Omni Genius

Chapter 856: Darren's Secret

Chapter 856 Darren's Secret

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The two guards ran away, but they did not expect that when they were talking, Qin Fang was hidden in the shadow of the corner not far from them, and their conversations were completely heard in the ears.

Originally, Qin Fang had already felt that the Darlene priest had a lot of problems. Combined with the news he heard, he felt that this person must not be a good bird.

This is really what kind of person brought out what kind of soldiers...

These people are all mixed with Darren's high priests, and the virtues are almost the same. They all seem to be like a ghost.

At the same time, it also reveals that this truth of the sacred and incomparably important ritual activities for the mountain people is actually this, and it is an excellent means for Darren's high priest to collect money and defraud female colors.

As for the girls who have been deceived, it is natural that Darren’s high priests will enjoy them first. After they are tired of playing, they will be rewarded to these people.

And listening to the meaning of this guard, these women's end is very miserable, even if it is forced into a fool, they still have not escaped from these people's play, it is simply mad.

This mountain is very large, and there are quite a few tribes. There are certainly no more than one hundred and eighty. Although the ritual activities are not always held, so many tribes, there will be such sacrifices every three or five.

The position of Darren High Priest in the mountains is quite high. Every time I bring a girl back, how can I bring back more than ten in a year, maybe more and more.

The days of Darren's high priests in the mountains have been quite long. How have they been for more than a decade? At least there are hundreds of women who brought them back.

But what about the end of these women, all of them for the playthings of these men, and in the end they must all be depressed...

The temperament is just a little bit more, I am afraid that the end is even more miserable, and it is absolutely not a minority to die.

If Qin said that it was not clear how the priests of Darren's priest got more than three thousand sins, that is more than 30 human lives. This is still directly in the hands of Darren's high priest, but now it is faint. Understood, I am afraid that these girls have discovered the truth and tried to expose the true face of Darren’s high priest. This is a bleak ending.

It’s not surprising to force people to die. It’s not surprising that people are driving crazy...


Although Qin Fang has also seen a lot of scum, scum, but like the scum of Darren High Priest, scum, Qin Fang has not seen.

More than 30 living people, this is still directly in his hands, and there are more people in this stockade, afraid that there are more people who are dying, just like the two guards, Qin Fang found Their sin values ​​are two or three hundred... obviously these two people have also killed people.

And the men in this stockade have nearly a hundred people. Each person has two or three lives, which adds up to a very terrible number.

For more than a decade, these girls who have sacrificed have never appeared in the eyes of their parents. It is obvious that no one can escape. There are only two in the end. They are detained in the stockade to act as these men. The tool, or directly killed, the bones do not know which corner is buried.

What has happened, Qin Fang can't help, but there is a poor girl who is about to enter a tragic situation. If Qin Fang can't help, then it is really too human.

The figure was slightly moved and immediately plunged into the stone house from the narrow window. The guards around the patrol did not find a little shadow.

This stockade has existed for so long, and with the high status of Darren's high priest, no one has ever dared to invade, so these guards are actually very good, and from time to time, it is a common occurrence.

What's more, every time Darren High Priest brought a woman back to enjoy, no one of them was willing to stay and listen to the corner, all running to play with women.

In the stone house...

As the first person in the mountain, Darren High Priest is naturally the most enjoyable person. The decoration inside is very luxurious. Everywhere is magnificent, many of them are directly decorated with gold ornaments.

There is a very large stone bed in the room, which is covered with the fur of various animals, especially the tiger skin, leopard skin and suede. They are all very precious. They can be sold at a good price. .

But here, it is just something that Darren the Great priest used to make the bed... It’s a bit violent.

The girl brought back by the Darren priest, lying quietly on the bed at this time, still not in the body, the slippery skin is completely exposed, but she has no sense of consciousness, obviously not fully awake .

No, she woke up!

At this time, Qin Fang noticed that her brows flicked a little, and then her eyes gradually opened. She opened her eyes and looked at the top of her head. Obviously, she was quite confused about her current situation.

It seems that Darren's high priest is still very much in control of the time of Menghan medicine. There is no more stopover for the tribe there, and he immediately rushed back. It is just counting the time, and the girl should wake up.

If you stay in the tribe, you have to wear it.

The Darren High Priest was not in the room, but Qin Fang heard a burst of water coming from the room. This guy estimated that it was a bath.

After all, his performances were also very hard, and there was a lot of sweat in the whole body. It’s very uncomfortable not to wash it...

"Oh, beauty, I am coming..."

When Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, Qin Fang just wanted to wake up the girl in the past, and heard the voice of Darren’s high priest coming. Then he saw the corner of the stone house flashing, and the thin body of Darren’s high priest appeared. The eyes of Qin Fang, the rib-like body seems very old, and the whole body is wrinkled.

It is the only thing that symbolizes a man. At this time, it is standing tall and tall. It seems that it is really a bit of a sly color. It is not like his age.

"Da... Da... Darren High Priest, you... What do you want? Here... Where is this? Why am I here?"

Seeing the high priest who is older than his father, the most honorable person in the mountains, he stood naked in front of himself, and the high-rise stood upright, and the whole girl was paralyzed.

In memory, at this time, he should go to the side of the gods and give him the purest self, so that the gods will bless her tribe and give a boundless happy life.

Can be realistic -

It seems to be very different from her fantasy!

