Omni Genius

Chapter 1284: Unexpected discovery!

Chapter 1284 was discovered unexpectedly!

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A blood-filling Dan, but it is a big road cargo in the Qin Fang props box, for the Liujia's sticks, this is equivalent to a panacea. ("")

Otherwise, Bingxue Dan has a good therapeutic effect on some injuries, but it does not reach the absolute miraculous degree. It is only because the medicinal herbs are extremely rare, which will be deified.

But then again, if the injury is not light, taking the blood Dan, there is still a good chance to hang a life ... and then timely treatment, perhaps the original death must be able to recover.

In this way, this blood Dan is indeed a life-saving spirit.

The Qin Fang’s blood donation is really a value...

Basically, from the beginning of the entrance to the Liu family, the eyes of the Liu family looking to Qin Fang have become more eager. Not only is the Qin party regarded as a guest or friend, it seems to have signs of deification.

However, Qin Fang did not appreciate this. He did not intend to do anything good when he came over...

Tang Feifei three women have been sent back to Seoul, although there may not be safe, but at least safer than Jeju Island.

The fall of the Jin family made the Qin Fang’s reputation in the martial arts of the Guozi Country also loud. Many families are in the wait-and-see, and some families with the Liu family have issued olive branches to the Qin side.

Even Fu Jia and Cui Jia did not do so directly, but they also expressed goodwill...

The stick country is not a very strong country, that is, the stick's mouth is a bit more sloppy. It really is a fart.

Not only in the martial arts, but in the underground world, and it is rare to see the masters from the great countries, even if there is only a very small number, it is not comparable with other countries. ("")

The welcoming ceremony of the Liu family is naturally very grand. It is estimated that the family's celebration day may not be so lively. The town occupied by Liu Jiaba is even more colorful.

Qin Fang also did not refuse this, basically he was like a marionette, let Liu Xianhe arrange them.

From participating in some important buildings of the Liu family, to introducing some important figures of the Liu family, and even the cups on the back of the banquet, Qin Fang did not reject it, and all of them should be accepted.

Such a bold Qin Fang also made the Liu family feel very face-to-face. Naturally, the guests and the host were happy... After the satiated meal, the "drunk" Qin Fang was sent back to the guest room.

Qin Fang’s current amount of alcohol does not dare to say that the world is number one. It is definitely not a lot of rivals. It’s all pediatrics without a thousand cups. It’s not in his eyes.

Although Liu’s people poured a lot of his wine, Qin Fang was actually not drunk at all, and he was still very awake... The reason why he became like this was to make preparations for the next move.

The Liu family’s people had a night, and it seems that Qin Fang is the most tired one. In fact, Liu’s family is not much better. Some important people have been almost filled by Qin Fang. Even if they are not completely drunk, they are not completely drunk. Not too much.

Wait until midnight, almost everyone has already rested, and Qin Fang has not yet quietly climbed up, and then quickly slipped out.

The hidden skill has been advanced to the Qin side, and the Qin Fang master-level peak repair, almost when Qin used the hidden skills, it is difficult for people who are lower than him to find his existence...

Of course, some masters with special skills, such as the original Sasaki can find Qin's hiding place in advance.

There are no such people in Liujia, Qin Fang is not very clear, but there are only two masters of Liu Jialian masters, one is Liu Xianjun in the middle of the master class, and the other is the Liujia old man who is already dying.

The old man is basically negligible. Although his cultivation is a master, but now his body is old, the real strength is already not as good as before. It is estimated that even the master's repairs will not be achieved. ""

And I heard that this old man’s ears and eyes are not so good, it is no different from a waste person...

Even so, Qin’s goal this time is this father.

The entire Liu family, who knows the location of the Yunlu tea tree, may only have two people... the former Liu family owner Liu Jia, the old master, and the current owner, Liu Xianhe.

It is almost impossible to know Yunluo tea tree from Liu Xianhe. Although Liu Xianhe attaches great importance to the Qin side and is very grateful, the Yunluo tea tree is the foundation of the Liu family, and they will never reveal it.

If it is so easy to put it out, the Liu family was already destroyed by people hundreds of years ago. How could it still survive to the present?

Therefore, Qin easily took his mind to the body of Liu Jia, who had not met before...

