Omni Genius

Chapter 1158: Refining blood and Dan!

Chapter 1158 Refining Blood Dan!

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The medicinal materials were quickly delivered, and it took more than two hours to drive from Ninghai to Jiangzhou. This road is still very fast. ("")

With the support of Wuling, Qin Fang borrowed a vacant ward from the hospital and began to refine the medicine.

The herbs needed for blood-filling Dan have all been collected. Although some materials are rare and rare, but under the acquisition of the heavy purchase of Qin Fang, the time for the arrangement is quite long, but let him collect it. .

Qin Fang has long been given a prescription for the blood, and Qin Fang also let Chu Yu try to configure, and then find ways to find some alternative drugs.

However, the result is very depressing. Chu Yu is configured according to the dosage on the prescription, but how can he not be configured with blood, and naturally finding alternative medicine becomes an empty talk.

However, Qin Fang is not in a hurry, there are prescriptions that can not be configured, which is very depressing, but also makes Qin Fang very happy.

At least this kind of heart will not be cracked, and privacy can naturally continue.

This kind of heart-filling Dan, Qin Fang has already considered, the genuine Buxin Dan that is his panacea for life-saving, but the simplified version developed using alternative medicines can be developed into finished medicines for sale.

This is the same as Buxin Dan. It is the essence of the drug science of the Dragon Kingdom for many years. If it is really made into a finished medicine, the effect is definitely more reliable than those of Western medicine.

Buxin Dan is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, while Buxue Dan has a good effect on some diseases of blood...

The specific diseases that can be treated, the Qin side is not particularly clear, this needs to be replenished after the blood refining, after the specific clinical treatment can be slowly confirmed.

However, one thing is certain. Buxin Dan has a very strong effect on the symptoms of anemia. After all, this "blood" is not a white name. ("")

The medicines are all ready, and Qin is convenient to start refining.

The first step is naturally to extract the essence of the drug. This is difficult for the Qin side. He only needs the mechanical use of the medicine collection skill. The essence of the drug is slowly extracted under his hand.

This is an extremely boring process, but the Qin side is not very concerned, it only takes a little more time to get it.

Because of the need to save people, Qin Fang did not refine all the medicinal materials. It took quite a long time to complete. After all, the dose of medicinal herbs prepared by Chu Yu was quite a lot.

Qin Fang only chose a part first, and he planned to refine some blood-filled dans. The condition of Wu Jian’s side is already very bad. It is the first priority to save his little life.

If Wu Jian really has an accident, I am afraid that Wuling may be worried about it. If all the little devils are gone, Qin Fang really wants to cry.

Of course, he is not concerned about the lives and deaths of these little devils. Even if Wuling does not shoot, Qin will eventually send these little devils to the road.

But the problem, before sending these little devils on the road, he needs to get some news of the bloodthirsty grass... It is best to find the place of the bloodthirsty grass directly, that is the best!

There is no trouble in extracting the essence of the drug. It is just boring. Fortunately, Qin Fang is not the first time to do this. It is already a bit accustomed.

About an hour later, the first batch of blood-filled Dan, which Qin Fang planned to refine in the early stage, was ready for about two hundred doses of material.

"Call... I hope that the success rate should not be too low! If it is like a heart, I really want to cry..."

The medicinal herbs are all ready, and they can refine the medicine at any time. Qin Fang took a deep breath and felt silently praying for himself.

He only hopes that the success rate of blood stasis can be higher, and it is better to have a success rate of more than half. So that two hundred of the medicines can be refining, and it is possible to refine more than one hundred blood. Dan is very happy. Church

According to each blood Dan can be used to calculate the health of twenty points of life, one hundred is two thousand points of life, equivalent to saving the blood of the Qin Fang thirty or forty times.

Although the cost of this blood medicine is far more than the cost of making buns, it is a hundred times and thousands of times. The price/performance ratio can be said to be much lower, but it is very worthwhile.

Later, the Qin side has to deal with more and more masters, blood loss will be more and more, there is a need for the use of blood explosion at the moment, blood is Dan is a conventional pharmacy, the buns are far from enough.

What's more, the buns are too much of the grid of the props box, and Qin Fang also wants to empty some grids to store other items.

A blood-filling Dan is equivalent to the blood volume of the seven steamed buns, which greatly reduces the usage rate of the prop box lattice. Qin Fang can carry more items, instead of slowly in the prop box every time you need something. Looking for it...

