Omni Genius

Chapter 1478: break!


"Young Master, it’s over..."

Fortunately, this state has not lasted for a long time. With the call of Qin Zi, it can be said that everything is back on track.

At this moment, all of their pedestrians have already arrived at the iron rope outside the Musashi River Gate... Under the cover of the white clouds, the Musashi Stream is already close at hand.

"set off……"

Along with the command of the Qin side, several people quickly climbed the iron rope under the white clouds, and then quickly moved toward the opposite Musashiliu station.

The fog here is somewhat problematic, but this kind of fog is only for the masters below the master level. Most of them have entered the master class, and this kind of fog is no threat.

As for Qin Fang himself, he was not afraid of the toxins in these fogs, and naturally it is even more impossible to care about these fogs...

What surprised Qin Fang was that Sakura Huā seemed to know that there was a problem with the fog, but he did not show any concern. He just found a special powder from his body and sniffed it a few times. I boarded the rope together...

The Qin side also simply observed it. It was found that Sakura Huā after taking the powder seemed to have some special protection, and the fog could not hurt her.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang did not have a little bit of joy, but it was slightly frowned, because he suddenly thought of a thing.

Qin Fang untied the body's ban on Sakura huā, but at the same time gave her a medicinal remedy... This medicinal drug is naturally also toxic, but it is made by Qin Fang with several toxins. .

The toxicity of this medicinal herb is quite violent, but it has reached a state of equilibrium under the special prescription of Qin, and the toxicity has become stable.

Of course, this kind of stability is also relatively speaking, such as only a few days. Or if you encounter a specific situation, you will be induced in advance and so on.

With this remedy, Qin Fang can not care if Sakura huā will escape, because she only needs to keep her life, then she must be obedient.

However, Qin Fang asked Qin Zi to search the body of Sakura Huā, but did not find the existence of this powder, but now Sakura huā took it out. This is a little problem.

Obviously, although the strength of Sakura huā was banned by the Qin side. But she still has her own little tricks and careful eyes...

For example, this kind of powder is specially hidden, so even Qin Zi search body has not found out...

Since Sakura huā can hide this powder, it is natural to hide other things, such as the anti-drug medicine of the secret biography of Hokkaido.

Although the Qin side is quite uncomfortable with the Fusang little devil, he has never dared to squat the Fusang martial arts. There are also many very powerful masters hidden in it.

If not, in the big battle decades ago. It is not that the martial arts masters who have been born in the field of Fusang can compete against the big dragon country...

Of course, the big battle was won by the Dragon State Wulin, but it also paid a very terrible price, and even overall it was not much worse than the price paid by Fuso Wulin.

With the area of ​​the projectile, but can compete against the big dragon country, then this Fusang must not be underestimated... So, seeing the powder that Sakura huā took out, Qin Fang will change his face.

"Sorry, young master..."

It seems that I also noticed the little movement of Sakura huā. Qin Zi’s face also became quite ugly, and it was faintly whitish.

In particular, I noticed the frowning blemishes of Qin Fang. Qin Zi was pale and his eyes were deeply shy. Tightly biting the lower lip and apologizing to Qin.

"none of your business……"

Qin Fang shook his head and softly comforted Qin Zi.

He can still understand this point. Although Qin Zi listened to the Qin dialect, his strength has already entered the middle of the master class, but her experience in the rivers and lakes is still too small.

Sakura huā is the sacred woman of Hokkaido Shrine, but it is not the kind of woman who is raised in the deep, but the flow of women in the rivers and lakes.

This woman may not be very old, but the experience is much stronger than Qin Zi. Especially the various life-saving skills are very proficient.

This has a great relationship with the special environment of Fuso Wulin. They are much more cruel than the Longguo Wulin. If they are careless, they may lose their lives. Therefore, everyone's skills or items for life-saving are regarded as the ability to press the bottom of the box.

In particular, the glamorous woman like Sakura huā is in the country where Fuso is a woman with a low status. It is also the protection of self-security. It is not surprising that there is such a little self-protection.

However, she did not expect that Qin Fang would directly ban her strength, and even changed her appearance, sealed her tongue, completely turned into an ordinary woman who can no longer be ordinary ... her life-saving skills But it is also not able to come in handy.

"Young master, this woman is you want it?"

