Omni Genius

Chapter 1281: Strong stepping down!

Chapter 1281 is a strong step!

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This result has indeed made many people difficult to accept at this time and for a moment, all of them are dumbfounded, even the people on the side of the Liu family who are on the side of the Qin side are similar. Church

Kim Jong-ming’s prestige is also very strong in the country of the stick, especially as an enemy. The Liu family is also very jealous of Kim Jong-ming.

This time, if neither side was forced to do so, the Liu family would not dare to do so clearly with Kim Jong-ming.

If they can watch, they also hope to stand on the sidelines, instead of being trapped in it...

I did not expect that this war has not yet begun. The undefeated myth of Jin Zhengming, who was on the top, was unfortunately ended, and this one is exactly the Qin.

"Right, he seems to be on our side..."

But soon, the people on the Liu family responded and immediately couldn't help but squat.

This time, with the Jin family in full swing, Liu Jia was forced to this level. It is also said that the Qin party is forced to win. Many people in the Liu family are not particularly satisfied with the Qin side.

It’s just that the enemy is currently, and they can’t mess up inside...

But now Qin Fang once again showed his strong destructive power. After killing Kim Jong-hee, Kim Jong-ming of the Golden House’s top beam was once again photographed.

"This... how could this be?"

Kim Jong-Ming was also a little scared by such a result. He is a master of the late master class. He is a first-class master in the country of the stick. There are only a handful of people who can win him, but those who are all are martial arts. Famous, seniors...

However, the Qin side is obviously no longer listed. It is really a bit too young for Qin Fang, even smaller than his son Jin Junen. ("")

At such a young age, there is already a master's peak... even the strength of the master class?

How can this be?

Kim Jong-Ming was also frightened by such a discovery. I really felt that my head was not enough.

"No... he is not stronger than me, but it is just a matter of fact!"

But soon Kim Jong-ming responded. Just now he was smashed by Qin Fang. He did not think carefully. Now that he has come back, he has reacted. The reason why he is like this is not Qin. The strength of the party is strong enough to defeat itself, but it is cheaper in power.

"It turns out that...hey, I won't let you succeed again!"

Understand the reason, Jin Zhengming feels that he will not give Qin Fang any chance to succeed, his face is also becoming sullen, and the eyes of Qin Fang are also more aggressive and sinister.



It was just that Kim Jong-ming felt that he had discovered the truth of the facts and prepared to give the Qin side a fatal blow. Then when he smashed the meal, Qin Fang once again leaned over.

Qin Fang’s speed is very fast, and it’s almost a dazzling feeling. Kim Jong-ming’s side has just returned a little bit. When he still doesn’t fully understand what’s going on, Qin’s big foot has already collapsed. come.

Kim Jong-ming was shocked and his body was slightly stiff. At this time, it was a bit late to try to dodge, let alone counterattack after the defense.

Facing the foot that was close at hand, Kim Jong-Ming just rolled down aside subconsciously, and at this time he couldn't care for the master's style.

Qin Fang’s foot is so heavy that it’s obvious to hear the whistling wind that comes with it. If it’s the words in this ankle, I’m afraid that he’s a master in the late master class will be quite unbearable.

Therefore, in the face of such dangers, Kim Jong-Ming’s safety is much more important than his face. The lazy smashing of it makes it a beautiful one...

Just... can he really hide in the past?

Obviously he still overestimated himself and underestimated Qin. ""

"Want to run? Which is so easy..."

Qin Fang was a bit of a playful look at the Kim Jong-Ming who was lazy and crawling out. His face was also a little strange, and his feet were slightly moved. The snow-free body was also a quick development, while still maintaining the trajectory. Kim Jong-Ming did not expect that Qin’s body shape had undergone some changes.

Originally went straight to Kim Jong-Ming's body and went, but this trajectory changed, Kim Jong-Ming's seemingly dodge trick, now how it looks like it was deliberately hit the Qin side's leg.


Ever since, Qin Fang has almost no effort, and the one foot is so stunned that it is so much in the abdomen, this sound is dull, and the sound of bone impact can be heard faintly.


Although Jin Zhengming is a master of the late master class, his main strength is swordsmanship. The strength of the body is not necessarily stronger than some non-masters.

The power of Qin Fang was originally powerful and arrogant. Although this foot can't talk about its full strength, it can be regarded as quite powerful.

