Omni Genius

Chapter 1496: Complex and weird!

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"Northern Birds... It’s just that!"

I noticed the abnormality of this old woman. Qin Fang’s face also showed a very weird smile. The guy who is a bird of the North Bird is no longer particularly valued.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang is also a lot easier, but he can't help but sigh, the whole person seems to be a little burnout.

"Young master, what happened?"

Qin Zi is giving Qin Fang a massage, and suddenly sees the reaction of Qin Fang, and can't help but ask strangely.

"It's nothing……"

Qin Fang shook his head and enjoyed the feeling of Qin Zi's delicate little hand walking in his body, but it was not very happy.

"The time is almost the same. Let's go back first... notify the monks and return to the room immediately!"

After a moment of silence, Qin Fang also got up from the hot spring pool, and it seems that he does not intend to continue to soak.

"Don't do it?"

Qin Zi also stunned, and asked strangely.

According to their prior plans, she and Qin Fang will choose the right opportunity to kill Beige Yifu directly... But now Qin seems to be giving up.

"The North Bird is not enough to worry about it. I will keep him for the time being..."

Qin Fang smiled and said, don't care.

Between the words, this North Bird is also a lot of contempt, it seems that they are not willing to mention this abnormal guy.

Qin Fang and Qin Zi came out from the hot spring pool. Back in the hotel room, not much time, Ji Xiang, Wukong monk and other people who received the news also came back together.

"Old Qin, what is the situation? Isn't it good to do it?"

Ji Xiang's temper is more urgent, and when he comes back, he is very puzzled.

Several of them split their actions, not only inspected some of the situation of the North Bird, but also touched the staffing of the Anping Shrine in the vicinity.

And when they plan to do it in the Qin Dynasty, they also respond from the other direction. Reduce the pressure on the side of Qin...

The service department is very similar to the long-term, the North Bird is the heir of the Anping Shrine, the popular candidate of the big **** official, and his side is also protected by the master.

The only opportunity that can be started is when the North Bird and the old woman are fooling around, the master is also taken away by him...

But now, once this happens, there is such a big movement. The master will not appear, Ji Xiang they come to a sound of East. However, it can give Qin Fang a lot of trouble.

only. Some of them are almost ready, they can do it at any time, but it is not the signal of Qin’s action, but let them give up and return to the hotel room immediately... It’s no wonder they feel very strange!

"A little special situation was discovered and the action had to be temporarily cancelled!"

The Qin side is a dignified face, and it is obviously more important for this special situation.

"What special circumstances?"

Listening to the Qin party saying this, they all feel a little strange. In particular, I noticed that Qin’s look is not quite right.

"The people of the magic door..."

Qin Fang was silent for a moment, then he said slowly. "The old woman who was born in the North Birds is actually the person who is the magic door..."

If Qin’s investigation skills are too much against the sky. It is estimated that no one can think of this hidden secret.

Although the old woman joined the Anping Shrine in the years is not particularly long, but she is the mother of the North Bird Kojiro, at least for twenty or thirty years.

Being able to lurk for so many years in the six holy places of Fuso, such as the Anping Shrine, the old woman’s ability...that would never be simple.

Most importantly, it seems that her identity has not been dismantled until now... Instead, because of her relationship with the father and son of the North Bird, the status of the Anping Shrine is getting higher and higher.

"Hundred Flowers Magic?"

When I heard the words of Qin Fang, several people immediately thought of a sect.

In addition to this Baihua Mozong, it seems that it is very difficult for other six sects to be seated.

"Not bad! The people of Baihua Mozong..."

Qin Fang nodded and gave a very positive answer.

"The old woman is from the Baihua Mozong. Although she hides very well, her strength... is also very scary!"

The reason why Kita Kazuo can have today's status and strength is partly because of his talent and hard work, and the other part is related to this old woman.

The Baihua Mozong is the weakest Zongmen of the Devil's Gate, but its status has always been quite stable. It is even stronger than the powerful sects such as the Blood Demon and the Devil. There are also many disciples who will go to the flowers. The female disciple of the Mozong...

It is not only for the charming and charming, glamorous, and enchanting of the female disciple of Baihua Mozong, but also related to a secret technique of Baihua Mozong.

Baihua Mozong has a secret technique called Qinglong spit water...

This is a secret technique of collecting yang and yin, which can inhale the essence of a man's yang into his body, thus achieving his own effect.

But it is also this secret technique that is too detrimental to others. Many men are suffering from losses, and this will push the Baihua Mozong into the magic door.

In fact, this secret technique is not as evil as it is imagined. It is also derived from a mysterious technique of yin and yang reconciliation. It has the same effect as the joyful meditation practiced by the Qin dynasty.

However, the people of Baihua Mozong generally pay attention to the harvesting, and rarely go back to feed back, which will cause this kind of cognition... Qinglong spit water is an evil magical secret!

Some people even changed the secret of this green dragon to spit water into Qinglong vomiting blood...