"In refining... refining failure, refining skill proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining success, refining skill proficiency +3."

"In refining... refining failure, refining skill proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining success, refining skill proficiency +3."


I don't know if Qin's prior prayers played a role, or the power of this blood-dan is really high. Basically, from the beginning of refining, this success rate is maintained at around 50%.

It may be slightly lower, but there is not much difference...

Mechanically refining the two hundred doses of the medicine, Qin Fang's props box has more than 90 blood.

Bingxue Dan presents a faint red color, and the appearance does not seem to be anything special. Just take it to the front and gently sniff it, and you can clearly ask for a scent of medicine.

The only thing that may make you feel a little uncomfortable is that the **** scent of the blood-staining dan can faintly smell a little bit of blood.

Why is this happening? Qin Fang is also unclear.

The refining medicinal herbs are all plants or minerals, and no blood or other materials are added, but such **** suffocating gas is indeed quite magical.

"Maybe that's why it can fill blood..."

Qin Fang used the investigative skills to identify the quality of the drug. This kind of blood stasis is present in every blood donation. The Qin side also found that the more **** and **** the blood is, the better the quality.

For example, blood stasis is relatively light, and the lowest quality is 40.

The **** suffocating is more intense, the highest quality of 96...

Although the blood volume is the same, but the quality is different, the effect of this medicinal medicine is not the same. Qin Fang personally tasted two, and finally found that the higher the quality of blood dan, the stronger the effect is, the more people let it play. The energy is also obviously higher than...

Although Qin Fang did not directly explode strength to do specific experiments, the feeling of the body is already very clear, and Qin Fang is still very sensitive to this feeling.

"Refining medicine is about to be intermediate..."

Looking at the skills of refining medicine, the proficiency is close to the intermediate level. This is also the relationship between the refining power of Buxue Dan and the higher the proficiency, and the natural growth is faster.

The success rate of nearly 50% has already been much higher than that of Buxin Dan. The drug grade of Buxin Dan is much higher than that of Baoxue Dan. The success rate is relatively low. This is a better understanding.

At the same time, the material of Buxue Dan is rare, but it is more common than the medicine of Buxin Dan. Even if the refining fails, Qin Fang did not feel so distressed in refining Buxin Dan.

The Qin side did not stop much. The people outside the Wu family were still waiting for their help. They immediately took the blood Dan and went out...

"How? Successful?"

When Qin Fang came out, he immediately waited outside Chu Yu and immediately came over. He was very nervous and asked, after all, Qin Fang is the only person who can save the sword.

"Of course, don't look at whoever personally..."

Qin Fang smiled and took out two red pills and handed them to Chu Yu’s hand.

"Send it to Wu Jian, soak it in warm water and let him drink it. Basically, it will take effect in five minutes... One should be enough, and the other one you have to keep spare, you don't need to serve him for the time being,"

At the same time, the Qin side is also a simple account of the past, mainly because the current situation of Wu Jian is more serious, this blood Dan is the entrance to the instant, but the problem is that Wu Jian is not much estimated that the mouth water is not enough, this blood Dan will also be sent with water. of.

"What about you?"

Chu Hao nodded, these she knows, just seeing that Qin Fang does not seem to want to go with himself, but also can not help but strangely ask.

"I have to practice some can save the sword. If there are any problems, it is not too late to come to me again..."

Qin Fang smiled and smiled.

Since there is nothing wrong with him for a while, this time can't be wasted naturally, and the medicinal materials have already come over. Naturally, this opportunity is all refining and blood stasis remains on the body.

Chu Yu did not say anything more, immediately took the blood to save the sword, and Qin Fang returned to the "Danfang" to continue the refining.

The medicines prepared by Chu Yu are still quite a lot. There are probably 10,000 doses. Before Qin, only a quarter of the medicines were taken for refining.

But this quarter of the medicinal materials, Qin has been used for more than an hour, before all the medicinal materials are refined into the finished blood.

And now there are still more than three-quarters of the more medicinal materials that need to be refining. Of course, Qin Fang does not want to delay too much time, and immediately drills back to seize the time to refine...

Rao is so, Qin Fang estimated that at least four or five hours before it is possible to refine all the medicinal herbs into blood...

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