Omni Genius

Chapter 1287: Essence Seven Star Grass!

Liu Jia has such a master sitting in the town, it really makes Qin Fang quite unexpected.

However, it seems that it is a good thing now...

This master-level master has blocked the road, unless Liu Junxian has any pressure on the bottom of the box, or there is something to kill, it is difficult to shake the old man.

If Qin Fang is expected to be good, I am afraid that Liu Junxian’s three people are not thinking about it...

The strength of this guru is not much worse than that of the **** hand. It is even stronger than the old Alai old man who was on the Qin side.

The tragedy of Liu Junxian and others, Qin Fang did not have the heart to pay attention to him, he just took advantage of the rear Liu Xianjun to help him block the master-level master, he is quickly rushing toward the cold pool direction.

From that point on, the temperature of the ramp is getting lower and lower, and the feeling of coldness is becoming more and more obvious. The cold pool is indeed close at hand.

The snow-free body is fully unfolded, and the speed of the Qin side has also risen to a very high level. The delay in the rear may not be very long. He must hurry to grasp it.

The feeling of icy is getting stronger and stronger, almost letting Qin Fang feel some cold, but his special constitution, such coldness will not affect him.


"What about people?"

When Qin Fang just stepped into a dark cave, the moment of the cold rush came in, and at the same time, he also vaguely took the voice of a person.

It’s not just people who have a silvery sword light that strikes quickly. Under the projection of the cold water, it looks extraordinarily dazzling.

"There are still people who are..."

Qin Fang was also slightly surprised. I didn't think that in this dense place of Liu's family, in addition to the master of the master, there is also a master who is not weak.

Judging from the speed of the shot, this person is definitely a master level, and has reached the level of master level intermediate level even stronger than Liu Xianjun, who is also in the middle of the master class. At least this sword method is coming out. It is not much worse than the original Kim Jong-ming.


It is a pity that the master's mid-term is still in the middle of the master class. It is not a star and a half with the strong master of the Qin class.

Even the masters of the master class like Jin Zhengming, Qin Fang is still smashing his eyes and this is more natural.

Qin Fang didn't even see the other's face, and the body moved slightly. He easily passed the other sword that seemed to kill, and then the body was intertwined with the person, and the wrist was gently lifted. A hand knife is lying on the back of the other's neck...,

The master of the middle class of the other masters did not even have the chance to react. They felt that the eyes were black, and then the whole person lost consciousness instantly.

When the sword fell to the ground and he himself fell powerless on the edge of the cold pool, if it wasn't for Qin Fang's eye, he would have pulled him, fearing that he had already fallen to the cold.

The cold cold lake may have adapted to the low temperature here, but once the whole person falls into the cold pool, it is afraid that a life will soon disappear.

Although Qin Fang came to **** Liu Jiabao's treasures, he did not want to hurt people's will. This master is obviously also a Liu family. Even if he does not surname Liu, he must have a very close relationship with Liu family. Otherwise, it is impossible to live in such a secret. The place……,

This master is also weak enough. Before he could show his own good swordsmanship, he was easily stunned by Qin Fang. He almost lost his life.

Qin Fang originally thought that there was such a master-level master in this martyrdom. Basically, there would be no more masters. After all, a master-level master is considered to be the top master in the country.

If the Liu family spread the news, it would be impossible to become a first-class family. It is definitely the top-ranking of the second-rate family. Kim Jong-ming, the second idiot, is not expected to kill him.

It is precisely this kind of thinking, Qin Fang did not carefully observe the changes on the small map, just rushed over quickly, the speed is too fast, and there is no more attention to pay attention to so much.

Fortunately, this person is only a master in the middle of the master class. If there is another master of the master class, then the unlucky one must be Qin.

Throwing this master to the side, sealed his veins with a silver needle, and let him temporarily be in a state of torment, so that this guy would not let the guy freeze because of the inability to lift the air to resist the coldness of the cold pool.

Anyway, after Qin Fang took away the millennium cold jade from the cold pool, he must definitely leave here, and then he will be relieved of such a ban....

Throwing people aside, Qin Fang was too lazy to ignore him, but concentrated on researching this cold pool.

The area of ​​the cold pool is not very large, that is, the water pool is about five meters in diameter. However, the mist on the water of the pool is a faint mist. When it comes to people, it suddenly brings up a burst of ripples.

