Omni Genius

Chapter 2241: Mysterious kitten!

Ask for a subscription, monthly ticket ~~~ ran for a day, smashed three cities, exhausted! A big chapter~~


"Who is so fierce, even the supreme powers such as Linghu Jiao can be poisoned... Is it a poisonous old monster?"

Qin Fang also felt extremely surprised, but then he could not help but shook his head and shook his head. "This is not right... The relationship between Linghujiao and the poisonous old monster should be good! This old poison has no reason to do this. Poisoned hand..."

Although Qin Fang does not know much about the older generation's supreme powers, he also knows that the venomous monsters have encountered some troubles, and Huo Jingjiao has helped him. This old poison also owes to Linghujiao. The relationship between the two people is naturally good.

In addition, both of them are aliens of evil sects. In addition, this relationship exists, and many people are extremely jealous. Even if they want to deal with one of them, they must also measure the two extremes. Revenge of the strong.


Linghu Jiao is dead!

Still died of poisoning...

Qin Fang does not know whether the venomous old geek knows the news, but it is certain that once this old poison is known, it will definitely investigate the matter with all its strength... Perhaps a violent storm will also spread up.

Once this old poison is a violent shot, I don’t know how many people will die because of it!

This nature has nothing to do with the Qin side, so that Fox has been dead for quite a long time ... and this barbaric Carlos learned the magical magic of the devil, but it is also a very occasional opportunity.

At the beginning of the game, Carlos was at the juncture of the peak of the grand division. I haven't been able to break through for a long time, and then Ronaldo let him go out to travel, go to the world to distract, and comprehend...

When I arrived in a small town in Europe, I met the screaming devil!

It’s earlier, and it’s not only famous in Longguo Wulin, but even in the whole underground world. It’s not so famous... The most important point is that although this old woman is over 70 years old, it looks like It is also like a young woman in the last ten years, the kind of beautiful color!

Carlos is not a ghost, though. But also a normal man...

Although Linghu Jiao is an oriental beauty. Her beauty may not be able to conquer the Westerners, but her charming enchanting, even a smile, is enough to make any man fascinated. Carlos... is no exception.

I was amazed at the beauty of Linghu. Carlos will take away the poisoned devil who has been deeply poisoned!

and. He spent a lot of effort to heal the fox...

It is a pity that he eventually made every effort to save the life of Ling Hujiao!

Such a beautiful child. But it can only be fragrant and jade!

Perhaps it is grateful to Carlos for taking care of himself and desperately, so that the old demon of Huojia passed on his own unique magical demon to Carlos before he died... This created the barbarism that learned the dragon kingdom. people.

One way to the martial arts, that is the same way!

The illusion is a very terrible sci-fi school. It has already surpassed the scope of the general martial arts. Therefore, this martial art does not limit too much. As long as it meets the requirements of cultivation, it can be cultivated.

One of the most critical points... suffocating!

In other words, only the masters who have cultivated suffocating suffocation and who can be released from the suffocating suffocation are qualified to practice this kind of ruthless learning!

At that time, Carlos was already a master of the big division, and he was able to step into a higher level with only one step. The suffocation could already be released, naturally it was to satisfy this cultivation requirement... Before the death, I learned the complete magical demon.

It was this scholastic learning. After Carlos practiced it well, he directly penetrated his bottleneck of cultivation and raised him from the peak of the Grand Master to the half-step to the contending... This is the madness of this time. trip!

First, he wants to get enough capital to prepare for the future impact.

Second, it is also the same treasure in this mad mystery... This kind of treasure is something that the masters of the madman tribe will not care about, but it is a rare treasure for the master of the magical magic.

"Magic stone..."

Qin Fang whispered a word.

Carlos may not know what the magic stone is, or he just knows from the fox, that the magic stone is a kind of treasure that can help him cultivate the magical finger, but he never knows that this material has other Important role.

"I didn't expect that this mad mystery actually has such treasures..."

Qin Fang also sighed a bit, at the same time his eyes just stared at Carlos immediately... This kid came in the mad mystery to search for the magic stone, obviously knowing that there must be such treasures inside!

