Omni Genius

Chapter 2089: 巫 巫 巫!

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"And, Zhuoma also got the news that the people of Miao Xinjiang and the Zongzong also went out together, and it seems that they are also coming to you..."

The people in Tangmen, Qin Fang did not care too much, but the words behind Tang Xin’s heart were to make Qin Fang one of them. Literature Museum

"Wu Zong and Yu Zong?"

When I heard these two names, Rao was not willing to take it lightly.

This is a good thing to say, the main practice of cultivation is martial arts. For others, it is absolutely a threat. Even if it is a master-level master, it is quite a lot to die in the hand of a small locust. .

The Qin side itself is not afraid of any poisonousness. The locusts have little meaning to him. Even if the locusts have entered the body of the Qin dynasty, it will only become a food for the dragon or the silkworm, and it will not constitute at all. Threatening……

When Qin Fang was in Miaojiang, he had already killed the black witch doctor of Miaojiang. He had seen the aphids, and he still caught a heart.

However, what really made Qin feel the threat was Wu Zong...

Wu Zong is a very special sect. The age of existence can be said to be much longer than the time of all the sects in the world. It can be traced back to the ancient times. Even the Qinlun School of the Qin Dynasty is completely unable to Compared to it.

Wu Zong is a sect of martyrdom without witchcraft. It is also a horror martial art that cultivates ** to the extreme. It is said that the witches of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects, even if the strength does not reach the supreme level, the physical strength has already Comparable to the supreme body, and even some metamorphosis of the enchanting can also make the Witch God battle body more horrible!

Witchcraft combat techniques are said to be extremely horrible, almost all of which are the top secrets, so the starting point of the masters of the Witchong is stronger than other Zongmen people... and, for thousands of years, although the world has changed . But Wu Zong has never been eclipsed, nor has he encountered any confusion. Most of the witchcraft secrets have been passed down, and naturally they are more powerful than other sects.

However, Wu Zong is very low-key, and has always been reclusive in the deep forests of Miaojiang...

The people of the major gates only know the existence of the Wuzong, but the number of encounters with the Wuzong gates is only a handful... It’s not that the number of witches is too small, but the people of the Wuzong, who are generally unwilling to go out. A piece of forest.

Just come out. That must be for what big things...

As for the strength of Wu Zong master, Qin Fang is not particularly clear, but he once listened to the cheap master Qing Qing Laodao said that ... the world's top master, the four emperors, perhaps there are still a few hidden masters. It should have the same strength, but it must be said that the world can find a stronger existence than the four emperors, then such people must come from Wu Zong.

In this case, Qin Fang listened at the time and listened to it. He did not care about it at all.

When he saw the madman's shot, then Qin Fang even strengthened his thoughts... at least in the environment of the outside world. The existence of the four emperors is also standing at the peak, and it is unlikely that there will be stronger.

As for Wu Zong...

The Qin side only regards it as a legendary hidden sect. It is not easy to say that it does not exist, let alone cultivate such a terrible strong person...

"What are you talking about? Is the news accurate?"

but. Now suddenly heard the news, Qin Fang did not want to be shocked, and immediately asked seriously.

If only Wu Zong is born, then he will not care about it...

What really needs to be worried is the top five sects, evil sects, and magic gates. Not his little shrimp!

However, Tang Xin said that the Wu Zong people actually have a great possibility to come to themselves. This makes the Qin party quite calm...

"Wu Zong and Mou Zong are actually a source, and Zong Zong is a small branch of Wu Zong... This time it is the trouble of the people who want to find you, but they don’t know how to tell the people of Wu Zong. Moved, this will be..."

Tang Xin obviously also tried to understand this matter. She couldn't find the specific internals, but some of the information on the surface shows that.

"The trough..."

When I heard this sentence, Qin Fang couldn’t help but burst into a foul language. He completely fell into the gun...

Miao Zong’s troubles to find him are mostly related to the black witch doctor who had been killed... The matter has been going on for quite a long time, but the witchcraft and the sorcerer’s strangeness may not be detected. He came up from the head.

Witch doctors are the characteristics of Miaojiang, white witch doctors save people, and black witch doctors harm people...

But they all have a characteristic, that is, all of them will use locusts, which is doomed to their relationship with the legendary ancestral ancestors, and even with the Wu Zong has a little relationship!

Qin Fang was just a handy one, but he did not expect to be troubled by himself.

