Omni Genius

Chapter 1257: Forced!

Chapter 1257 Forced!

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The people in Tangmen were even faster than what Qin expected. The Qin side just sent Chu to the hotel to settle down, and then went to the black market in the blue island to buy something. ("")

Just out of the black market here, Qin feels that he has been stared.

The other party seems to know that it is a downtown area, it is not convenient to do it immediately, so it has been closely followed by Qin Fang...

Perhaps they thought it was concealed, but they couldn't escape the detection of Ding Chen's small map function. Even their names, identities, and strengths were all clear.

Qin Fang quietly walked in front. Since he knew that the people of Tangmen had already followed, he obviously could not go back to the hotel. It was tantamount to leading the wolf into the room.

Those who did not disturb these Tangmen, Qin Fang pretended to have nothing to discover, and swayed in the blue island city.

It’s just that he is not really aimless. He is heading in the direction of the inaccessible suburbs...

The people in Tangmen keep up, so the follow-up big forces will obviously catch up soon. Since it is necessary to solve this trouble, Qin Fang will ponder all the one-time solutions, and the province will have to be wary of those secrets. Master.

Qin Fang deliberately walked toward the suburbs. Perhaps at the beginning, the Tangmen master who followed the back did not feel it, but gradually felt that something was wrong.

There are three Tangmen disciples behind Qin Fang. Two masters and one grade 5, this lineup can only be used as a running road. It is estimated that only Tangmen and Shaolin are so old. The faction has this qualification.

"Tang Shu, do you say that this kid deliberately led us to follow?"

It’s just that the move by Qin Fang has made Tang’s disciples feel a bit problematic. Several people have been together and can’t help but squat. Church

"I think he is mostly deliberate..."

No one is a fool, so simple things are not difficult to guess.

"Everyone is careful... this person is very strong. We need to join hands when necessary! Just wait until the elders catch up..."

It is precisely because of the purpose of Qin Fang that these Tangmen disciples have become quite cautious and still follow behind the Qin side, but the three people are no longer separated as before, maintaining a Relatively appropriate distances, and if necessary, are also easy to integrate.

These three Tangmen disciples have already been eyeing the Qin side. This news has naturally been passed to other Tangmen disciples, such as Tang Huaiyuan and Tang Huaiming...

At this moment, the three disciples are responsible for stalking, reporting the movements of the Qin side at any time, while others are rushing to the side quickly...

Tang Nan’s strength reached the middle of the master class, and he learned the two great tricks of Tangmen. The strength is absolutely very strong. Even Tang Zhan may not match him.

But this is the case, Tang Nan was killed by the Qin side, and these few people are not strong, obviously not the opponent of Qin Fang, naturally they must be very cautious.

Such changes are naturally seen in the eyes of the Qin side. I know that there is no need to continue to install them at this time. These people have already reacted.

"The people of Tangmen will soon catch up... These few people must not let them continue to ventilate!"

Since the three Tangmen disciples have already reacted, then the Qin side does not need to continue to install, and there is already a point calculation in the heart. At this time, the footsteps are slightly delayed.

Seeing that Qin Fang’s footsteps slowed down, the three Tangmen disciples behind him slowed down, and the result was even more telling.

Qin Fang just smiled indifferently, just to see somewhere in front, immediately stepped up, and then turned around in the alley, and suddenly the whole person disappeared completely.

Although it is some suburbs, it is still in the urban area of ​​Blue Island, but it is relatively partial to the suburbs. At night, few people are haunted. ("")

Even in this daytime, basically few people are not seen, and most of them have already gone out to work.

"Hey, chase..."

Suddenly I saw that the Qin side disappeared. The three men were also slightly stunned, and they immediately responded. At this time, they did not want to continue to maintain their distance.

If the Qin side really slipped under their eyes, then they are also very difficult to go back to the cross... So at this time, although they have some scruples, they have to speed up their footsteps and chase them.

These three Tangmen disciples hurriedly chased them over. The suburbs were not the kind of desolate mountains. Instead, there were quite a few low-rise houses, and the construction was not neat. Going inside a corner, they can't find it even if they break their heads.