According to the urinary nature of these people in the Madman tribe, this is almost a matter of nailing.

In addition to the dragon king masters in the magical magic stone, I believe that the other masters... whether it is the barbarian of the madman tribe, the sect of the 12th mosque of the Masonic, or the priest of the Holy See, the dark parliament in Europe The masters will almost never need this magic stone.

This mad mystery is the secret land of the madman tribe. Only the barbarian of the madman tribe comes in here... These people do not need the magic stone, just as they do not need treasures like the jade dragon stone, the magic The stone should still remain in place without moving.

The reason why Carlos knows the magic stone is that it is the third time he has entered the madness!

He is forty years old this year. He has been in a mad mystery more than ten years ago. In the past, he was only interested in madness and ecstasy, and some materials accompanying him. He is dismissive.

But remembering it carefully, he really has a little impression on this magic stone!

Because the magical stone's very powerful role... confused!

Yes, it is confusing!

This is a rare stone with special magic!

If you stare at it for a long time. Then it is easy to fall into a fantasy of self-construction... The stronger the person, the more realistic it is to achieve the illusion, the more difficult it is to get out of it.

Even the most powerful people are dying in the illusion of magical stone making...

Of course, when Carlos saw the magical stone, it was the first time he entered the mad mystery. At that time, he barely reached the guru level. The fantasy created by the magical stone was not dangerous. He also stunned and passed. .

At that time, Carlos did not go into any more, just thought that this stone was too strange, and eventually he threw away this magic stone.

It has been more than a decade now. He is back here. I also want to find that piece of magical stone... This is an indescribable and terrible effect for him to practice the magical demon!

To upgrade the level of this stunt is one aspect, the most important thing is to strengthen the power of the magical finger...

Linghu Jiao repairs the magical demon, and does not use the magic magic stone, but her strength is strong and the cultivation time is very long. This will be able to cultivate the magical demon to a very high level... Carlos has no such time and energy. There is no such strength as Huo. This is a little tricky.

Just, now...

"It seems to be cheaper for me!"

Qin Fang also said indifferently that the smile on his face is enough to explain his mood at the moment.

Improve your skill level. This Qin Fang is not invisible... Although the experience value left in his hands is not much, but to improve it, it is still easy to upgrade the skill level to the master level, which is basically enough.

What really makes the Qin side care more is to enhance the power of the magical demon...

Power has always been associated with the skill level, it is a complementary relationship, but there are still some special means to improve the power of the stunt in the same level of skill.

For example, Qin Fang had already been the hero of the great division level very long ago. Before entering the supreme position, there was almost no room for improvement. However, he first used the power of the **** secrets, and then The cultivation of the immortal golden body, etc., etc., is to make his strength even more terrible, even the half-step to the highest position is the source of his killing.

Now, using the magic magic stone to enhance the power of the magical finger is also one of the purposes of the Qin side!

"Get off! Find the magic stone..."

It was a shortcoming of this goal. Qin Fang was also unambiguous. He immediately waved his hand and led Carlos, who recovered his injuries slightly, and went in the direction of Carlos’ memory.

Since the madness is opened every time, the position of the portal is random...

It’s been more than a decade. Carlos himself is not sure where the position of the magic stone was discarded. He can only walk and remember, and he will accidentally step into the spirit. In the territory of the Beastmaster, there was a fierce and fierce battle.

"Yes, master..."

Carlos is now the soul slave of the Qin Dynasty. Naturally, he is obedient to the Qin Fang. He immediately called it with respect and respect, and then he followed the Qin Fang with his skillfulness... He has already been around that position. The approximate situation gave the Qin side a moment.

Although the Qin side is still uncertain, but at least two people find it early, the opportunity is much bigger than a person!

When the barbarians entered the madness and mystery, they enhanced their cultivation. Even the Qin side considered this in the same way. It was only after Qin’s arrival that he was depressed and found that the environment here is not suitable for him to cultivate. Treasure hunt.

