Omni Genius

Chapter 2716: Advanced! Evil spirits fox!

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Four elephants and dragons flew out and floated on the top of Qin's head... Immediately another violent glass flame poured down, just like a four-image glazed fire formed around the body of Qin Fang. Barrier-like.

With the protection of the four-image glazed fire, Qin Fang’s defense suddenly climbed several grades...

This is much more powerful than the simple body armor. In addition to the defensive tyranny, the four-image glare fire attack is also very horrible... To break through its defense, it must be able to withstand the attack from the four-image glazed fire!

The four-image glazed fire is a fire in the sky, and it is so lethal. Is it so easy to break through?


It is with such strong support that Qin Fang dared to fight with the Magic Heavenly Fox...

If the power required to drive the four artifacts such as Kun Kun Ding is too strong, Qin Fang really wants to directly violently rush into the past, and burn the three magical foxes directly into a coke.


The red flames and the **** wolf king are not so good, at this moment the speed is violent to the extreme, completely turned into a red phantom, rushing to one of the magical foxes!

It devours the core of the evil spirit of the wild dog, and it has produced great variation... It is not polluted by the core of the evil spirit, and naturally it is not afraid of the evil spirits released by the magical fox, and even the effect of restraint!


The split beast is naturally an extremely fierce roar, with powerful bursts of legs. A fierce leap, directly appeared next to a magical fox, waving a huge and thick palm and slamming the past.

Although it does not absorb the core of evil spirits, there is still great taboo against the evil spirits, but this does not affect its instant violent... The horrible power and arrogance are like tearing the surrounding voids. of.


In the face of the Qin Fang, the red flame, the **** wolf king, and the splitting of the beast, the three magical foxes also screamed at the same time...

Obviously, this call is very common. Except for the ugly one, there seems to be no other abnormality. I heard such a voice. Suddenly I feel that my life is mad!

"I rely! The noise of the noise attack is so big?"

Qin Fang couldn't help but spit it out.

However, when he closed his ear and did not listen to such a harsh voice, he was very surprised to find that... he could not stop the introduction of this sound. It seems that this voice is not transmitted by hearing. It is straight through the soul.

"Soul of the Soul?"

Qin Fang immediately thought of a secret technique in the rivers and lakes that had already lost countless years of sound waves... a secret method that can kill people by sound alone. Really killing invisible means of terror.

Because, as long as you hear the sound of the ecstasy, then this life can hardly be saved... even if the strength exceeds the other side. Still will be killed!

The only way to crack... interrupt the one who released the demon soul!

"This magical fox is harder to deal with than you think..."

Qin Fang’s mind completely converges... This soul-sounding magic sound is really difficult, directly letting his life value drop down. Unfortunately, Qin Fang’s blood-supplying medicine is sufficient, and swallowing a few will quickly bring the value of life. Pull back the full value!

However, the cracked beast and the red flames of the **** wolf king are not so good...

They can be without the means of Qin Fang. Under the disturbance of this enchanted sound, their strength is instantly weakened by at least half of them...

The cracked beast feels that his strength has been lost a lot. The huge palm and the thick arm are so weak and weak. Under the wave, he feels that he is not right. It seems that he may fall down at any time!

The red flames and the **** wolf king are not so good. The speed at which it is proud is also slowed down by two-thirds. It is even more fierce than the cracked beast... The whole body is sore and weak. On the force, it is naturally impossible to explode the speed of horror!

"If you go on like this, don't wait for the magical fox to shoot, we will abolish ourselves first..."

This scene is also to the heart of the Qin side.

Casting this kind of sorcerer's demon sound is also a burden for the magical fox fox... even if it is released together, but it is now still there, and it does not move, obviously the loss of the body is also great.

At least the Qin party noticed that the bodies of the three magical foxes began to tremble fiercely... This is a reaction to the overload of the load, and it seems that the illusion of the fox is also a bit unstoppable.

"It's this time..."

Such a discovery suddenly made Qin Fang excited... There was a chilly killing in the eyes, and then I saw three murderous swords in the air and flew straight to the three illusions. The demon fox will go away.

