Omni Genius

Chapter 2609: The wrath of the gods!

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"Now, where are we going?"

For the sword of the emperor, Athena was only a little surprised, but did not care too much... Such a sword, since it fell into the hands of Qin Fang, naturally did not send out the truth.

She knows, Qin Fang is a sturdy sword repair, but also cultivated one of the most powerful secret techniques of sword repair, such a sword will definitely become his powerful weapon...

Since this is the case, then Athena has shifted her attention and considered the next itinerary.

She is now completely rebellious in the mountains...

The method of closing the ten-party lock-up array is only understood by a few core high-levels in the Shenshen Mountain, and the closure of the Shenshen Mountain is notorious. Those core high-rises almost never leave the Mount Olympus.

Then, in the calculation, the only person who may have sold out the secrets of the gods is to go to the Athena, the goddess of wisdom who tried the test of the Holy Mountain.

As for the **** of war, Ares...

He is just a coward who only knows how to use brute force. He is an out-and-out martial artist. Apart from his interest in cultivation and fighting, he does not care about other things.

That is to say, the secret of the ten-party lockout, Ares is qualified to know, but in fact he does not know!

The goddess of wisdom Athena became the only suspect!

Or, basically, 100% is definitely the secret of Athena's betrayal of the gods... It is really Athena that has no sense of belonging to the gods from the beginning, which is almost clear to all the core tops of the gods.

Only Athena's talent is too enchanting. Let them not go to the heart of Athena's stalks... and Athena's wisdom is like a demon, every crisis. Can successfully protect themselves, escape the deadly killing again and again!

Today, Athena is completely away from the mountains of the gods, the real sea is wide and the birds are flying!

"I want to go back to the Dragon..."

Qin Fang took a deep look at Athena, and then asked not surely, "Are you sure to follow me?"

"of course!"

Athena did not have the sorrow of leaving her home, as if she was relieved, very excited. Even proactively reaching out and holding the arm of Qin Fang, the plump and towering squatting of Qin Fang’s arm, it feels really good.

This woman with wisdom as a demon also has a seductive and seductive capital... The three great goddesses in the underground world, it is not a wave of fame, just throw a wink. Can definitely take the man's soul away.

Although Qin Fang’s self-control is quite good, he is also somewhat stunned, and he has finally stabilized his mind.

"Come on you! Let's go..."

The Qin side also smiled and accepted it. Although there is still not enough trust for this woman, this time the Parthenon did indeed give her a pit. The responsibility of the Qin party will not be shirked.

"Fortunately, this woman is not born in the flower of the demon. Otherwise the entire underground world will be chaotic..."

Qin Fang’s heart sighed silently.

Without the skill of cultivating charm, it has already possessed such a terrible charm. If it is professionally cultivated, the lethality will definitely increase tenfold, hundreds of times and thousands of times, and it will be even more terrifying.

"Right. Baihua Mozong seems to have such a enchanting woman... I hope that I will not let me meet in this life!"

Qin Fang also immediately thought of the Baihua Mozong, the illustrious witch who is the same as the goddess of wisdom Athena. I can't help but some legs are soft... He really doesn't want to run into a woman who can kill by beauty!

Athena didn't know what Qin Fang thought, but her extraordinary wisdom made her vaguely guess some of Qin's thoughts, so she tried to move to Qinfang as much as possible, without causing his dissatisfaction and jealousy... ...

The Parthenon was destroyed, and the gods were beaten by people...

Such a big event was quickly spread throughout the world and the underground world. Numerous powerful people were watching the jokes of the mountains, and Hermes became the biggest laughing stock in the underground world...

Even such a joke directly suppressed the mercenary alliance branch being baptized by human blood...

The gods mountain is really lost face!

It is said that under the wrath of the **** King Zeus, the entire Mount Olympus is shrouded in a thundercloud, and the lightning flashes in the sky, and there is no pause all night!

There are even rumors that Hermes personally led a group of Titans from the Shenshan Mountain to go down the mountain to chase the "arsonist"...

There is even news that even Hades, who is far away from the abyss, will come out to take revenge... because the underdog of his seat, the Hell's three-headed dog, is also strangled by the "arsonist"!

