Omni Genius

Chapter 1086: Song Hao, hey! !

I was accidentally in the darkness of Song Yu, causing myself to be in an extremely unfavorable situation. Even a little bit worse, maybe a small life was lost, which is considered to be awkward for Qin Fang.

Song Hao missed this excellent opportunity. Qin Fang naturally could not give him a second chance of such a sneak attack. After slowing down, he immediately started to move to the exhausted Song Wei at the moment. attack.

Qin Fang has been defending before. Relatively speaking, the consumption of physical strength is far less exaggerated than that of Song Wei, and he has saved most of his strength...

Although it was violently smashed by Song Song, it was only a simple injury on the surface. It did not cause any damage to the Qin dynasty, and it could even be neglected.

Qin Fang is fine, Song Hao has something...

The Qin, who is as fast as the spirit of the spirit, is attacking like a lightning bolt. The rapid movement of the footsteps turns into an illusory figure, but the direction is naturally that the side is on the side, with a little tiredness on the face, but Song Yu, who looked very cautious, killed the past.

Song Hao’s eyes were cold, his expression was dignified, he was dignified like never before, and even he was always sinister and sinister, and he was a little bit comfortable with this rather difficult young man.

Yes, that’s what you want...

This should not have appeared on a master like him, but the hardship of Qin Fang is to make him feel deeply uneasy.

Master masters are not omnipotent, and they are not invincible. Song Yi can go step by step to today. It is all relying on his own strength to slowly climb up. Every step is extremely difficult.

It is this hardship that makes him understand that life is valuable for himself to get better and longer, then any potential opponent, he will try his best to kill any opponent, he has maintained One thousand percent is cautious and careful, and does not allow for a slight mistake and a small vision.

The same is true for the Qin side. Although it seems that Qin Fang is much weaker than him, he is treated as a competitor of the same level.

It is this kind of mentality that allowed him to take the absolute initiative from the beginning. Although the process was a bit bumpy, it was a serious injury to the Qin side. Of course, the price he paid was not small, and almost all the strength was released. When he is finished, now he can only stand strong in his body.

The reason why he did not take advantage of the Qin Fang injury, it is precisely because he himself does not have much strength, is standing there to slow down, gasping.

However, Song Hao never imagined that he had already attached great importance to the Qin side, but still underestimated the metamorphosis of the Qin side, and smashed him so many times, even severely injured and vomiting blood..................

However, the simple pause for a while, Qin Fang not only stood up again, it seems that it is like a strange person, it seems that there has never been such a result of such a heavy blow, almost let Song Song depressed I want to marry my mother, but at this time, Qin Fang did not give him such an opportunity. At this moment, he has already killed it.

Song Qingshan trained the Thirteen Taibao Hengjin Golden Bell to the master level. He had heard about it on the way. He naturally thought of some simple methods of cracking, so he was not too worried.

It was only changed to Qin Fang. He didn’t know much about it in advance, and he didn’t have a way to deal with it. Not to mention that Qin’s unsuccessful Xiaoqiang in the battle made him almost collapse.

The cheap is not how much, it seems that instead of letting people have a sāo, Qin Fang this time to kill, but more aggressive than the previous defensive counterattack, almost simply to kill him directly.

In that fast movement, Qin Fang's whole people are as illusory as they are, and they are all illusory, and they can hardly grasp the trajectory of his real shot.

Even Song Yu is also an unprecedented dignity of the face, the heart is completely immersed, his eyes are shining, the body is also turning from time to time, seems to constantly look for the trajectory of Qin Fang shot.

When he was looking for, Qin Fang finally took the shot...

In the fast-moving phantom, Qin Fang’s illusory body suddenly paused, and the palm of the hand suddenly appeared unconsciously, and directly printed the past position of Song Yu’s heart.........

This palm is silent, neither the palm of the hand, the wind whistling, nor the sound of any sound, so it is very abrupt shot, it is almost difficult to get people to guard against.


The audience saw such a scene, all of which was one of the spirits. All of them were secretly sweating for Song Yu. The Qin Fang’s palm began to have no lethality, but most people felt that Qin Fang’s Once a shot, it is absolutely not easy, it is very likely to achieve a hit and kill effect.

Although Qin Fang is young, but the strength has already been recognized by everyone, before the Qin Fang suddenly defeated the 〖day〗 this karate is really true Tao Xuan one, just now under the violent attack of Song Yu Defensive, even smashing such a heavy blow, nothing to do.


Seeing that Song Hao was unprepared, he had to smash the deadly palm of Qin Fang. When everyone was sweating for Song, he heard Song Song suddenly sigh and his body suddenly A distortion, made an action that is almost impossible to do, can avoid the deadly blow of Qin.

"Indian A three Jiu Jitsu?"

Seeing Song Zhen’s action, Qin’s responsibilities were also slightly awkward. He obviously recognized the origin of Song’s sudden move.

Song Yu is not afraid to worship a lot of masters of art, and he is a combination of several masters. He has really improved his strength to an extremely powerful level.

"Hey, you want to hide? How easy it is..."

Only Qin Fang was surprised to be surprised, but there was not much worry.

Song Hao’s dodge is indeed beyond the expectations of Qin Fang. It’s just that he’s physically weak and his reaction rate is relatively slow.

Qin Fang’s arm moved slightly, and the original palm was directly turned into a fist, and the front shot became the current downward hammering...


The speed of Qin Fang is very fast. This time, the change of the move is also amazing. Although Song Wei almost solved the almost unsolvable attack of Qin Fang, the slow response has become his fatal flaw. Sudden change, Song Hao had no time to react, and was hammered by Qin Fang.

