Omni Genius

Chapter 2275: With you also match?

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Qin Fang smiled...

The smile is quite splendid, and it has a very sharp contrast with the face of Tang Bin’s Zhang Tieqing...

This is also to make the surrounding Tangmen disciples feel even more shameful!

"I am yin you?"

Ignore the anger of Tang Bin, Qin Fang is only extremely plain and asks a question, the smile on his face is more ironic, and then the tone is suddenly changed. "You really give yourself a long face... just rely on you ?"

"It depends on you..."

After hearing such a sentence, Tang Bin seems to have suddenly been stunned by a few slaps, and his heart seems to have suffered a heavy blow... even the surrounding Tangmen disciples, one by one is also a face There is no light.

It’s really the Qin Fang’s slap in the face of not only Tang Bin’s face, but the entire face of Tang’s face.

However, these Tangmen disciples have a ugly face, but there is nothing to say!

If it’s just Qin’s one person, then Tangmen’s side must have torn the face directly. Everyone besieged the Qin side together... As long as the Qin Fang and the killing were on the spot, how many faces were lost, as long as they don’t pass out, then It is equal to no shame.

It is a pity that there is a sword breeze around Qin Fang... A core disciple of the Kunlun School, let the disciples of Tangmen vote for the rat!

Killing the sword and clearing the wind, there is no difficulty, but the consequences are unbearable by Tangmen.

Although Tangmen has his own pride, he has always maintained such pride. Even if they are even tyrannical, they never feel that they are worse than them... but this does not mean that they dare to contend with the five major sects.

Can not kill the sword breeze. So now this shameful thing is bound to be introduced into the rivers and lakes, and the scandal of Tangmen will inevitably become the capital of other martial arts populations!

"I... I am fighting with you..."

Tang Bin has lived for most of his life. He has suffered such humiliation. At this time, it is not just anger. The eyes are directly red and red, and the air machine on the body suddenly becomes violent.

At this moment, he almost has to leave everything behind. Ready to fight with Qin Fang...

A master of the master class, was forced to such a desperate situation, almost deadly has been clear, the strength of the natural outbreak is also unimaginable and terrible, it is estimated that even Tang Bin himself did not think that he can reach such a height... ...


With the roar of Tang Bin, he rushed to the Qin side without any scruples... The whole body was wide open, and he did not care what kind of damage he might suffer. His only thought is to kill the Qin!

Even if it is the same!


It is undeniable that Tang Bin at the moment is indeed quite threatening. If Qin Fang slammed him on this attack, although he would not hang it, he would definitely be seriously injured... This shows that the big master who has lost his life. Level peak master. It is still extremely fierce.

Unfortunately, Tang Bin took it for granted!

Qin Fang does not seem to care about Tang Bin’s desperation at the moment, and almost completely ignores Tang Bin’s attack on him...

"Qin...Qin Shaoxia! Please leave your hand..."

Several elders in Tangmen’s face have become extremely ugly... One of them is that Tang Bin’s shot is too rash, regardless of the outcome, it will make Tangmen quite passive. Second, Tangmen did not want to see Tang Bin, the elder of Tangmen, so scrapped.

Tang Bin broke the limit directly, basically it was a one-time attack. Regardless of success or not, he will be a "destroyed person" in the future, so the loss of the master of the master class is also a great loss for the millennium Tangmen!

In particular, I noticed that Qin Fang’s indifferent appearance, how savvy some of the elders of Tangmen were, and immediately understood that Qin’s strength may be far more terrible than they thought. At this time, he could not help but ask for help.

"Elders, please rest assured... I won't kill him!"

At this time, Qin Fang’s figure was also a slight movement. The whole person turned into a black shadow and quickly ran up. It was only the words of Qin Fang that came from the air. Although people are moving at high speed, this voice can be heard. It is quite clear, and there is not even a little bit of wind.

It is not difficult to see from this point that Qin Fang’s strength is much higher than Tang Bin’s...


When I thought about the Qin Fang-related materials that Tangmen got, these elders of Tangmen felt the coldness of the body!

The young man of 20 years old, when most of his peers are still attacking the masters, masters, and masters, he has reached the peak of the grand division early... This kind of strength is almost the highest Studded!

Even in the future, there may be a supreme person like the "four emperors"...

Maybe... stronger!

