Omni Genius

Chapter 1327: The sword of the game!

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And that piece of chess, with the disappearance of this sword light, turned into a little starlight, floating in the surrounding air, until it slowly faded, it seems that there has never been a general...

However, although this starlight gradually dissipated, if you look closely, you will find that these stars are slowly hidden in the body of the Qin side.

At the same time, Qin Fang clearly felt that there was something more in his mind.


Unfortunately, Qin Fang does not have time to look at it carefully, because almost the sword light of this piece was crushed by the Qin side, and the two pieces were immediately bounced on the board. Two Jianguang lights hit again quickly...

Somewhat different from the previous one is that this time it is not two blacks, but a pair of black and white. The speed is quite fast, it seems to be simultaneous, but the vagueness has a layered texture.

Jianguang is still sharp, and suddenly Qin Fang feels the pressure of great pressure, which is not a simple superposition of one plus one equal to two before.

Qin Fang’s face was calm, his wrist was shocked, and the flow sword was already in his hands...

Speaking of it, this illusion is also true. Although Qin Fangming knows that everything here may be illusory, but he can't find a flaw, even his props can be used here.

The slashing sword or the killing was used by Ishihara Ishihara, and it has been placed in the props box. Even if the Qin party only broke into the game, Cui Haoyu and Fu Qinglin did not find that Qin Fang carried the weapon.

The sword is in the hand, and the Qin Fang is running inside. At the same time, the magical power of the gods is immediately violent, and the breath of the body is also soaring upwards.


The two pieces came quite fast. Swiftness is like lightning, but Qin Fang’s shot is also very fast. The snow-free body method allows Qin Fang to show up in this space. Then, when the swords of the two pieces were brought to the body, the sword in the hand was quickly and continuously shot.

Now Qin Fang's one-handed weapon proficiency has reached the master level, which is the only passive skill that Qin Fang has reached the master level. When Qin Fang made the gun. The effect is not so obvious, but now the sword is completely different.

Although Qin Fang has hardly practiced any swordsmanship. But a slashing sword is in his hands, just like a veteran buddy who has been playing for decades. There is almost no stagnation.

Two swords were shot. The two pieces were bursting in less than a meter in front of Qin Fang. It is also a little bit of starlight, which spreads rapidly in the air.

However, the two pieces burst and the starlight is slightly different. If you look closely, you can see that the color is slightly different.

Qin Fang did not bother to observe these, even if he found something, he quickly shifted his sight. Because there is another movement on the chessboard.

On the board, the chess pieces jumped again, and then turned into a sharp fly of Jianguang... faster and more. Reached three pieces at the same time.

These three pieces of chess formed a small-scale sword array of the character type with the talent of the heavens and the earth, and went straight to the side of the Qin side...

The speed is very fast, and it is not the same speed, so that Qin Fang is even more frowning, but he does not dare to relax.


However, Qin Fang is now completely tight in spirit, and the flow shadow sword in his hand is even tighter. When these three pieces are on the scene, they will quickly attack.

The process was not complicated, and it was still very easy. Qin Fang was still very successful in breaking the three pieces and did not let them attack themselves.

But in fact, only Qin Fang knows that although this process will soon end, the danger is quite large. As long as the Qin side has such a small mistake, then the swords of the three pieces will be Will instantly penetrate his body...

The Qin side does not know what the consequences of his body being penetrated by such a sword light. It is directly eliminated from the illusion, or it is really badly damaged... These Qin parties are not very clear. of.

Although Cui Haoyu and Fu Qinglin asked him to be the fifth to join the game of the sword, but obviously kept a lot of internal feelings for him, at least the other four people knew something about the game's endgame, Qin Fang obviously did not know. of.

Originally, Qin Fang did not care. He also wanted to seize the disciples of Cui and Fu. With a little trick, they could know the secrets they wanted to know from their mouths.

It is a pity that the endgame of this sword is not what Qin Fang imagined. As soon as he entered this place, he immediately entered the magical array.

Here, except for himself, there are not even half of the ghost shadows. Obviously the other four people are the same, and they are all separated.

