han Long was only protected by a mercenary group, Qin Fang had already killed six people, and naturally he was not worried about this mercenary group.

Unexpectedly, Han Long’s side, besides the mercenary group, actually has such a horrible master, so it is not so easy to kill Han Long.

Tu San is a solo traveler in the underground world. He has conducted investigations on several major leagues, but he has no substantive results. He has never seen him cooperate with others. He has always been alone.

Friends have never seen it once, but the enemy is countless. Almost every day, countless people can't wait for him to die thousands of times.

However, he always lived well, but those who wanted to deal with him were killed by him, and even a few unlucky people were directly killed and killed.

This is definitely not to say that it has already happened, and it has not happened once, and it is not once or twice. Otherwise, it is impossible for Tu San to have such a powerful reputation.

Of course, Qin Fang has already learned his horrible murderousness. This is absolutely the effect that killing people can achieve, and it is absolutely horrible.

Tu San’s strength is very strong. His origins are also quite mysterious. He also said that he is a sinister of Buddhism, and some people say that he is a hidden disciple...

Because knowing too much is not good, it will soon become the soul of Tu San’s palm, and he will die under his **** handprint...

It is precisely because of the smattering of the three, coupled with the cruelty of the means, never leaving any living, but also loner, no friends, so the business of this single-walker is also very good.

Many buyers like to find a single-single order like Tu San...

Because they are very serious in their work, and their mouths are very strict, and there is no tough backstage behind them...etc. There are many advantages, and the natural business is better, even though their asking price is quite expensive.

However, people who dare to find such a master of such a work, naturally will not care about that little money, otherwise, it would be better to directly order the alliance, is it more convenient?

Qin Fang pondered Han Long, please apply three, most of them are worried that this time he will be very dangerous, and his worth is naturally affordable. With San San, his safety is more assured. .

at least……

Qin Fang is now afraid to approach this villa easily.

Just now, Qin Fang had already learned the power of this **** hand. He used the eyes of the beast to lurk on a dog's body. He could feel it all, and he always stared at a dog.

Normal people will not make such a judgment. But Tu San has done this. It seems that he still has very trust in his judgment. He has no doubt about it.

Perhaps this is the great thing of Tu San. Anyway, just now, Qin Fang’s five-body appeal to this Tu San is definitely a first-class master.

"This is really a problem..."

With the protection of the **** hands, it is impossible for Qin to want to assassinate Han Long tonight. The only chance that he can shoot is that he is now at the fastest speed to the window, and then aiming at the gun. Han Long’s head, pulling the trigger, and then slamming, Han Long was instantly headshot and killed...

This is naturally the smoothest killing process, but Qinfang knows that the probability of success of this plan is zero.

Let's not say that there are two masters from the mercenary group in the window. The Qin side will be discovered by them as soon as they are slightly closer.

Not to mention that such a change can not help but feel the feeling of coating three, he will protect Han Long in the first time, then Qin Fang wants to assassinate is impossible.

What's more, in addition to a very powerful effort, the **** hand is also very powerful. It is said that his shooting method is also very powerful, almost not under his martial arts...

Qin Fang can rely on accurate shooting to hunt Han Long, and Tu San can also kill Qin Fang with one shot...

Han Long’s life, Qin Fang must be collected, but he does not want to put his own life into it, it is really not worth it.

"Try again..."

After thinking about it, Qin Fang still felt that he could not give up this opportunity.

Although he already knows that Han Long is staying in this villa, but this person is extremely cautious and has three protections. Safety is definitely not a problem, then whether it will remain here, it is quite difficult to say. It is.

After all, people like Longye can investigate his hidden places. It is difficult to ensure that no one else has found his whereabouts. Perhaps the police have already had clues and are going to trace them here. This is all possible.

Then Han Long may transfer his place at any time...

With the protection of the three, Qin Fang does not think that the police can catch Han Long again. If that is the case, the name of the **** hand-painted singer will be completely embarrassed...

It is also because of the fear of Han Long’s transfer, so that the Qin side has to re-track his whereabouts, and the delay in not mentioning the time is also unfavorable to one’s own side.

Therefore, Qin Fang gave the Caucasian dog an order.

This time he did not let the Caucasian dog listen to the window, but drilled directly into the room from the dog hole on the villa door.

Until the dog completed all this, Qin Fang immediately switched the eye of the beast, ready to observe the movement inside...


Tu three's vigilance is not generally high, although the Caucasian dog is powerful, but it may also be in his eyes, just a fierce look can scare the body of this extremely embarrassing dog to shrink into a ball, its horror The extent is obvious.

Just when the Caucasian dog just entered the room, it suddenly seemed to be a simple look, and there was not much reaction...

However, when Qin Fang used the eye of the beast to attach to the dog, he seemed to immediately notice what was happening, and immediately made such a cold cry.