As the three of them did not want to appear, when they quickly caught up with the alley, they saw that the alleys in this lane had no figure in the Qinfang. It seemed to escape from another passage...

"Damn, chase..."

The result is that they are very reluctant to see it. At this time, it is too late to regret. It is only possible to track the whereabouts of Qin Fang as soon as possible. Three people are going to chase the end of the alley to find out if there are other Channel.

"Are you looking for me?"

Just as the three Tangmen disciples were anxiously overwhelmed, a lazy voice rang in their ears...

The three people only felt a breeze blowing, and the eyes suddenly took a flower, and then somewhere in the body seemed to be pinned, and immediately stood still.

It’s not that they don’t want to move, but they can’t move at all, it seems to be a little bit of a hole...

At this time, the face appeared in front of the three of them. It was the Qin party they followed. Although they knew that Qin’s strength was stronger than them, they also believed that the three people could definitely resist. Qin Fang is good for a while.

It is a pity that the process they thought of had a clear gap with the facts. The Qin party did not even give them the opportunity to join hands and easily subdued the three of them.


The three people were killed, and Qin Fang’s face showed a faint smile. When he grabbed a person, he immediately went up, and the strong body suddenly flew over the wall about two meters next to it. Going to the opposite side.

The three people did not spend much time on the Qin side, and soon entered the opposite yard...

This is a relatively empty yard. It seems to be an abandoned factory. There is no one. Just when Qin Fang came in, I have already seen it briefly. At this moment, it is just used to clean up the three Tangmen disciples.

"You... what do you want?"

Was thrown into the gloomy yard, away from the crowd outside, estimated to be killed by the Qin side, abandoned abyss is difficult to be found here.

These three Tangmen disciples are not only confused, but if they are not a warrior, the dignity of a Tangmen disciple is supporting them, fearing that they have already called for help.

"Reassure, as long as you answer my questions, you can definitely leave here safely..."

Qin Fang smiled and said nothing.

"You...we can't say anything!"

It’s just that Qin Fang said that the other three people immediately changed their faces. You look at me and I look at you. This is very firm.

"Isn't it hard to see it? I just don't know if you can be so hard then..."

Such a reaction is also expected in the Qin side. These people are born in Tangmen. They will not be obedient if they are as intimidating as they are afraid of death.

During the speech, Qin conveniently took out a silver needle and walked to the nearest Tangmen disciple, and pierced his neck.

"Start now... enjoy life!"

Qin Fang said with a smile, although he took out a needle and mentioned the slightly stiff palm of the Tangmen disciple called Tang Shu, a needle stabbed at his fingertips...


Almost this needle went down, and the Tang technique couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It was only his temper that he touched the silver needle that was tied around his neck. The feeling of suffocation suddenly became very painful. He almost instinctively wanted to mourn, but found him. The scorpion seems to be blocked by something, and can't make any little noise at all.

As the so-called ten fingers are connected, this needle goes down like a needle on the heart, and suddenly the body of Tang Shu has become twitching.

"This is just the beginning..."

This little pain may be something that ordinary people can't afford, but it doesn't do much good for this kind of tough martial artist.

Although the Tang technique was so painful, the body was tight, and the blue veins were violent, but still did not mean to give in.

"The next is the dinner..."

Qin Fang did not come up with more silver needles, but used that silver needle to gently turn it up there...

"My set of needles is called the 18-pin of the Jurassic. There are a total of 18 stitches, but few people can get through the eight stitches... Now officially, the first stitch!"

During the speech, Qin conveniently moved the silver needle gently, and the movement was quite gentle. He could not see a little bloody, and there was no lethality.

It was only Tang’s technique that quickly responded. This seemingly soft silver needle almost immediately made his body completely tremble.

"The second needle..."

It was just that Qin Fang did not seem to see it at all, and continued to start the second round.

This time, the response of the Tang dynasty was more intense than before. The body that could not move was violently trembled. His face turned pale and almost no blood was visible. It can be seen that it bears at this moment. What a strong fear...

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