Kim Jong-ming was smashed by a slap in the face, and almost immediately made Kim Jong-ming’s face completely green, and he couldn’t help but scream.

What is even worse is that Kim Jong-Ming was hit by the abdomen of Qin Fang, and the strong impact force almost vomited Jin Zhengming’s overnight meal to the impact...

Such a mouth, suddenly an unpleasant smell released from his mouth.

"I wipe, the heavy kimchi taste..."

Qin Fang jumped away with his nose, and Jin Zhengming’s mouth gave off a rich kimchi flavor. For Qin, it was a kind of strong torture.

For the "food" of this speechless country, Qin Fang has always been respectful, even if he came to the country, he was far away.

Even he would rather lick the buns in the props box than to try the disgusting kimchi...

The result is now good, Kim Jong-Ming was almost mad by the ankle of Qin Fang, Qin Fang was also smoked by Kim Jong-ming, the kimchi taste almost did not stay in the Java country to escape.

Kim Jong-ming looked at his abdomen with pain in his face, and his face was completely green, and he looked very painful. He almost didn't even have the strength to get up.

The people around him are also looking at such a scene with a strange look. Looking at the Qin Fang who is far away, the expression on his face is even more incomprehensible.

It’s not just the Jin family, the Liu family, even the Cui ** outsider, that face is more exciting and wonderful...

Many people have guessed the results, but did not expect the process...

It’s just that the result is also a guess. Kim Jong-ming, who should have been arrogant, is like a dead chicken. It’s a painful mourning on the ground, but what the Qin party should have been beaten into a pig’s head. No, it’s like selling a messy, uninhibited...

Looking at the look of Qin Fang, it seems very helpless, it seems very pitiful... God knows that the unfortunate Jin Zhengming was beaten by him.

However, as far as this foot goes, Kim Jong-Ming is temporarily unable to climb up. Qin Fang’s own foot, how much strength he is most clear.

Although Kim Jong-Ming is a master of the late master class, his physical strength may not be very strong. At least Qin’s foot went down and almost did not show his overnight dinner.

"How? Continue to hang..."

After a while, Kim Jong-ming’s breath was slightly more stable, although it was still a bit flustered, but at least it was no longer as painful as before.

However, Qin Fang came quietly at this time, stepping on Kim Jong-ming’s face, and Kim Jong-ming, who had just had a bit of temperament, stepped on his feet, and his mouth was very lightly smiling.


Kim Jong-Ming was ashamed and angry. He just wanted to raise the air and fight with the Qin side again. However, Qin Fang did not know what kind of magic he used. His body was actually unable to move.

One of Qin Fang’s feet stepped on his face. This scene made people in the place even more stunned. The Jin family was even more angry and desperate.

In contrast, the reaction of the Liu family here is very exciting, although Qin Fang is not a Liu family, but also a guest and friend of the Liu family.

Now that the Jin family and the Liu family are in a mixed battle, Qin Fang will step on the other side’s first master, and the blow to the Jin family is absolutely very heavy.

In the meantime, at least five or six people in the Jin family were cut down by the masters of the Liu family. The situation suddenly reversed, and there was no pressure on Liu’s victory.

Kim Jong-Ming was so angry that he could not move. He could only be trampled under the feet of Qin. The people who saw the Jin family were repeatedly beaten by the Liu family. Kim Jong-ming was even more angry, but it was so helpless.

In particular, I noticed the kind of surprise, excitement, and a very natural smile of the old rival Liu Xianhe. His heart could not help but sink to the bottom of the valley...

"Mr. **, save me..."

If you want to come and think, it seems that only one side of Cui** has not yet started. If he does, it is not impossible to defeat Qin, and even the possibility is quite small...

Whether Qin is strong or not, Jin Zhengming is not very clear until now. The only thing he knows is that Qin Fang’s strength is very large, and his body is quite different. He just ate this loss.

Kim Jong-Ming is still quite certain even now. As long as the Qin side fights with him, the winner will definitely be his master of the late master class...

Unfortunately, Qin Fang will not give him this opportunity now, he can only pray for Cui ** hands, Cui ** is stronger than him, and there is no problem for the Qin dynasty...

The martial arts of Cui's cultivation is said to have originated from the master of Gao Li, the master of the sword, Fu Jianlin. The martial arts repair is extremely powerful, and the body is also quite wonderful. There is absolutely no difficulty for the Qin Dynasty...

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