It is a wise choice to offend such a promising young enchanting, and it is also a worry for these elders of Tangmen!

At this time, the elders of Tangmen would understand why the Kunlun faction sent a sword to the middle man as a middleman. It is better to say that it is a suitable excuse to intervene when it comes to being an intermediary.


Several elders of Tangmen thought of a very terrible thing!

"The strongest of the five major sects, will not have been waiting outside? As long as there is news here, this group of strong will come in with the most fierce attitude..."

This is absolutely a very terrible thing, a big event that can shake the roots of the millennium Tangmen!

Even if it is not the five major sects joining forces, it is only a single action of the Kunlun strong, it is very serious...

"I am going to ask the lord..."

Thinking of this, some of the elders of Tangmen couldn’t help but say a word. After getting approval from several other elders, he also quickly left and went deep inside the Tangmen General Hall!

If things really deteriorate to that point, then these elders can’t stand it, and they must have their own masters!

As for Tang Bin...

From the moment he broke out and the Qin Fang Qinfang desperately, he has been abandoned by Tangmen!

Let Qin Fang kill Tang Bin here, although Tangmen is not very acceptable, but as long as it does not die... then everything is good to discuss, these elders of Tangmen also gave up the mind of persuasion, just waiting for the sovereign to come over. Said again.

However, Qin Fang’s work is also quite measured...

Even if I guess that these elders of Tangmen may have misunderstood, he will not take the initiative to say broken.

However, he did not intend to kill Tang Bin’s old man...

First, there is no value in doing this! Tang Bin is so old and old, and soon will become a waste person, so dead and not dead, and the Qin side actually does not have much to do with!

Secondly, Qin Fang came to Tangmen this time to rescue the Tang Xin who was arrested. Now even the people of Tang Xin have not seen it. How could he kill Tang Bin and cause the same enemy of Tangmen? He is not so stupid...

Therefore, Tang Bin’s killings were fierce, but Qin Fang’s body was dominated by his body. He relaxed and arbitrarily flashed Tang Bin’s fierce attack again and again...

Don't look at the old man's every punch, every palm is fierce, the hard and incomparable bluestone ground is blasted one after another, cracks can be seen everywhere, but the Qin side is not even a single hair in.

" not hide!"

Tang Bin is also upset, so the ultimate outbreak, consumption is also very horrible, and his strength can not last long... The Qin side is like muddy, slippery, it seems that every time he is going to be him Hit, at every crucial moment, Qin Fang can always easily escape.

His suffocation is constantly consuming, energy and physical strength are greatly depleted, and his strength is rapidly falling...

If you can't hit the Qin party again, then he can't support it anymore... This is the sentence just now!


"You are stupid... why don't you stand there and let me fight?"

Qin Fang’s rapid dodge, while smiling retorted.


When Jian Fengfeng originally spoke in Tang Bin, he was already laughing and laughing. With the response of Qin Fang’s life, he couldn’t help himself. He immediately laughed out loud...

It seems that he was infected by him. Among the disciples around the Tangmen, there were also low smiles. He couldn’t help but laugh. Although the voice was very low, it was already suppressed, but the martial arts masters were present. How can the five senses be sharp and how can they not be heard?


This laugh, for Tang Bin, can be quite deadly!

A burst of fire and heart attack, suffocating, instinct was not able to come up smoothly, directly rushed against the blood, and then could not hold back, it directly spewed out...

"I wipe, fortunately I am hiding fast! Otherwise, my clothes will be reimbursed..."

And Qin Fang, this time is also a quick flash, avoiding this **** jet... By the way, naturally, I don’t forget to tease and ridicule.


This sentence is ridiculous, and the power is no worse than that laugh.

Tang Bin not only stopped the attack, but also used a bite of blood more... The whole mouth became bloody, and the face became pale, and there was a lot of anger in the eyes. .


Even, he didn’t even have the strength to stand up, he slammed down on one knee...

At this moment, although his life is still there, but the repair of one is completely taken away by these two blood... And his body still left a very serious internal injury, I am afraid that it will not last long, he I am sure that I will return to the West.

"It doesn't matter to me, I haven't touched him from start to finish..."

Qin Fang had already avoided a long time at this time, and stood with Jian Qingfeng. It seemed very innocent. In fact, everyone knows that the reason why Tang Bin will become like this is caused by Qin Fang. Yes, no one can blame Qin!

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