Qin Zi was very shy, but seeing the gentle look of Qin Fang, it seems that she really did not blame her, her face is also better.

However, when I think of all kinds of sakura huā, Qin Zi’s eyes also flashed a violent murder, and I couldn’t help but say to the Qin side.

And she also put out the action of the palm before the neck... The meaning is naturally quite clear.

"Forget it, it's still useful to keep her..."

Qin Fang shook his head and denied Qin Zi’s suggestion. He replied very simply... Of course, Qin Fang did not blame Qin Zi.

However, one thing is certain. After this incident, Qin Fang will not be so reassured about Sakura Huā, and will definitely be wary of her.

For the inability to directly sing a cherry blossom huā, Qin Zi is also a little depressed... But since Qin Fang said that she has kept her useful, Qin Zi naturally did not dare to mess with sakura huā.

In case she killed Sakura huā, but it destroyed the plan that Qin Fang had already made a plan, then she Qin Zi really died.


There is not much time to think about Qin Ziduo. Several of them have already landed in front of the mountain gate of Musashi.

What appeared in front of the Qin side was an empty mountain gate, and even half of the guarded disciples did not, it was particularly strange.

"What is Kawada Musashi?"

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang couldn’t help but stunned. I always felt that this was a bit too wrong...

Just let him talk about what is wrong with him. He looks left and right. It seems that there is something wrong with finding out where there is something wrong.

"What old guys want to play with moths?"

Ji Xiang, a few of them are the same, empty mountain gates, this is really unreasonable, think of what happened last night, Qin Fang they even feel that there is a problem.

"No matter how much, go in and say! The soldiers will block the water to cover the earth... I am afraid that his Kawada Musashi will not be!"

However, Qin Fang, they have already reached the front of the mountain, there is no reason to retreat for this, simply walked towards the depths of the mountain gate.

A few of the masters behind him also sneaked in, and the unlucky child of Tang Benyi was put in the hands of the Ministry of Service, and walked to the end.

Compared with the previous time, Qin Fang directly sneaked over and then sneaked in all the way. This time, Qin Fang, they swayed out.


However, soon Qin Fang knew that they would feel that something was wrong, and even for this big hand of Kawada Musashi children could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Almost in the Qin Dynasty, they crossed a martyrdom and officially entered the interior of the Musashi Stream. They were not greeted with fresh huā and applause, but... the overwhelming ninja dart!

That is to say, Qin Fang and several of them just walked out of the martyrdom, and there was such an abnormal sound in the ear. Then the whole sky was covered by the black-pressed ninja darts, and all of them were fiercely attacked toward the Qin side. ...

"Mahjong! Kawada Musashi, the old king..."

In the face of such a welcoming, Rao is already estimated that the Qinfang of the Kawada Musashi will smash the moth.

As far as this scene is concerned, the attitude of Kawada Musashi is naturally very clear. This is not intended to be a good time with the Qin side.

Even Kawada Musashi is going to kill all of them in the Qin Dynasty...

"Son of a bitch!"

Although the ninja darts come quickly, but they are all masters of the master level, the reaction is also very fast, each posing a fighting stance, ready to participate in the war directly, but this mouth naturally can not let go of Kawada Musashi The betrayal of the guy.

The master of the master class is already a big man who really enters the ranks of the masters. The strengths are all very top-notch. If you are afraid of these people, then there is no need to come out.

However, this overwhelming ninja dart hits, it is the master-level master can not help but chilling... The so-called ant multi-bite like... This scene may be the best interpretation!

"Everyone is back... I am coming!"

At this moment, Song Qingshan, who has always been relatively low-key, stood up with a cold face. The big hand waved and gestured to the back of the partners who all returned to the martyrdom. At the same time, the body was also golden, and directly greeted. These ninja darts rushed over.

"Aoyama, then..."

While Qin Fang and others stepped back, they suddenly threw out the same thing to Song Qingshan.

"It’s just right..."

Song Qingshan quickly saw what it was. He took it with one hand and then buckled with both hands. He danced in his hands.

Dangdang ~~~

The sound of such metal strikes is also endless. Song Qingshan dances the "weapons" in his hands to intercept all the overwhelming ninja darts.

Even if there are individual fish that slip through the net, it is still impossible to pose any threat to Song Qingshan. It hits him and only makes such a crisp sound! ~!

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