Qin Fang did not do it himself, and even put on a vicissitudes of life, sorrow, and overwhelming appearance. It seems that he himself is almost ready to burn out the lights... and such disguise is to numb the magical fox.


The three-way flying swords violently attacked, and the magical fox fox also flashed the fierce color in the eyes... However, its sorcerer's sound is not a little influence on the flying sword!

Qin Fang, Chi Yan, **** wolf king, and cracked beast, these are all living things. The influence of the funeral sounds on them is great... but the flying sword is just cold and lifeless. It is completely possible to ignore the killing of the demon soul.

Even the three flying swords still smashed the opportunity of the magical fox fox body to move, and launched the most violent attack... The Akasaka Excalibur just killed a swallowing giant lizard, although the magical fox is more powerful, but still no Advanced has the level of the supreme spirit of the power of the gods, and nature can still be hit hard.


The magical fox fox just witnessed the scene of the red scorpion sword killing the swallowing lizard. Naturally, the sharpness of the three flying swords and the smoldering of the eyes seemed to be unwilling.

However, at this time, it also had to make a decision...


The sorcerer's magic sound disappeared instantly, and the three magical foxes were immediately merged into one... No doubt, the release of the sorcerer's magic sound has a great influence on the magical fox, and this time suddenly cancels the mourning sound. It is a great burden to it, and it is no longer able to support it to continue to use the secret.

"Sure enough, not a talented secret!"

Such a result, suddenly the Qin Fang spirit shocked, the big stone that lingered in my heart, was also instantly shattered... Even the violent strength of Qin Fang became more horrible.


Without any hesitation, the three flying swords rushed to kill, and Qin Fang himself quietly followed up...

As for the red flame, the **** wolf king and the splitting beast, they took a little rest, and then they couldn’t care for their weak body, and they went to the magical fox fox.

A few of them are not good, and the magical fox is definitely more difficult...

At this time, I still don't start, do you have to wait for a better chance?


However, the illusion of the fox is so easy to follow?

When the Qin Fang, the Split Heavenly Beast, and the Red Flame Blasting Blood Wolf King gradually approached, they saw that this magical monster fox suddenly made such a completely different scream, and then a piece of it broke out in its body. Red fog...

The red mist is completely different from the previous black mist, and then it is found that the red hair on the magical fox fox is so crazy that it has skyrocketed a lot, and completely wrapped up this magical fox...

"How is this going?"

This scene is also a surprise to Qin.

The look of the magical fox is completely different, and even its breath has become extraordinarily strange and sturdy... especially those red hairs, not soft hair, but a root like a steel needle. .

"Detective skills..."

Without hesitation, Qin Fang lost a scouting skill in the past. He vaguely felt that the magical fox in the moment seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and even its species might be different.

"The evil spirits fox...we are really different!"

When the results of the investigation skills were fed back, Qin Fang was also a glimpse of it, but he felt a bigger crisis for this evil spirit fox... an unprecedented threat of death.

"Half-step supreme spirit beast..."

Because this evil spirit fox has advanced to the level of the semi-step to the soul of the beast, it may be just a step beyond the previous, but the strength is a tremendous improvement.

Even Qin Fang felt that even if the previous three magical foxes add up, they may not be the opponents of this evil spirit fox, and may even be exploding in a flash...


It seems to also confirm the Qin Fang’s speculation. This evil spirit fox has just appeared on the scene, and in the absolute arrogant way, the body is slightly weak and the cracked beast, the red flame and the **** wolf king are flying... ...

The blood of Yinhong suddenly spilled a **** picture in midair... The wounds of the cracked beast, the red flame and the **** wolf king were also extremely heavy. The Qin side directly took them back into the props box and nursed them.

Even compared to them, the abyss of the abyss slaughter is basically completely unharmed...

"Too strong……"

It is Qin Fang who can't help but sigh.

Even if the evil spirits are the opponents and enemies of the Qin side, the tyrannical strength is really admired by the Qin side...

As for fear...

The Qin side obviously does not have such emotions because...

"Or originally, I thought it was very difficult to kill you, but I didn't think you were going to die... that's no wonder me!"

The fears of Qin Fang also disappeared in an instant, and even a bright smile appeared on his face, as if the very huge problem placed in front of him had been fixed by him! (To be continued.)

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