Although the Qin side is only attached to the dog's body, but the murderous murder of the three released by Tu San can still be felt, even this dog is completely erected, the hair is completely erected, one hair It is also straight and vertical, and it seems to have been extremely frightened...

In order to prevent the discovery of what was discovered by the third, Qin Fang immediately relaxed the control of the dog, letting it look like a mouse chased by a cat, and immediately caught a tail and hid behind the sofa where Han Long was sitting. ......

"Tu three, forget it, what do you usually know with a dog?"

Han Long sat there and naturally saw such a scene. He had noticed that Tu San didn't seem to be friendly to this dog. Now it is even more so. He doesn't know what is wrong, he can't bear it immediately. Live and say a word.


Tu San is a silent man. In the face of such doubts as Han Long, he just snorted softly and did not even say a word.

"Master, he is such a person, don't worry about him..."

Instead, the gorgeous beauty sitting next to Han Long said very gently to Han Long, the relatives who spoke in a similar tone, how to listen like a couple of mouths, although the age difference between the two is more than double.

"forget it. I'm done here……"

Han Long does not seem to want to say anything more about this matter. As he said, what does it mean to have a general knowledge of a dog?

"Tu three, you must help me with this matter, absolutely no allow for a little accident..."

After the nonsense is finished, Han Long is only very cautious about the three confession.

Obviously, during the period that Qin Fang had not heard, Han Long gave Tu San a very important thing.


However, in the face of Han Long's cautious account, Tu San's reaction is still only a simple answer, so Han Han is also a helpless face.

"You, you..."

For such a reply, Han Long is also helpless, but there is nothing to say.

After painting these three phases for a few days, he also understood what kind of character is Tu San. It has always been such a dumb, but he is extremely serious in his work, and even he is picky about what is wrong.

Since this is the case, Han Long naturally has nothing to say, and he has already explained the matter of the account, and the remaining Tu San will do it for him.

However, Han Long probably couldn’t think of it. When they spoke, the Caucasian dogs who were still behind them did not listen to their words.

At this time, it is a good dog, but it is now also an underground worker, for the Qin side to inquire about the enemy's news, directly into the enemy's internal chess pieces.

In the era of the previous war of resistance, this dog is a veritable "dog traitor", but this is not a derogatory term, but a genuine derogatory term...

The eye of the beast is to completely transfer the consciousness of Qin Fang to the controlled pet. Not only can the vision be shared, but even the hearing can be shared...

Of course, that's all, like touch, it's absolutely impossible to share...

Therefore, Qin Fang can see and hear the words between Han Long and Tu San, and even now can direct this Caucasian dog to bite Han Long’s neck... but that’s not his Qin’s touch!

Let this Caucasian dog bite Han Long’s neck, this is a very good way, but does Qin Fang dare to do this?

Obviously dare not!

And can't...

Tu San’s eyes have been staring at this dog all the time. As long as Qin Fang has a little bit of change, I believe that Tu San is definitely not polite. It’s just a matter of killing one.

Although Qin Fang does not care about the life and death of this pet, after all, it is too easy to catch, but such a useful "eyeliner" and "spy" can not be wasted.

Moreover, it is precisely the careful care of Tu San, but it is to let Qin Fang think of such a wonderful assassination plan.

Han Long arranged to paint three to do a very important thing, then he will definitely leave this villa, although I don’t know when it will be, but it will not take too long, because Han Long and Zhulian’s deal are also Just in the near future, after finishing this matter, Han Long will definitely leave Hong Kong Island.

Hong Kong Island is now all over the island and Han Long. It is very dangerous to stay here. It may be discovered by the police at any time. It is safest to leave here. He knows better than anyone else.

Tu San was present, Qin Fang could not shoot, nor will he shoot, because he is not 100% sure.

For a killer, 100% confidence is very important, especially in the face of Tujia's level of bodyguards, even if it is lack of 10% of the grasp, the task failure is a small matter, can not save life is he must consider Big problem...

But Tu San went to work, Han Long stayed in the villa, then for Qin Fang, it is not impossible to complete the task...

Perhaps during the day, Qin Fang is not very convenient to shoot.

But it does not mean that Qin Fang can't do anything, such as the dog that he is now in control of, but he is arrogant about any of his orders.

If Qin Fangzheng gave the opportunity, let this Caucasian dog suddenly become awkward, and directly bite Han Long's neck... That the assassination plan is really perfect.

Avoiding the pursuit of the **** hand, and killing the target drug lord Han Long, even the object of the black pot is so impeccable...

Qin Fang suddenly felt that his plan was really perfect. He wanted to drink a lot for himself...

Only soon he was tragedy, because Tu San directly asked the dog to put it in a steel cage, and did not give it a chance to come out... (to be continued)

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