Omni Genius

Chapter 1841: You are my man!

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When the morning came, the first sun was projected into this ice cave, Qin Fang had already woke up.

To be precise, he has hardly fallen asleep all night... Even if the ice cave is enough to be hidden, if the fallen angel mercenary group is heavily hunted, it is still possible to find them. Hiding place.

The Qin side must ensure the safety of the two people. All the nights are staring at the outside movements, and it feels that they can't sleep. After all, the enemy is big. Just by Qin Fang alone, the enemy may not work, but the breakout is Still no problem.

However, if you bring Ning Yumo, you must prepare in advance. If you come to the end, you will think of holding a Buddhist house temporarily. It is a bit late.

Perhaps you can still escape success, but the price paid will be great.

He didn't want to expose himself so quickly until he had yet to fully understand the purpose of the fallen angel mercenary group.

Of course there is another very important reason...

Qin Fang is also a young man with a **** Fang Gang. Now there is a beautiful woman with a nearly red strip in her arms. The kind of meat and meat friction, as well as the body fragrance of the monks, are stimulating the **** of Qin. .

Although the clothes on Ning Yumo's body were not completely stripped, and the last underwear was kept, but it was all light and thin materials. Qin Fang could even clearly feel the grapes standing in front of Ning Yu's chest gently rubbing his chest. ......

This is simply abusive!

Normal men can't afford such treatment, but Qin Fang is still a young man with strong blood and strong, and Ning Yumo is a perfect and perfect woman. If it is not his strong enough, I am afraid that it will change soon. I am in love with the color.

The end of the good determination is... Qin Fangyizhu Qingtian, from Ning Yu ink sleep last night, until now!

Normal men have always been like this, they have long been soft, but Qin Fang can always maintain a strong and strong, this is the benefits of practicing the military to the Yanggong method!

"you're awake?"

Suddenly, Ning Yu’s movement in the Qin Fang’s arms moved, and he already knew it. When Ning Yu Mo Yan opened his eyes, he immediately asked with a smile.


Seeing the Qin Fang, who is close at hand, Ning Yu's face is also showing a hint of pink shyness. Although the relationship between the two people is so bad, it is still not broken.

But now it is so intimate, even the body does not have much barriers, as a woman she is also a bit shy... Don't look at her like a female tyrannosaurus, but her tutor is doomed she will be ashamed.


At this time, Ning Yumo estimated that he also wanted to get up. He then reached out and pressed it on Qin Fang’s body. He wanted to borrow it, but he accidentally pressed something...

At the beginning, she hadn't reacted yet, but Qin's own face suddenly became weird, but she said nothing, just a tight face, it seems to be holding on.

Ning Yumo is also paying attention to the reaction of Qin Fang. Because when she got up, it was inevitable that she would leak out. She wanted to see what the Qin side would have... I didn’t expect her to get up yet. Qin The party seems to be very weird, and her heart is also somewhat puzzled.

Suddenly, she felt that the thing in her hand seemed to have changed a little, became hotter, and... gradually swelled!

As a policeman, Ning Yumo is still a unbroken virgin, but he also knows what parts of the man have such changes, and immediately can not help but exclaimed, loosened the gripping things...


Ning Yu ink hid to the side, his face was even more blushing and red, and could not help but scorn.

"You can blame me for this. If I were a satyr, I had already eaten you last night..."

Qin Fang is also helpless and smiles.

"Who will let you not eat! Hehe..."

Ning Yumo was white, and he whispered a whisper.

However, with the episode of the paragraph just now, the little gap between the two has almost disappeared...

Ning Yumo immediately got up and started to wear clothes, but he didn't have too much scruples about Qin. Although he couldn't see it on the mouth, she didn't stop the meaning of Qin Fang, but also deliberately got quite plump and attractive* *, deliberately ** Qin Fang is coming.

This whole night, the two people are almost honestly met, and they have all seen it. They shouldn’t have seen it. Some of the stimuli have already received it. Now it seems that they are still tempted. People are incomparable, but Qin Fang still can stand up.

"Really want to send me away?"

When Ning Yu ink put on his clothes, he also asked quite a bit of resentment.

Although she knew that she would only be a drag on the Qin side, she couldn't really look at Qin Fang alone to take risks... especially the enemies facing it are still so powerful.

"Send you out of Kunlun Mountain. The military people are already on the outside. You are waiting for me there..."