History has always been written by the victors. The reason why the magic door is called the magic door is not that they are willing to call themselves this way. They are all deducted by the righteous league.

The identity of this old woman in the Baihua Mozong is not particularly clear, but the secret technique of this Qinglong spit is very high in cultivation.

North Bird is able to have today. It has a lot to do with this old woman, and she is almost always fed by her...

Perhaps it is precisely because of this, the more North Birds can not leave this old woman ... will always maintain such a relationship!

Obviously, this inside story is that even the cherry blossoms are completely unknown, and even everyone is played by the old woman between the applause.

"The people of the Devils suddenly intervened... Are they interested in the position of this great priest?"

The sudden appearance of this old woman is also a little bit unpredictable for Qin’s plan. He does not know whether this woman happened to sneak into the Anping Shrine, or the Magic Gate intends to use this opportunity to intervene in the teachings. ......

The Taoism is really powerful. Controlling the entire martial arts of Fuso, the strength of the huge is almost unimaginable, even in the underground world is a force that can not be underestimated.

But if you compare it with the magic door, it will be inferior...

Devil's Gate, don't look at only six major sects, but it is a huge monster that can compete with the entire right-wing alliance... How terrible the power is, then it can be seen.

For thousands of years. The main gates of the Zhengdao Road are all very strong, such as Kunlun, Shaolin, Xueshan, Tangmen and so on. Which of these sects is not terrible.

Such a sect will take one out. It is easy to flatten a holy place in Fuso...

However, the combination of so many powerful sects is just a slap in the face of the magic door. How many times you want to kill the magic door, but never succeeded once!

On the contrary, there are quite a few right-handed sects that can't be destroyed, and eventually they are destroyed by the magic door. It is said that the once-popular Qingcheng faction disappeared like this!

Although the Magic Gate suddenly went overseas many decades ago. Since then, there has been no news, but Qin Fang knows very clearly. The magic door still exists, but the lurking is more hidden.

Recalling the original. Qin Fang killed the poisonous Han Long on Hong Kong Island. In the end, this force did not fall apart. Instead, it fell into the hands of the witch Jiangrou...

It was also the first time that Qin Fang knew that although the Magic Gate was lurking, their ambitions were still very large, and they could even take years to slowly lay out.

"The Northern Birds have become the shackles of the Devil's Gate. Is this also the layout of the Devil's Gate?"

The strength of the old woman is even stronger than that of the North Bird, although it has not yet reached the peak of the master class, but it is not much worse.

Basically, the Northern Birds seem to be very bullish, but it is already the embarrassment of this old woman.

And this old woman is the magic flower of the Devil's Gate. With the position of the Magic Flower in the Magic Gate, it is not difficult to imagine that there is definitely a stronger Zongmen behind it to promote and control.

"And it was set up 30 years ago, and I have been forbearing until now. This handwriting is really amazing..."

At the thought of this, Qin Fang couldn't help but be afraid for a while. It was really a horrible person behind him, so that he couldn't help but feel the trepidation.

"Old Qin, what should we do next?"

Knowing the secrets hidden in it, the face of Wukong monk who knows a little about the inside is quite dignified.

He was born in Shaolin Temple, and at the beginning against the powerful magic gate, Shaolin Temple as the martial arts of the Taishan Beidou, has always insisted on the front line.

It is precisely because of this that Shaolin Temple is very hateful to the disciples, and the disciples also want to kill the Shaolin disciples...

Right now, an old woman from the Devil's Gate is in front of them, and where is it... This is really a very troublesome thing.

"The bird of Beibei Yifu can't move for a while..."

Qin Fang’s face is not very good, but this tune can be fixed first.

There is no problem in killing them, but now they can’t move the North Birds...

Judging from the current situation, the North Bird is supported by the magic gate. Not only does Anping’s society strongly support the North Bird’s summit, but the Magic Gate will also be pushed in the dark.

But once the North Birds accident, or directly killed, it will inevitably cause the wrath of the magic door!

Qin Fang did not care about an Anping Shrine in the district. He even dared to take the initiative to assassinate the North Bird, which is obvious.

But the magic door, Qin Fang is not too dare to provoke now... It is really a deep weakness in this behemoth.

This is the sect of the right-wing alliance that can be compared with Shaolin, Kunlun, Tangmen, Snow Mountain and many right-hand sects. After these decades of recuperation, the strength is absolutely terrifying.

Otherwise, the magic door will not put the idea on the head of the same powerful and horrible Taoism...

It is also because of the insertion of the magic door, Qin Fang is not good at killing the North Bird, and annoyed the magic door, they must not eat and walk.

It’s really that step, Qin’s trip to Fusang is just that, and he can only go back to China. This will be safer.

The disciples of the Demon Gate have always been pitiful, but almost every one is an elite among the elites. The genius in the genius, the number of masters are quite large, and the masters of the Grand Master level are not in the minority...

