Omni Genius

Chapter 2388: I am the king of the sea

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As for the whereabouts of another pair of angel wings, only a few people know...

The Holy See has a pair of angel wings, and naturally it knows a lot about its performance. It includes controlling it to fly... and of course it has some shortcomings.

One of the most critical shortcomings... is too expensive!

"I rely on... I almost didn't drain my whole body!"

In just three minutes, Qin Fang controlled the wing of angels and flew more than 30 kilometers, with an average of ten kilometers per minute and six hundred kilometers per hour. This speed, super sports cars can not match, only aircraft Can you reach it.

However, the flight of the plane is fuel-intensive...

The wing of the angel consumes the suffocation in the body of the Qin!

Although he is a half-step supreme strong man, but his body's suffocating capacity is not weaker than the strongest in the early days of the supreme... But such a majestic suffocation is only enough for the angel's wing to consume for three minutes!

If it is not timely discovered by the Qin Dynasty, he may be drawn into a dead body by the wing of the angel...

Even if this is not the case, the supply of suffocation is insufficient, and the power of the angel wing is weakened, reduced or even disappeared, so the Qin side is likely to fall directly from the height of 100 meters!

Such a height, even if Qin Fang is not dead, it will definitely be seriously injured...

"Call~~ really dangerous!"

Qin Fang immediately took out a qi dan, quickly recovering the lack of suffocation in the body... If Sullivan catches up again, then he is really in jeopardy and must be prepared at all times.

"Fortunately, it is not far from the destination..."

Qin Fang used satellite positioning to briefly check his position, and his face was also showing a happy smile. After a while, he was completely liberated.

"Damn... It’s really a ghost, but it’s catching up!"

However, Qin Fang had just gasped for a while, and he sensed the breath of Sullivan.

"You will continue to escape..."

really. After a while, Sullivan was gradually approaching. When he saw the Qin Dynasty, he was still ridiculed.

"Do you think I dare not?"

Qin Fang sneered, and then yelled, "Since you are so happy to chase, then you continue to chase it..."


Just see the wing of the angel that has contracted. Once again, it opened, and before Sullivan started, it again carried Qin Fangfei over a hundred meters of air, quickly turned into a shadow, disappeared into the distance.

"There is still a suffocation... Does he have a remedy for suffocating?"

Sullivan’s brow was also slightly wrinkled.

For the dragon medicine of the dragon country, he has already seen it... Some alchemy in Europe is quite powerful. However, it is far from the magical alchemy of the Dragon Kingdom. Naturally, it also knows the strongest killer of the dragon king.

"It seems that the identity of this young man is not easy..."

However, in this era, the dragon's magical alchemy is also difficult to refine the powerful medicinal herbs because of the lack of materials... Only some powerful sects still retain some.

The remedy for suffocating sputum is not a particularly rare remedy, but it is definitely not too easy to refine... Only the bulk of the door will have some stock, and it will be handed over to the disciples to save.

Although knowing Qin is not easy. But until this moment, Sullivan really paid attention to the Qin side... After all, Qin Fang’s face in front of Sullivan is the image of a man in his thirties.

If Sullivan knows that the Qin side is actually only twenty years old, it is estimated that the pressure in his heart will be even greater...

Killing such a young genius is no different from the Hummer!

Even if the strength of Sullivan and the Holy See is very large, it is absolutely impossible to win the super sects of Shanglongguo!

"Oh... what is the identity again, take my religious treasures. Kill me, the master of the Holy See, any one is a crime of death!"

However, thinking of the things that Qin Fang had done, Sullivan was suddenly murderous and his body was slightly moved. He once again ran wildly and traced the past. He must take back the treasures of the Holy See.

Once Qin returned to the Dragon Kingdom. The Holy See is very passive!

"Call~~ finally arrived!"

When Sullivan tracked Qin Fang, when Qin Fang’s suffocation was almost exhausted again, he finally arrived at his destination... At this moment, there is already a speedboat waiting.

"Immediately sail!"

Qin Fangyi boarded the speedboat. I immediately ordered.

Responsible for this ship is the person of Everett... When Qin entered the Eagle Kingdom, he had already designed the escape plan. He would not trust Bilbados too much.

Now the ship has come in handy...

Rumble ~~~

The motor made a deafening sound, then saw the speedboat start and rushed toward the sea.