There are also quite a few good materials on the ground, and there are some rare materials comparable to the jade dragon stone, but compared with the magic stone, it is too far.

Not to mention the use of the magical stone in the formation and alchemy, it is to be able to enhance the power of the magical demon, which is enough for Qin to give up other little treasures and concentrate on finding the place where this magical stone is discarded.

Of course, if you encounter some good materials on the road, Qin Fang will not be polite, and will definitely get it in your hands.

Two people are also walking while looking for...

Over the past decade or so, it seems that the madness and mystery seem to have changed little, but in fact the terrain may not change, but some smaller environments will change, such as trees grow taller and more lush. For example, some birds and beasts nest near their nests, etc. These seem to be small things, but in reality they are very likely to mislead the judgment of the two parties.

After all, Carlos is not particularly clear about the memory of the year, only a vague, approximate memory! Really in that position, Carlos may think of it completely, but now it is groping, but it is not very easy to say!


Quiet in the woods. It seems that there are very few birds and beasts silent. But suddenly a rush of flying birds fluttering wings, and then quickly flew away from the forest in front, it seems like what was scared.

"Be careful!"

Qin Fang suddenly changed his face and grabbed Carlos. Simply commanded. Then I took Carlos together. Flying quickly on the tree, hidden in the leafy canopy.

Carlos is a soul slave, in his mind. Only the "obeying orders" command, for the arrangement of the Qin side, he is unconditionally executed ... even if he is now motionless in the tree, he will not make a little noise.

The birds flew away, the trees are still quiet, and there seems to be no abnormalities...

However, Qin Fang’s eyes are straightforward and stare at the bottom!

After about five or six minutes, there is only a small creature of the size of a common kitten, which slowly appeared in the vision of the Qin side... Its body is very small and looks very cute. I believe the girl will I like it very much.

I don't know why, Qin Fangyi saw this kitten-like creature, and suddenly there was a feeling of cold body... Even the pressure that this kitten brought to Qinfang was far from the previous one. Above the Beastmaster.

"This... what is going on?"

Qin Fang did not like this cold feeling, as if he had a steel knife on his neck, he might cut his head at any time... let Qin Fang almost have the urge to smear the soles of his feet.

"This kitten... this kitten is definitely a problem!"

Suddenly this feeling, Qin Fang is not a fool, naturally know that all this is from this seemingly harmless kitten...

"Is it really more terrible than a beastmaster?"

Although this speculation will make people feel quite unreliable, but the spirit of the beast world has never been based on the size of the size of the strength ... large size, naturally occupy a considerable advantage, but this is not absolute.

It's like the size of a whale in the ocean is almost the largest, but when it comes to ferocity, the great white shark is much more sturdy than the whale, and the general white shark is much smaller than the whales...

"Detective skills... No, still be honest!"

For this strange kitten, Qin Fang also wants to throw a scouting skill in the past, to find out the bottom of this kitten... But Qin Fang quickly denied such a plan!

It is not Qin Fang who is not curious about this kitten, but on the contrary, he is too curious, but he dare not start!

Although the investigative skill is only a skill, a **** of heaven, but it has a very bad side effect... slightly provocative!

Qin Fang sometimes has some self-deprecation. The ability to open the investigation is equivalent to carrying a provocative aura. As long as it is swept by this aura, it will immediately attack the storm and rain. This will make Qin Fang dare to Falling detection skills.

If it is a small beast with a general strength, Qin Fang’s provocation will also be provocative. However, at this time, a kitten that looks harmless, but makes Qin Fang cold and sweaty, is totally different...

Carlos was kneeling behind Qin Fang, and he did not dare to move.

His realm of strength is even stronger than that of the Qin side. The perception of certain threats is also strong. Now... Qin Fang is only very careful about this sudden appearance of a strange kitten, Coke Los apparently felt fear.

"No... is it a terrible existence that transcends the supreme position?"

Qin Fang could not help but stunned.

He has seen a few strengths in a wild and secret environment to reach the terrible existence of this level... However, he is still so close for the first time, and he has not been able to move at all. He just wants to be very different from this. The kitten is a little farther away.

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