The heavy fists slammed on the back of Song Yu, and made such a dull sound. At the same time, Song Song hammered a shackle. The body involuntarily planted it in the past and the blood was not able to hold back... ............,


The bright red blood arrow immediately shot from the mouth of Song Yu, and put a layer of gorgeous red sè on the ground in front of him.


Seeing such a scene, the audience immediately issued a blast of tremors. Some people were screaming and shouting, while others were angry roaring and reprimanding. Let their hearts follow the beating of the beating.

The Qin Fang’s almost unsolvable move made those who sing Song Song almost desperate, but when they found that Song Hao had escaped the almost slamming blow, they almost 〖 Jumped up...

However, they were obviously too happy to be a little too early. Before they even had time to jump up, Qin Fang immediately changed his mind, and with a single blow, he spurted the blood of Song Song, and the whole person was planted forward. The footsteps were also embarrassing, and it seemed to be very hurt. Heavy, at any time may fall like the Qin party at the moment, but it is not the exhausted Song Hao, will miss such a good lore chance, almost like a shadow, immediately and quickly catch up, killing frequently, It seems that it is not killing Song Yu, he will never stop...


Although Song Wei was injured, the reaction was a bit sluggish, but the blood was spit, and the whole person seemed to have recovered from the previous bravery.

In the face of the Qin Fang, he will not be hit again, but he will hit the Qin Fang with a hard touch.


For a time, the two men launched a desperate fight, a young and prosperous, long-lasting, and have been recharged, and the other is the end of the strong after the outbreak, although strong support for the body withstood Qin Fang’s offensive, but also further accelerated the deterioration of his internal injuries.


The fists of the two people are constantly interlaced, and a loud impact is made, which is a great exaggeration of the intensity of this fight.

The audience is fascinated. It seems that they have forgotten who they should support. Is it a young and energetic young master Qin Fang, or is it a strong, brave and powerful Song Wei?

This seems to be no longer important.

As a master of masters, Song Wei is naturally undoubted, and can stand out from so many people. To achieve such strength, the number of masters who die in his hands is countless. This strength is absolutely from life and death. Grinded out...

Extraordinary experience, coupled with a keen sense of danger, Song Wei's strength is definitely much more powerful than the average master.

Even in such a situation, the average master master is afraid that he has already fallen under the command of Qin Fang, but Song Wei can rely on his tired body to block the Qin side several times. Kill a blow.

Such a repair, such a reaction, is that Qin Fang as an opponent, they have to express deep admiration for Song Yu...

Of course, the admiration is only his strength, and his character Qin is still dismissive.

"You should be playing almost, you should be on the road..."

When Ji arrived at this moment, Qin Fang seemed to be tired of such a trembling, and immediately issued such an offensive declaration, and then the speed of the whole person was instantly increased several times, and the speed of the rushed to Song Hao.


This time, Qin Fang’s shot was obviously different from the previous one. This kind of posture was hard to say, but it was still a little trick on the wrist. It staggered the arm that Song Yu tried to block and wore it directly from the gap. Then the palm of the hand was quickly printed in front of Song Xi's xiong.

With a slight slap in the palm of his hand, Song Yu couldn't resist this kind of attack and kill. The whole person slammed back more than ten steps in a row. This time, one foot suddenly retracted and stabilized. This is the standing. Understand.

The blood flowed slowly from the corner of his mouth, but Song Wei was as if he had not found it at all, but his eyes were staring at Qin Fang...

Qin Fang did not hesitate, and the double tui suddenly made a force. The whole person immediately rushed toward Song Yu, and the footsteps were slightly stunned. The whole person would volley and squat!

Accompanied by the low roar of Qin Fang, he saw him as if the gods were under the ordinary, and the whole man instantly fell from the air.

With one hand like a knife, it brought a burst of strong strength.

The strength is like a knife, like a normal one, and the whistling slashes to the head of Song Yu. At this moment, Song Yu seems to have been completely scared, or it may be that his already overdrafted body can no longer make normal. Dodging action, can only watch the Qin Fang’s hand knife descend from the sky, facing the head of his head, smashing down,


When Qin Fang’s hand knife descended to Song’s head, the purely fleshy palm was like a real steel knife. The sharp knife gas entered directly from Song’s head and then traced along the Qin Fang’s hand knife. It seems that it is necessary to bring Song Song directly from top to bottom, to make a one-size-fits-all, .........,

Is it possible to split a living person into two pieces with a pair of flesh palms?

Obviously impossible!

Even if the palm of the hand is blessed with incomparable instinct, it is almost impossible to break the bones of the body like a steel knife.


Today, Qin Fang did it!

With the dull and strange sound, Qin Fang’s palm is as basic as it is, and it is instantly stroked...

After passing through Song Min’s body, and then in Song Wei’s incredible eyes, he saw that Song’s body immediately broke from the middle and turned into a half!

The blood was even shot in an instant, and immediately formed two splashes of red blood on the ground, directly dyeing the ground on the platform.

The body that had been turned into two halves fell to one side, and fell into the pool of blood. The internal organs flowed to the ground, and it looked quite bloody. Even the body that was transformed into two halves in the pool of blood was still creeping slightly. ......


Despite the presence of these audiences, some are boxers, some are rich and have more money to burn the hands of the rich, almost all witnessed a lot of blood and kill.

But in the face of such a scene, they have already guessed what kind of results they will have beforehand, but when the results really come, they still can’t stand it, immediately turned their heads to the side and made such a crash. Dry, oh! .

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