There are even more rumors that the Sea God Temple has also received a request from the Shenshen Mountain to close the sea road and fully cooperate with the gods to capture the "arsonist"... After all, the sea emperor of the Sea God Temple is also a large **** of the sea **** in the gods mountain. guy.

In other words, all the three great monks in the mountain of the gods were alarmed, and there were big actions...

"Have you heard this news, what do you want to say?"

Athena couldn't help but smile and asked Qin Fang.

These messages may not all be true, but they may not be groundless... As one of the cores of the once-mountain mountains, the goddess of wisdom, Athena, can still vaguely distinguish the true and false of those messages.

It’s basically impossible for Hades to be a Hades. It’s probably easier for a strong human to enter the abyss, but it’s not easy to get back from the abyss, even the mighty King Hades. No...

And Hades did not establish a force in the abyss, but also spent a great deal of effort, and he needed to be there to guard... Once he left, with the chaos of the abyss, his foundation would easily be Give it to the end.

However, the other two news, the credibility is quite high...

Hermes lost a big face and almost became the biggest laughing stock in the underground world. In terms of his strength and status, he can almost be called a lifely shame, even if Zeus did not send Titan Defender to him, he It will also come out to chase the "arsonist", even if he spends all his life in this matter, he will not hesitate!

As for Zeus’s request for help from the Temple of the Sea, this is also possible...

The three giants of the gods, although they are respected by Zeus, can actually fight for each other. Each has its own power. No one can control anyone. The power of the temple is not weaker than the mountains, so Zeus can only "Request", as to whether the Temple of the Sea is willing to help, it depends on the sea king is not happy!

"That is, the only threat, only Hermes..."

After a brief analysis by Athena, Qin Fang had some interest, and asked with a smile.

"There are Titans..."

Athena immediately frowned and added.

"Titan Defender... Hehe!"

Qin Fang just laughed at it, the meaning of laughter is also very obvious, and did not put this Titan Guardian in his heart... Perhaps in his view, the strength of the Titan Guardian should be far less than the Holy The Tianshen Guard of the Mountain.

The Titan Protoss did indeed count as one of the most powerful races.

Even in that distant age, the Titan Protoss was the only powerful race that could compete with the Shura Mozu...

However, the Shura Mozu inherits well in the abyss. Although the killing is constant, it guarantees the inheritance of generations and generations. So far, there are no signs of severing, and even more powerful.

But the Titans, they have almost disappeared into the long history of mankind.

Once the gods are the inheritance of the Titans...

But it is also that they resisted the Titan Protoss, and the massacre slaughtered the Titan Protoss... The number of Titan Protoss that directly led to the true pure blood was reduced to an astonishing number.

Thousands of years passed down, and a handful of Titans were already dead, leaving only their descendants of impure blood...the so-called "God" of today's gods.

In order to ensure that the blood is sufficiently "pure", these so-called "Goddess" use an ethical way to pass on their blood. This has the "fusion" of the chaotic and close relatives of the gods. ......

A child born in close relatives may have the genius and enchantment of Athena, such as a demon, but it may also give birth to a mentally handicapped child whose intelligence is seriously flawed...

The Titans are such a kind of existence, and they are still a very special existence... Their intelligence has fatal flaws, but they have talents that are unimaginable in terms of cultivation.

They are a group of real "madmen" who only know how to obey orders.

Everyone who can join the Titans is horrible... The Supreme is just a start, and even the strongest of them is comparable to the "Four Emperors."

If the environment outside the Earth limits the further breakthrough of the military, absolutely one of them may break through to the half-step Wudi, and even the Emperor Wudi... They are a group of truly unscrupulous warriors!

If the Tianshen Guard is the world's top team, the team cooperates with the tacit understanding, the gods armed defense is invincible... then the Titan Guardian is the top of the world in individual combat power, unparalleled!

“Is it so horrible?”

Listening to Athena, Qin Fang was shocked and stunned.

"The fact is that the horror of the Titans is definitely beyond your imagination... You want to deal with the Titans like the Gods Guard, you will definitely die very badly!"

Athena said with a slap in the face.

She is one of the core high-levels of the gods. She is quite familiar with the ultimate killer such as the Titans. It is even more understanding of the level of terror that this group of "fools" has achieved.

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