Omni Genius

Chapter 1305: Explosive!

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Fu Junhao's strength, Cui ** is also generally known, should be similar to Cui Mingjun, and even originally arranged for these two people as opponents.

The strength of these two people is quite equal. If it is done under normal circumstances, it is really hard to say who wins or loses. Even these elders are difficult to judge. It depends on the specific performance of these two people.

However, Cui Mingjun’s stupid fork is actually stupid enough to challenge the judgement. This is no different from sending death. A wounded Cui Mingjun is convinced of Fu Junhao in the last heyday.

Cui ** thinks that Cui Jia wants to lose a person, first defeated one... The result is Fu Junhao, who is stupid and jumped out to accompany Cui Mingjun to die!

If these two people hang together, then it is equal to the two people still playing a draw, although there is some gap with expectations, but at least the draw is much better than the defeat.

Cui ** smiled, but Fu’s person couldn’t smile. The face of Fu’s face became quite bad. Just look at his eyes that seemed to be spurting fire. I can imagine his mood at the moment. .

Inviting Qin Fang to be the judge is indeed a temporary move by Fu, and they have specially pushed out a very good judgment.

In order to ensure foolproof, before these players played, General Fu also repeatedly reminded Fu's players not to talk about judging this matter.

However, people are not as good as days, Fu Junhao does not know that the string in the head is wrong, and actually despised his previous orders, it is hard to jump out at such a critical moment.

"Mr. Qin, look at it..."

Although the anger is burning, but the general manager of Fu is the host, the ongoing work is still going on, only looking at Qin Fang with a look of bitter smile, asking his opinions.

"It doesn't matter, then the two together... If there are other people who don't accept it, let's go together, don't delay my time!"

The Qin side shrugged indifferently. The young disciples of Fu Jia and Cui Jia were also considered good. They were similar to some of the small martial arts of Long Guo Wulin.

It’s just that the younger generation is a younger generation. Compared with the older generation, it is still a lot worse. Although there are also young masters who have entered the master level, they are still far worse.

Not to mention that two people have shot, it is the ten people who joined forces. The Qin party can still easily destroy them...

"Great tone!"

When Qin Fang said this, he suddenly changed the face of many people, and some of the masters who thought they were strong were extremely disdainful.

In the Fu family and Cui family camps, some people who did not understand the Qin side also showed such a look. It seems that it is not very optimistic about the Qin side.

Qin Fang did not care to come down from the judging panel, and then slowly walked to the center of Fujian and Taiwan, and at this moment Cui Mingjun and Fu Junhao have already stood there.

"You two are a pair of friends?"

Qin Fang slowly walked up and looked at the fact that it came from two camps. It should have been a hostile silly fork, and he couldn’t help but swear.


When Qin Fang said this, he suddenly made many people's faces become weird.

However, thinking so simple, it seems that Qin Fang's words are not necessarily targeted, at least in such circumstances, such a situation. The two rivals have reached an agreement on issues that should not be consistent. If the two brothers do not have any inexplicable relationship, it is really hard to be convinced.

"You bastard!"

Both Cui Mingjun and Fu Junhao were slightly stunned, and then the face was exposed to the extreme anger, and I wished to tear the Qin Fang into pieces to be willing.

Cui Mingjun provoked Qin Fang, because he felt that the judgement was a soft persimmon, the most easily crushed...

And Fu Junhao. The reason why he jumped out for the Qin side, in addition to feeling that he could beat the Qin side, was also because of the unpleasantness that had been caused before with the Qin side.

This embarrassing mind is quite small, so when he saw the opportunity, he couldn’t help but jump out and look for trouble. Anyway, his opponent is Cui Mingjun. Both the winners and the losers are still on the same starting line. He naturally Will not care!

"Don't talk nonsense. Let's do it... let you give you a few tricks!"

It is a pity that the Qin side does not seem to want to talk to them nonsense, and waved his hand, saying indifferently.

"you wanna die……"

Fu Junhao and Cui Mingjun both looked at each other. Although the two people belonged to two camps, it seemed to be the same in this moment. All of them were shocked, and they all whipped up all the power. When they roared, they rushed to the side of Qin...

The strength of the palm, the strength of the boxing with the wind, the speed is also quite fast, it seems that the power is amazing, it is not difficult to see that the basis of these two people is still playing very solid.

