Omni Genius

Chapter 1234: Fuso Ronin!

This luxury Na Na is mainly based on travel, the speed of driving will not be particularly fast, and it will not travel too far in one night...

Last night, Qin Fang killed five people around Xu Ling. The bodies of these people naturally need to be dealt with. The most convenient and quickest is to throw the body directly into the sea.

The speed of the boat can be a bit slow. If these bodies are caught up in the water, they will become the present scene.

If this is the case, it is no wonder that Qin Fang’s heart is so spit out, it is estimated that Xu Ling is a big silly fork directly!

“It is said that the fishermen on the nearby coast seem to have encountered pirates!”

However, Qin Fang had not had time to spit it out. Shen Liang said that he had gotten the news, and he also let Qin Fang slightly stunned.

The fishermen who were killed in the vicinity were naturally unable to be killed by the Qin side by Xu Ling. It was only because the timing of these bodies was too coincidental that this would be misunderstood.

"Pirates? How can there be pirates here?"

These floating corpses are not nearby fishermen. Qin Fang is not very sure about this, but the reason for this murder is that Qin Fang could not help but feel a little bit of pain.

"In fact, they are all little devils...,..." but Shen Liang shook his head gently.

"1]... Devil?"

The Qin side was slightly stunned, and some looked at Shen Liang with some surprises, apparently waiting for him to say a reason.

"Our location is still in the waters of the Dragon Kingdom, but in fact it is relatively close to several small islands in the southern tip of Japan.

Shen Liang is obviously also prepared, and he has specially brought a chart and has already marked their current position.

Qin Fang took this chart, although he did not understand it very well, but at least the several locations marked above are relatively clear, especially the land closest to them is not the dragon inland, but it is from Japan. Okinawa in the south end is closer to "Okinawa..." Seeing this position, Qin Fang’s face has become dignified. He knows that Shen Liang’s little devil is referring to the little devil here.

Okinawa was a vassal country of the Dragon Kingdom hundreds of years ago, and it was also the most critical area for contacting the mainland of Japan and the island of Japan.

But then Japan took Okinawa into the territory and it became the land of Japan.

However, in World War II, this was the only occupied Japanese territory. The US military built a large military fortress here. Even if the control was returned to Japan, this military base has always been preserved like the Guam base in the Pacific. * The important military fortress of the map!

Moreover, in the territorial war between the Dragon Kingdom and Japan, the issue of the ownership of the Diaoyu Islands is also related to Okinawa. The little devils have always been clamoring that the Diaoyu Islands belong to the Okinawa Islands group...............

Of course, these are not things that Qin Fang really wants to care about. He has nothing to do with him. He is just an ordinary person. Although he is a little small, he does not expect himself to be involved in the international xing dispute.

The reason why he is so surprised by this Okinawa is because there is a more important reason besides the geographical area, that is the Fusang Ronin!

The word Fusang Ronin has existed for hundreds of years. The reason why the devils can develop is basically to take advantage of the Longguo, and these Fusang people have a vital role in it. !

The Fusang Ronin was also a shackle at the beginning. This is a loose organization formed by a group of mixed and miserable warriors.

Generally speaking, these people are temporarily organized, and then they cite a head tie to the rogues to go out to sea. This is the early pirates.

At the beginning, these Fusang rookies were burning and looting on the coast of the Long Island. They were almost done with bad things, but because they were very mobile, they immediately retreated after each success, and the warriors were the main ones. The average soldier must be strong enough to be able to suffer from the coastal area for hundreds of years.

However, in modern times, the development of hot weapons has forced many warriors to withdraw from the historical stage, and they can only become the shadow behind them. These Fusang rogues are gradually disappearing.

In fact, it can't be said to be disappearing. It can only be said that they have become low-key. After all, although they are stronger than ordinary people, they can't resist guns. They can't do low-key.

However, these Fusang Ronins have always existed, even in the Okinawa Islands, and formed a relatively good scale.

This is not a secret in the underground world. Basically, it will be known for some days that this kind of information has little value.

Although this is an open secret, many people are very ignorant of these Fusang rogues. At least a few hundred years ago, they dared to go to the Longguo coastal area to plunder, but now they can only be like some punks. , collecting protection fees in the Okinawa Islands, or extorting past travelers...