At this time, Qin Fang also understood a little bit about why Cui Haoyu and Fu Qinglin knew that the four people were not the opponents of Qin Fang, but they still dared to let the Qin party come in.

Because if Qin Fang had an attempt, he still couldn’t hurt Cui and Fu...


Qin Jian is not very clear in the end, Qin Fang is not very clear, but he is now quite uncomfortable, because the **** chess is now like a killer, constantly attacking and killing Qin.

The number is also increasing with each shot of the Qin side. Although each time it only adds one, the Qin side roughly glances at it. The chess pieces on the board are estimated to be no more than two hundred, and at least one hundred and fifty. .

Now he can barely support it, but his consumption is incomparably huge. It is really that these pieces are very strange, and there is still a kind of combination.

From the most basic three talents, then to the four elephant arrays, then to the five arrays, the ** array, the seven-star array, the Eight Diagrams array, the Jiugong array... The more the number of pieces, the more powerful the combination.

Qin Fang’s snow-free body has almost reached its limit, but the increasing pressure is that Qin Fang is almost unable to hold it.

"Mom, it’s a big loss..."

Looking at this moving chess pieces more and more, Qin Fang's face is a bit green, and the heart is calling "pits."

He didn't break a piece, and naturally there was one less on the board. These pieces were determined by the number of pieces on the board.

And he didn't go to play chess at all, and he directly recognized the vote. He didn't add a piece of chess, and he didn't kill the big dragon by black.

The result of this is that there are too many pieces on the board. He is already a little tired of dealing with it now, especially the combination of the pieces, which makes him tired like a dog!


Only the Qin side did not know that at the moment, outside the game of the sword, it was another movement.

Plop through ~~

The stone door on the stone wall is still open, and it has not been closed as the Qin Fang guessed. It is still a black hole in the cave. It looks like it doesn't look like a finger.

However, some people quickly flew out from inside... Then a very classic dog licking the action, where people are stupid, it seems to be wrestling.

Cui Haoyu, Fu Qinglin and others also looked at it indifferently, but they were not surprised at all. It seems that this is taken for granted.

If you look closely at that position, you can clearly notice that the ground there is slightly above the ground, as if it was specially pulled out.

Instead, there were two elders of Fu’s family who came over and took the Wong’s disciple who had wrestled and mentioned it to the side.


Almost this side has just been taken away. In the black hole of the stone gate, another figure flies out. The trajectory and strength of the flight are almost the same. Even the action of the dog eating is similar, and it is also the same. Wrestling... I was finally taken away by the elders next to me.

This time it was a disciple of Cui's family. Although it was a little later than Fu's, it seemed to be half a catty.

In the next three minutes, the remaining two people were also thrown out, the same posture, the same trajectory, the same end...

Only the Qin side is still in the cave, there is no movement to come out...

The disciples of Cui and Fu both were awake at the moment, and all faces were shy and seemed to be very embarrassed.

It is a pity that their homeowners Cui Haoyu and Fu Qinglin did not look at them at all, but their eyes were staring at the direction of the cave behind the stone gate.

Time spent a minute and a second, but the Qin side still did not fly out, the faces of these two people not only did not have a little bit of dissatisfaction, but it showed a little expectation.

But at the same time, Cui Haoyu and Fu Qinglin looked very nervous. Just look at the fists that were pinched in their robes, and the knuckles were pinched and whitish.

Obviously, Qin Fang is struggling against it, and they are also very nervous outside, just like the two of them are immersive.


Rumble ~~

When such a series of sounds came, Cui Haoyu and Fu Qinglin looked at each other and almost moved at the same time. In the blink of an eye, they reached the front of Shimen.

The two people stood still and left, and the breath of the body also rose in an instant. The master-level cultivation was even more mad at this moment.

The elders of Cui and Fu were originally full of fog, but they saw that the two owners suddenly showed their true strength so violently, but they did not seem to be hands-on. Something.

These elders also abandoned the younger children of the two, and quickly ran to the vicinity of Shimen, directly venting the water around the neighborhood, and everyone almost gathered all their skills...

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