"Not bad……"

"A very promising young man, if you add a little chance, maybe you can progress to the master level in the next 20 years..."

There will be amateur observers everywhere, and this kind of competition is no exception. Once I see these two shots, I immediately start to comment on the viewers who think that their eyesight is very good.

It seems that I am very optimistic about the two young people like Fu Junhao and Cui Mingjun. On the contrary, it is not very optimistic about the Qinfang who seems to be calm.

It is really the feeling that Qin Fang gives people is too ordinary, too dull, as if they do not understand martial arts at all, it is no wonder that these amateur players will see it.

But the people who really know how to do it are obviously not like this. Fang Zonglin seems incomparably indifferent, and other judgments are only slightly frowning. Even the old devil in Ishihara has a flash of surprise in his eyes.

I just saw that Fu Junhao and Cui Mingjun really started. Cui and Fu’s managers couldn’t help but close their eyes. How did others analyze it? They didn’t mean anything to them. It can be said that the results are from these two. The moment when an idiot had to challenge the Qin side was already doomed.

The punch is like the wind.

Although Fu Junhao and Cui Mingjun had different positions, this time the mind was the same. All of them broke out with the strongest fighting power and flew to the Qin side. The violent fist went straight to Qin’s head. It seems that I can't wait to blow Qin Fang's head directly.

"Good speed..."

However, with the surprise of the audience, when they saw that their fists were about to fall on the Qin side, Qin Fang suddenly turned into a phantom, disappearing instantly from the place.

When the figure of Qin Fang appeared again, it was already behind these two people...

Sitting in the judge's seat, Ishihara old devil saw the speed of the Qin side, and the brow was slightly wrinkled, and there was some surprise in his eyes.

Of course, the strength that Qin Fang showed, in addition to the speed is relatively fast, there is nothing too prominent, and his brow quickly relaxed.


However, Fu Junhao and Cui Mingjun are masters of the master level. If it is a full-fledged shot, it is quite powerful.

The two immediately rushed toward the side at the fastest speed, and the punching force was even more violent, and the sound could be heard faintly, as if hitting the leather.

In fact, they didn't hit anything at all, just the sound of the fist rubbing the air.

Qin Fang’s figure is like a ghost, and he keeps circling around the two people. Every time he seems to be hit by a fist, but he can always easily evade the past.

Soon, Fu Junhao and Cui Mingjun have already made a lot of moves, and Qin Fang has already completed his promise.

"Now it’s my turn to shoot..."

The two men were shot ten times in a row, and they couldn’t touch the corner of Qin’s clothes. But Qin Fang felt almost the same. He sighed at the two silly forks and immediately deceived him quickly. It is.


Fu Junhao was a little closer to the Qin side. Naturally, he was first contacted by the Qin side. This kid didn't even have a little reaction time. He heard a series of crashes erupting from his body.



With such a dull sound, Fu Junhao flew up in the air and slid in the air for about five or six meters. Then he fell heavily on the ground, and his head fainted, even without a scream. Have time to send it out.


Such a scene was almost completed in an instant, and Cui Mingjun over there had not had time to react, and Fu Junhao had already been killed by Qin.

"not good……"

Fu Junhao was killed, Cui Mingjun immediately knew that things were bad, almost subconsciously want to escape, he obviously knew that he could not be Qin's opponent.

"Want to go? Ask my fist first and say..."

Unfortunately, his reaction was still slower. After cleaning up Fu Junhao, Qin Fang took a shadow and went to Cui Mingjun.

Did not wait for hypnosis to respond, Qin Fang that casserole big fist has been whistling, and a slamming sound, Cui Mingjun, although he wants to dodge, but he is depressed and found his body's reaction speed, can not follow Compared with the speed of Qin’s boxing, it seems that it is not one or two shots.


When Qin Fang succeeded in recruiting, he would no longer give Cui Minhao any chance. The fists poured out like a rainy violent rash, and instantly covered Cui Mingjun's body.

A series of squeaking sounds, almost even the Qinfang's boxing voices are covered up, it is the cracked sound of the bones, and obviously not as simple as one or two.

The time is still only a few seconds before and after. When Qin Fang’s last punch slammed out, Cui Mingjun’s body also flew involuntarily, sliding a few meters in the air, and then falling heavily on the ground. At the same time of the dull sound, it was also a glimpse of the head, stepping on the footsteps of his good friend Fu Junhao, and directly fainted...


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