Originally, Qin Fang was not very able to see these Fusang rogues, but because he did not care about himself, he did not go to the Okinawa Islands, and naturally he could not reach it.

However, the bodies of these fishermen were in front of them, and Qin Fang almost immediately thought of these Fusang rogues.

The Fusang Ronin is actually a Japanese warrior. Some are ninjas, some are swordsmen, and there are other chaotic warriors mixed together, collectively known as the Fusang Ronin.

Most of these Fusang rookies are not very good. It is estimated that they are getting started with practicing Wu Gang, but they don’t have much talent. After learning a few days, they dare to come out and only a handful of Fusanglang talents are more powerful. There are even masters of masters... Maybe there may be stronger masters who are also strong.

These have little to do with the Qin side, but from the news of Shen Liang's return, it seems that these fishermen are killed in the hands of these Fusang rogues, which makes Qin Fang a little uncomfortable.

These fishermen are of course the fishermen of the Dragon Kingdom. They will definitely not be the Japanese side. But these fishermen have already worked hard to fish and fish, but they have lost their last lives. It is really a pity.

"Let's go down and see...", these messages are all inquired. In the end, it is only by knowing that it is not reliable. Maybe it is all rumored to be rumored, and it is totally different from the truth of the matter.

Especially the wounds of these fishermen, if the Qin side can not personally check it again, it is not certain that these injuries were created by the Fusang people.

Although the Fusang Ronin is affiliated with the Japanese martial arts, it is a different kind of Japanese martial arts. This is not what they hope, but is rejected by the mainstream.

This is why most of the Japanese martial arts masters are concentrated in the direction of the island. These Fusang ronon people can only live on small islands such as the Okinawa Islands.

Not accepted by the mainstream Japanese martial arts, it has become abandoning sons who don’t love their mothers. It’s no wonder that these Fusang ronins will give up on themselves.

Therefore, they are very repulsive to the Dragon martial arts, and they are also very repulsive to the Japanese martial arts.

It is also the speciality of the Fusang Ronin, so it is also the most prone to self-destructive behavior, which is prone to some irrational things.

For example, today's situation of floating corpses on the sea, not only Shen Liang feels that there is a shadow of a little devil inside, it is how Qin Fang himself ponders as if it is really possible that these Fusang ronins do!

If Xu Ling’s identity is unattainable and extremely scrupulous and taboo, then Qin’s identity seems to be much simpler. It seems to be a lot worse than many of the sons on board.

However, Qin Fang stood up and spoke, but no one dared to say no to face.

The one that happened last night, but spread throughout the boat, Zhang Wei, Zhang Xu and others have all lost their faces, because they were beaten by a bodyguard in the district. All were fattened into pigs.

If the ship is not sailing in the depths of the sea and cannot be docked in time, it is estimated that they have already escaped.

However, it is precisely because of such a farce that it has laid a strong image that Qin Fang can't provoke. What ordinary people can't dare to say to him, even when the captain arrives at Qinfang, he is polite, no. Dare to be scornful.

Of course, if they knew that Qin Fang had also spent the night in Xu Ling’s room, in front of Xu Ling’s face, he immediately killed the five people under his command. It is estimated that those outsiders would be scared.

Although the captain knew that the people in Xuling were killed several times last night, Xu Ling did not mean to retaliate. This is what the captain is worried about.

The more so, the captain was careful, so when Qin Fang came to him, he agreed to Qin Fang’s companion without saying anything, and did not dare to violate it!

However, if he knows that it is Qin Fang’s words to kill the people around Xu Ling, I don’t know if I want to be glad that I have done a good job, or I still lament that I don’t know how much!

The conditions of Qin Fang are naturally very simple, just want to see these bodies...

The body was not destroyed immediately. First, there is no such condition. Secondly, it must be handed over to the relevant departments for handling...

Under the leadership of the captain, Qin Fang and the two of them came to the cabin where the bodies were stored. Qin Fang immediately went to check the wounds of these bodies.

"It’s really a Fusang rogue..., and when I saw those wounds, Qin’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle, and the mouth was small.

The sound of humming is really similar to the practice of Fusang Ronin.

Almost everyone died from a very sharp blade. The Japanese samurai sword was originally known for its sharpness, and the speed of the shot was very fast. Almost all of them were killed, and the Fusang Ronin was too similar... ! .

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