"You will help me to pay attention to this matter. I will explain it to Fifi. If there is news, you can tell Feifei directly."

Qin Fang was silent. This is not a small matter. He must not be ignorant. He simply gave Tang Xin a confession and gave her some authorization to collect information about Wu Zong and Mou Zong. .

"Don't tell you directly?"

Tang Xin’s voice was quite strange and asked.

"I am very important now, I have to go to a country, the length of time has not been determined... During this time, you may not be able to contact me!"

Qin Fang did not suspect him, but simply explained it.

This trip to the country will definitely not be so easy. Qin Fang has even prepared for a big fight in the country... In order to ensure his own safety, Qin will definitely cut off his contacts on a regular basis. It may even be changed to action.

In this case, Qin Fang is very inconvenient to get in touch with the country, so it is easy to expose himself.

To deal with a meeting, the Qin side can still calmly calm down... Even if it is not easy, the Qin side can still cope.

But if it is true to the mysterious and powerful Masonic, then the Qin side must be careful.

Although it is said that the most powerful warrior in the world is the four emperors.

However, the Qin side absolutely believes that there should be some peerless powers who are not much worse than the four emperors...

At least on the other side of the Holy See, in addition to the Pope who is in charge of the high authority, the head of the Knights Templar, the deputy referee of the referee, and some perverted monks, are the top powers who are strong and perverted.

Although the Masonic Association is not comparable in size to the Holy See, it is even more mysterious. Even in the Dark Parliament of Europe, it is not easy to provoke the Masonics... then the one who is the Lord of the Freemasonry. Bit, if it is just an ordinary person, killing Qin Fang does not believe.

Moreover, the organization of the Freemasonry is very strict, and the hierarchy is very strict. The insider estimate is that only the real core knows more clearly. The outsiders are only a few simple guesses...

However, the Freemasonry can exist on the earth for thousands of years, and its foundation is profound. It is estimated that even the Holy See and the Dark Parliament may not be able to compare with this...

It may be necessary to confront such a strong and terrible opponent. Qin Fang would not be careful.

"Then you be careful..."

Although Tang Xin’s time left the mountain is not too long, but now and gradually integrated into this society, she is also a very intelligent woman. Listening to the meaning of Qin Fang, I understand that his trip to the country is not simple, even with extremes. Great risk.

Therefore, she did not continue to ask questions, but only concerned about it.

"Tangmen, Yuzong, Wuzong..."

A simple chanting, Qin Fang's face is also quite dignified. "It seems that this trip to the country can no longer be delayed... If it is really wrapped up by these people, will the ghost know when it will be able to get out?"

This is not an exaggeration of the Qin side, but the fact is that.

Tangmen’s is better. In addition to using Tang’s top ten hidden weapons, it may threaten the Qin side. Others who sent them, Qin Fang is not afraid...

Supreme strong?

Of course, Tangmen has...

Moreover, Qin Fang also knows that there are two supreme strongmen in Tangmen... However, these two are all a lot older, and one of them is already over a hundred years old. It is only half a step away from the end of life. It is almost impossible to leave the Zongmen.

Then the masters of the Tangmen faction, at most, only the peak of the grand division or the half step to the extreme...

Before Qin Fang was in the five factions, Qin Fang was really able to hide far away, but now it is... then only the meat buns can be beaten, and there is no return!

However, Qin Fang did not want to be stared by the people of Mou Zong and Wu Zong...

The two masters are too difficult and too strange. They use some special secret techniques to stare at you without even knowing what they are doing, even killing you... even if Qin Fang presses the bottom of the box. A lot of skills, life-saving stunts are more than a few, but also afraid of these people.

What's more, the things on the other side of the country are also very tense, and Qin Fang does not want to delay in the country...

Ron, the general clown of Ron, is actually only a purpose of Qin’s trip to the country. He also knows that the civil gangs in the country have entered a special period. Song Yi’s three masters have already I have achieved considerable advantages. However, some people inside the Green Gang have become traitors, betrayed the interests of the Green Gang, and actively invited outsiders to join this civil strife!

Although Qin Fang is not a green gang, he is a Chinese...

And Song Yi three people are supported by him, that is, his younger brother... The younger brother is in trouble, and he can't sit still and ignore the boss, always need some strength!

Just here, I got the news again, and Qin Fang didn’t want to stay.

The trouble in the rear is not too big. It is not a big deal if you slow down. If the front line fails, it will be a blow to the Qin side...

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