The Qin side is certainly not a means of using this kind of coercion and temptation for the father. Although he came to take away the treasures of the Liu family, he did not make it to that extent.

As for how to know the location of this Yunlu tea tree from the mouth of the old man, there is already a countermeasure in Qin Fang’s heart.

Even for this purpose, we have specially arranged and designed a specific implementation plan. Otherwise, Qin Fang will not be dragged to Liujialai until now.

"Manic pharmacy..."

Qin Fang’s hand has such a very magical pharmacy. He has been in his hands for a short time. There are two bottles in the original, but one bottle has been used, and only the last one is left in the hand. Bottle.

It is also because of the rarity that Qin Fang has not used it all the time, so he stayed in the props box...

However, as soon as the redemption system came out, the rarity of the pharmacy was relatively reduced. It was only necessary for Qin to spend a lot of experience to talk. How many bottles he had had no problem.

Of course, since Qin Fang has such a potion on hand, it is natural that he does not have to waste the experience value. His experience value is now very tightly buckled. He is absolutely unwilling to waste a little bit when he has no choice.

Manic pharmacy is a kind of medicinal agent that can make people feel irritated in a short time, and even have some disorder. This is a very mature medicinal agent, which is more reliable than the mad medicinal agent obtained by Qin.

Whether Liu’s body can withstand the medicinal properties of this arrogant remedy, Qin Fang’s heart has long been designed. He will use acupuncture to close several key points of Liujia’s grandfather, so even if there is any accident, Qin Fang It still ensures that the old man can live...

In the absence of certainty, rushing to use these pharmacies, Qin Fang naturally will not do so, he does not want to bring trouble to himself, but does not want to kill innocent people.

Qin Fang had already had a plan in mind, and now it is time to implement it. He quietly passed through the layers of guards at the Liu family and went to the deepest part of Liu Zhai.

The Liujia old man lives in the ancestral home of Liujia. The ancestral home has a history of four or five hundred years. Although it has been repaired for many years, it still looks very old and old.

Qin Fang had already visited here during the day, and Liu’s father did not show up, but Liu Xianhe once pointed the position to Qin.

Originally, Qin Fang also wanted to take this opportunity to visit, but Liu’s father had already slept, and Qin Fang had to give up. After all, Qin Fang could not force Liu’s father to pull up from the bed. It was too Immoral.

But now no one can disturb the Qin side. He has gone all the way to the ancestral home of the Liu family. He easily avoided the guards around the Liu family and quickly came to the ancestral home.

"Hey, anyone?"

However, when Qin Fangren arrived here, he noticed that there was a light on the room of Liu’s father, and there was a vaguely visible figure. The Qin side also slightly stunned.

At the moment it was midnight, basically the entire Liu family became quiet, and the surrounding area was completely silent. Basically, they had already rested, and few rooms still lit.

Liu’s grade is a lot of his body, and his body is not very good. Most of the time he is resting, but at this time his room is lit with lights, which is a bit strange for Qin.

But strangely strange, Qin Fang will not choose to retreat because of this, but quickly slipped into the window of the room.

Liu’s father is old and poor, and there are so many people waiting around him. This is actually not surprising. In the middle of the night, the old people want to get up at night or for other reasons. The people around them turn on the lights to take care of him. It is also very reasonable, so Qin Fang did not care.

This ancestral home is an old-fashioned building, and it is also made of wooden structure. The window is also the kind of imitation of the ancient architecture of the dragon country. The window is a thin layer of window paper, which can be worn with a slight slap.

Qin Fang did not do that. The movement was too big. It was too easy to alarm the inside. So he just pierced a small hole with a silver needle and looked at it from this small hole.


It’s just that he doesn’t know it, and he’s got a big jump at first glance.

There is indeed someone in the room, and it is not a person. Besides a white-haired, old-fashioned old man, there is another person... This is still an acquaintance of Qin Fang.

However, this acquaintance seems to be not very good-looking. He is angry and glaring at the old man, and even one hand has caught the old man's neck.

"Old is not dead... Do you think that if you don't say I don't know where the place is? Hahahaha... It's too naive!"

The acquaintance of Qin Fang is showing a sly look at this moment. The eyes of the old man are also full of madness. It seems that there is really an impulse to reach out and reach out.

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