Qin Fang nodded, no matter how reluctant the woman was, but for her safety considerations, he had to do so.

This is not a matter of bargaining at random. Any mistake can lead to death. He can't make this joke...

"Well, then I will wait for you to come back... safely back!"

Ning Yumo is also a woman who knows the truth. She knows that Qin’s idea has been fixed. It is impossible to make any changes. She no longer insists on anything. She just gently grips Qin’s neck and kisses her warm lips. The mouth of the Qin party.

Perhaps this is the first time that Ning Yumo has been so active, so enthusiastic...

The Qin side did not marry the beauty of the mind. The pair of men and women were passionately kissing in the ice cave. The four hands were constantly free on the other's body. It seemed that they could not completely sneak into each other's body. Like.

The enthusiasm of the kiss lasted for a long time, until the two people were a little bit suffocating, this was very tacitly released.

"From today, you... is my man!"

Ning Yumo seems to be covered with a chapter, very proud to announce, "My man, will become the hero of the top of the earth, is the invincible existence ... without my permission, he will not die!"

"Reassured! No one can kill me! No one can do it!"

Qin Fang is also somewhat emotional and will hold Ning Yu in his arms, quite a bit of feeling.

Although it is only a few simple words, it is also a clear view of Ning Yumo's mind...

This is a woman who is willing to hide behind her. She is also a woman who understands things very well. She knows what kind of path a man should take. Even if she is worried or afraid, she will not stop it, she will only support it!

The two men kept warm in the ice cave for a while. Qin conveniently wrapped the clothes for Ning Yumo and immediately set off from here and went outside the Kunlun Mountains.

The conditions in the mountains are really too bad. Without Qin’s care, Ning Yumo’s survival here will be quite difficult... It’s only temporary security if it’s outside the mountains.

With the strength of the Qin side, even if you are holding a person, running in this snow and ice, it will not have much impact. At most, the footprints on the ice and snow are a little deeper, and the speed is not reduced. How much.

At the beginning, Qin Fang could spend less than a day and crossed the Kunlun Mountains and arrived at the hidden town. Now Qin can still cross the Kunlun Mountains... but this time he still needs to find some The person’s whereabouts took a little longer.


At the Kunlun Mountain Pass, the elite team of Sun Captain and others encountered a complete attack by a mercenary squad. The strength of the two sides seemed to be similar, and the firepower was not much worse. It was deadlocked at the mountain pass.

The gunshots rang here, and it was quite clear on this empty snow-capped mountain, and even the sound spread far and wide.

"Hey, there are guns over there..."

At this time, Qin Fang took Ning Yumo on the road quickly and suddenly heard the gunshots. It was also a bit strange.

Today, in the Kunlun Mountains, except for the fallen angel mercenary group, it seems that there is only the garrison of the Dragon Kingdom... but the fallen angel mercenary group will not be stupid to go to conflict with the garrison, so they will only be Earlier exposure to the Tibetan side military region.


"Feather, it seems that we have found someone..."

Qin Fang laughed at Ning Yumo and counted it. It seems that only the captain of Sun may be them...

The fallen angel mercenary group will definitely stare at the garrison's outpost, and generally will not take the initiative to approach, but only the captain of the team, their team is arranged separately, and the possibility of a gun battle is the greatest.

Moreover, the gunshots are quite dense. It seems that the firepower of the two sides is not much different. It can only be this special forces squad. The ordinary garrison can't hold back the killing of international mercenaries!

"It seems that their situation is not very good, let's go help... let me down!"

Ning Yumo also listened to Qin Fang’s statement about this special forces squad and immediately asked for it.

She has dealt with these mercenaries and knows how difficult these people are. Although the captain Sun is good, they may not be able to hold these people. It is time for them to appear, and naturally they have to help.

"it is good!"

The Qin side did not refuse, after the rehabilitation of the blood Dan, and the protection of the Qin party all night, even if the body of Ning Yumo did not return to the peak period, it was not too much, but against these mercenaries. There is nothing too big a problem.

What's more, there are big masters like Qin Fang who are staring beside them. Those who are too strong, he will pick it up first...

However, from these people, the mercenaries and the captains of the captains are deadlocked. Most of them are just ordinary mercenaries. There are no decent masters!


Recalling that he was suffering from the loss of these mercenaries, Ning Yumo immediately became the Queen of the Blades. After a sigh of relief, he immediately turned into a fierce tiger and threw himself into the flock. . (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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