Even the legendary Supreme Master, the Magic Gate is never missing...

Qin Fang is not the head to be kicked, knowing that this is not appropriate. But it is going to provoke the magic door, then it is the real head being kicked.

"Don't kill the North Bird. What are you doing here?"

Although Ji Xiang does not quite understand what the Qin and Wukong monks are worried about. I also know that this magic door must be terrible, and now they are not suitable for the North Bird.

"Can't kill a bird, we can kill others..."

Qin Fang smiled and said with a smirk.

"Don't forget, now our identity is... the people of Anping Shrine, my current name is North Bird Kojiro!"

Just from the expression of Qin Fang, I know that Qin Fang is definitely playing a bad idea. At least Ji Xiang and others heard this sentence, and all of them looked green.

"It is said that people from Putian Shrine live not far away?"

At this time, Qin Fang also sighed slowly. It seems to be talking to himself, but it seems to mean something.

"It is true. The people of the Putian Shrine live on the side of the mountain..."

Ji Xiang had a strange smile on his face, and his eyes were also erratic. He just explored the movement on that side, and the inquiries were relatively clear.

The Liangye Hot Spring Hotel is still very large, surrounded by its territory, and the building complex is also built on the mountain, divided into several parts.

Perhaps because of this relationship between the officials, many masters have flocked to Sapporo, and many of them have chosen the Liangye Hot Spring Hotel, which is closer to Hokkaido Shrine.

As one of the six holy places, Anping Shrine and Putian Shrine occupy the best two courtyards of the Liangye Hot Spring Hotel...

The Qin party became the northern bird Kojiro, so naturally they lived on the side of the Anping Shrine. The opposite of them is the residence of the Putian Shrine...

"The Putian Shrine seems to be much stronger than the Anping Shrine! Their heirs seem to be... Tian Gangchun one!"

Although Qin Fang knows little about the inside of Fusang Wulin, he knows very little about the hidden secrets of the six holy places. He is very clear about the names of the heirs that can be introduced at least in the six holy places.

Nowadays, the young masters of the six holy places, Qin Fang has seen the Shrine of the Shrine of the Shrine, the Sacred Cherry Blossom of Hokkaido Shrine, and the big brother of his fake identity, North Bird...

The remaining three are Tian Gangchun of the Putian Shrine, Fukuda Yukai of the Manchu Shrine, and Inoue Yuichi of the Otake Shrine!

At the Manchu Shrine and the Otake Shrine, the Qin side was temporarily unable to make it, but there was no suitable opportunity to start it. It was a close-knit Kushida Shrine, and there were still some opportunities.

"Go, we used to explore the road... Although the North Birds can't move for a while, the identity of the North Bird Kojiro can't be wasted!"

I made up my mind that although the previous plan was aborted, but a little modification, it is also possible to continue.

However, this object to be started has changed from the Takahisa Kazuo of the Anping Shrine to the Tian Gangchun of the Putian Shrine.

As a result, several people, including Qin Fang, drove the hotel's electric car and headed for the mountain. He went to the mountain and went to the river.

However, when they left, Qin Fang specially greeted some of the masters left by Anping Shrine in case of emergency.

White, it is to be rescued by the people of Anping Shrine after they have smashed a big disaster...

Even Qin Fang thought of a more vicious plan, and it has already begun to implement!

North Bird Kojiro had already died a few days ago, or Qin Fang personally started, the body was dried by Qin Fang...

Of course, the corpse stayed in the prop box, because of the time-forbidden relationship, even if it is now taken out, the body still has some body temperature, as if it had not died for a long time.

With the love of the old bird of the Anping Shrine, the new pair of Kita, Kojiro, and the short character of the old man, once you discover that your baby grandson is dead in the hands of the Kushida Shrine, what happens... This is really Unimaginable.

Will there be a big battle between the Holy Land and the Holy Land, which is an unknown number.

Moreover, Qin Fang can also take this opportunity to successfully get out of the way, almost returning to their invisible people... re-disappearing in the crowd!

"Old season, this task will be handed over to you..."

A few of them in Qin Fang were thinking about the past in the mountains, and Ji Xiang was assigned a task to go ahead and inquire about the news.

Compared with the Anping Shrine, they can inquire some information from the inside, but they still know nothing about the Putian Shrine.

Although the cherry blossoms said some insider, it was related to the North Bird, but it was never mentioned that Tian Gangchunyi was a man...

However, Qin Fang is vaguely aware that

The Kushida Shrine ranks second in the six holy places, second only to the Asama Shrine where the ministry of the service department is located, but among the six candidates, Tian Gangchun’s ranking is much behind the service department’s long-term, only ranked fifth. The position is only slightly stronger than the cherry blossoms.

However, even if this is the case, Qin Fang will not underestimate this Tian Gangchun one.

After learning the greatness of the cherry blossoms, Qin Fang knows that these people can become candidates, and none of them are good-natured children. This Tian Gangchun is no exception!

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