"Why are you here? Hahahaha... Of course, I brought you back! You are not going to sacrifice to the gods, I am the messenger of the gods, naturally I have to give it to me before I have the chance to see the supremacy. God..."

The Darren High Priest is the strongest **** in the mountains. Until this moment, he does not forget his old line and continues to flick the girl.

But with the rapid color on his face, and the physiological reaction of the ***, how to look like a little uncle who is holding a lollipop is ignoring the little loli.

"you you……"

Although the girl still hasn't figured out what it is all about, but looking at the gradual rush of the old ghost Dalun high priest, she also knows that she has been cheated, almost instinctively wants to resist, but she is sweating The power of the drug has just passed, and there is no strength at all in the soft.


But when the Darren High Priest was preparing for a blasphemy, suddenly there was such a sound coming from his ear, interrupting his actions, and he followed the sound.

"Hey, who are you?"

Then he saw the Qin Fang standing at the corner of the stone house, but Qin Fang changed his face and changed the costume of a mountain person. The Darren priest also could not recognize that Qin Fang was the foreigner who was very jealous before him. ......

However, there are people in this stockade, and the number is not too much. He basically knows it. It seems that there is no such thing as the face of Qin Fang.

"The person who wants you to die..."

Qin’s color was cold, and Yin’s voice was sullen. At the same time, Qin’s hands also had a cold, sharp dagger, which was not under the dagger that was used to cut the veins before Darren’s high priest. .

"You come……"

The Darren High Priest heard a word, and then his face changed, almost subconsciously wanting to scream and call for help.

But how could Qin Fang let him do it, his body shape moved slightly, and the whole person was like a gust of wind, and he had already reached the front of Darren’s high priest two meters away, and then the silver flashed in his hand, Darren When the high priest came to his lips, it all became awkward.

"I heard that you like to give people blood, just like I have such hobbies. I have never had such an opportunity before. Now I will take you a try..."

At this time, Qin Fang became a demon, and it was a knife, which directly cut the wrist of Darren's high priest, and the blood suddenly burst out.

Darren's high priest wanted to make a scream, but his body was restrained, he could feel the pain of his body, but he couldn't make a little figure, and he could only tremble violently.

There is nothing wrong with cutting a little bit of wounds, but the feeling that the blood is gradually losing is very uncomfortable. The Darren priest is cutting the veins every time, although not once is the true pulse. I absolutely don't like the feeling of this.

This is really bleeding in front of me. Although it is not a limb, but a wrist, if it is too bloody, it will definitely take his life.

Only when Qin Fang cut his wrist, he ignored him. He took out a set of clothes from the props box and threw it at the girl who was still in horror and shock. She signaled her to put on her clothes. It’s not so sturdy...

The girl is still in shock, and she now vaguely guesses that the sacrifice is a scam, and she is the victim of this scam, almost ruined in the hands of the old priest Darren.

The man who looked quite strange in front of her saved her, and she was saved in a timely manner, otherwise her innocence would be gone.

The women in the mountains are not very heavy about their innocence, but it is relative to married women. Those women don’t mind marrying a few men, but these unaccompanied girls are very serious about their innocence. Even some people committed suicide because of their failure.

Among them, because such ritual activities strive to become sacrificial saints, there are many who commit suicide because of this... Although this situation is somewhat different from others, it is not too much.

Dedicating my pure body to the supreme god, and giving it to the half-headed man who can't help her vomit, the difference is too big.

If she knew that the truth was like this, she would never have spent all her efforts to win such a sacrifice.

At this time, the emergence of Qin Fang, undoubtedly let the girl already fell into the heart of the valley, suddenly became active, and the eyes of Qin Fang are also very different.

Whether the supreme **** exists or not, the girl has not paid attention to it, but the young man who saved her in times of danger, at this moment in her heart, is no less inferior to the supreme god.

Just when she was almost desperate, she prayed that the supreme **** would come to save her in danger. This young man appeared...

What is thinking of in this girl's head, Qin Fang is not very clear, because he simply did not mind to pay attention to what she was thinking.

What really cares for him is what this Darren priest is thinking about at this moment.

The wrist is bleeding. At this time, the Darren High Priest has not had the majesty and strength of the previous one. The rest is the same as the ordinary people's fear and fear. This time is also the highest success rate of Qin Fang's mind reading. It is easy to find out all the secrets that Darren the Great priest hides in his heart.

Although the Darren High Priest is only a half-baked **** stick, the deception is still a bit of a look, but Qin Fang knows that if this kid has only this ability, it is absolutely impossible to play in this mountain.

The Geda Witch Doctor relied on a very magical Miaojiang medical technique, which earned a very high status and prestige, but the Dalun High Priest in front of him was relying on his deception and flicking the tens of thousands of mountains. The status of the mountain people is much higher than that of the Wagda witch doctor.

However, he has been cheating in the mountains for so long, but he has never been seen through. If the kid does not press the bottom of the box, Qin Fang absolutely does not believe it.

This must be the biggest secret in the heart of Darren's priest. It is not easy for him to speak out. Even if he really said it, Qin Fang may not believe it.

It is the most accurate to find out with mind reading. The Darren priest does not even need to start. Qin can know the most primitive truth.

Sure enough, Qin Fang’s attention gradually fell on the hands of Darren’s high priest...

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