The temperature of this cave is very low and may have to be below zero. However, these pools are not showing signs of freezing at all. It looks very strange.

Under the mist of this layer, it is faintly visible that several green plants grow on the edge of the cold pool, and those tea trees are the most conspicuous.

This is obviously the Yunluo tea tree that Liu Jialai lives to treat as a treasure.

However, Qin Fang did not care at all. Instead, he was more interested in a small grass that looked younger next to the Yunlu tea tree.

"This is...the elixir?"

Seeing this grass, Qin Fang’s face is also changing instantly. It can be said that it is even more shocking than seeing the master.

Although the Yunluo tea tree is good, it is also because of the relationship between the cold jade ice crystal released by the millennium cold jade, which can become a good baby.

Taking Yunluo tea all the year round has a good effect on the improvement of cultivation. This is justified with the elixir, but this cold jade ice crystal is far worse than the elixir.

The Qin Fang had such a great medicine as Jin Longzhen, and even got a treasure like the Millennium Bead from the seabed ship, but he did not hesitate to send it out as a gift.

The cold jade ice crystal is slightly stronger than the spiritual water bubbled out by the millennium bead. The Qin side is naturally invisible, and even the Yunluo tea is not seen by him.

The real purpose of Qin Fang is the piece of millennium cold jade at the bottom of the Hantan Lake...

It’s just that Qin Fang didn’t expect that this millennium was still growing on the edge of the cold pool. Although it was still very young, the elixir is a medicine, and it’s not much to grow. The year of Yunluo tea does not know how many times it has been strong...

It can even be said that these few Yunlu tea trees add up to the leaves of this elixir!

Suddenly, Qin Fang understood why there were masters who would like to stay in such a dark cave.

I also understand why Liu Jiaming is very weak, but there are masters who are sitting here in the town. This Yunluo tea tree is not the focus at all. The millennium can not be taken out is not the focus. The real key lies in... medicine.

The elixir is very important for the military, especially if you want to advance to a higher level, without the aid of the elixir, and relying entirely on your own cultivation, you may not be able to take that step for decades.

The master of the master has just a lot of age, and the skill is quite deep, but it is almost the same as the middle of the master class. It is impossible to be a master from a higher level.

However, this master of the middle class, which was hit by the Qin side, is still relatively light. It looks like it is in its early thirties. The future is still very good. If it can be assisted by this elixir, it will enter. Master level is not necessarily impossible.

Qin Fang thought so briefly, it seems that he also knows a bit about why this master and a master master live in such a cave, just to wait for this elixir.

"This is... Seven Star Grass."

Qin Fang quickly walked over there, ignoring the few Yunlu tea trees next to him, squatting down to observe this elixir, and using the detection skills, he quickly learned the name of this elixir.

Qixingcao is a middle-class elixir. It is already a very good grade in the elixir. Nowadays, the elixir is completely extinct, and the elixir is basically gone. The elixir is already considered to be Very good, it is very rare to see a strain.

Seven Star Grass, Gu Ming Enyi, there are seven lavender spots on the green grass leaves, which is also the origin of Qixingcao.

This seven-star grass seems to be better known, and the maturity of the seven-star grass is relatively short in the elixir. Every seven years, a new leaf grows, and when it reaches seven leaves, it officially enters maturity. .

The maturity of the seven-star grass is about three to five years. This time is also the strongest time for the drug. Whether it is taken into the medicine or taken directly from the medicine, it is very effective.

Once it has passed the maturity period, the seven-star grass will gradually decline, and finally form a grass seed of the elixir, waiting for the next birth.

The seeds of Qixingcao are still a very good medicine. It condenses about 50% of the drug's total medicinal properties, which is equivalent to the medicinal properties of the lower elixir.

Of course, if Qixingcao does not reach maturity, the medicine has not yet fully grown up, and the potency is much worse. For each leaf, the drug will be discounted once.

The seven-star grass in front of the eye has not yet entered maturity, but it is already six leaves. The seventh leaf has already revealed a little sprout. It seems that it will take a long time to grow up and enter the maturity period...

It seems that Qin Fang really understands why the master of the master must stop Liu Junxian and others from entering the cold pool. He is afraid of night long dreams, disturbing the maturity of Qixingcao, and misunderstanding his major events. Naturally, it is impossible for them to come in and destroy. ...... (to be continued)

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