"Give me back..."

However, not long after the speedboat had just rushed out, I saw a voice coming from a distance... In the air, a huge sky-shaping hand quickly formed, and then fiercely slammed down.

"I rub..."

Just sitting down and taking a break for a moment, Qin Qi, the gas has not yet been smooth, it has sensed this horrible stunned big hand, almost without hesitation, turned over and jumped directly into the sea.

The other people on the speedboat have also jumped into the sea without exception.

It is impossible for this speedboat to "live" in such a big-handed attack.


The horrible big-handed hand, wrapped in unbeatable terrible power, slammed on the speedboat and made a deafening sound... The speedboat fell apart almost instantly.

This is a fatal blow from the late strong in the Supreme Court. The power is too great.


The speedboat burst and caused a huge shock on the sea!

There was a huge pit that was more than two meters deep in that position...

Then the water quickly healed, and immediately caused a huge wave. Several crew members on the ship were overthrown by such a huge wolf, and they passed out directly. If there is no rescue, it is very likely to drown. In the sea.

As for Qin Fang...

Obviously no longer one of them!

"Sullivan, old turtle... you can't kill me!"

Even Qin Fang also took the head directly from the sea. The **** was erected towards Sullivan, and there was a loud voice.

After the smashing, Qin turned around and swam to the depths of the sea.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing that the Qin side is not only alive, but also giving him such a response, Sullivan is no matter how good it is. At this moment, it is also unbearable, and it is almost mad and sullen.


immediately. It was seen that the field of Sullivan released the past to the sea... A sea of ​​water was set up, and under the blessing of his field power, a circular sphere was quickly formed.

Sullivan jumped into it as soon as he was in shape.

This huge water polo is a centrally controlled water polo... at the moment, under the control of Sullivan's field power. It was like a boat made of water, and quickly went to the Qin side.

"Hey... can the power of the field be used like this?"

Of course, Qin Fang has always been paying attention to Sullivan's movements. Such a scene can't escape his eyes... Qin Fang really feels surprised that the power of the field can actually be used like this.

Although Qin Fang has not yet condensed his own field, he has not been able to advance to the highest level...

However, Sullivan has used the power of the field in this place, which has broadened the horizons of the Qin side. This is of great benefit to the Qin Dynasty's impact on the stalwart and consolidating the suffocating field!

At least he won't stick to the simple use of the suffocating field. You can try more magical use in the field of helium...

As for the sullivan that is constantly approaching...

Not only did Qin Fang not be afraid at all, but he paused the pace of swimming and squatted on the ocean, seemingly waiting for the arrival of Sullivan.

"On land, I am really scared of you... who let you almost crack my bandit skills! But here is the sea... here is my control!"

Sullivan stood in the big water polo, staring at the Qin side, extremely disdainful sarcasm, "big words!"

Here is the sea. It is almost out of the scope that human war can control.

Even the masters who have cultivated some water secrets do not dare to say that they are invincible in the ocean... At most, they only increase their personal strength.

Qin Fang is a half-step supreme strong, Sullivan is the late master of the Supreme Realm. Counting the two people's strength level gap is full of three levels... This is a gap that is almost impossible to cross.

It can be said that Sullivan stood there to let the Qin side attack, I am afraid that it is very difficult to hurt Sullivan!


"You will regret it soon!"

Qin Fang only said with a sneer, then he saw that he extended his hand and said at the same time. "The waves rise..."


Almost Qin’s voice just fell, and I saw a huge wave of waves suddenly rising on the sea... The waves with a wave height of at least five meters were rushing toward Sullivan.

The waves are so turbulent that it seems that everything in front of it can be completely swallowed up...

Even if it is as strong as Sullivan's late masters. In the face of such a world of power, his face is also very ugly ... the impact of the waves, it is a small matter, with his defense can be completely resisted.

What really makes him feel fear is that he is very likely to be swept away by such a huge wave...

If it is rolled up in certain areas of the sea, although it is unlucky, it will not be dangerous. If it is delayed for some time, it will be easy to escape.

The most feared is a big wave, directly involved in the depths of the ocean currents, and then with the currents drifting around, it is very possible to stay in the deep sea... The supreme power is not invincible, no food, no drink Also enough to kill him!

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