Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 674 Discord between mother and son

As Emperor Gao Yang ordered the investigation, Li Boshan, a name that had been quite famous in Jinyang City before, once again became a topic of conversation among people after dinner.

Although for most people, this is just a talking point, for some, it is nothing more than a symbol of death, such as the newly promoted governor of Yuzhou, Xu Xianxiu.

Among the noble villas in the south of Jinyang City, there is a manor with a vast area and gorgeous architecture. It is very eye-catching. Even among these villas, it is second to none.

Naturally, it is not an ordinary person to be able to own such a mansion in the south of the city. The owner of this garden villa is the leading general Lou Rui and the nephew of the Empress Dowager Lou Zhaojun.

At this time, in the main hall of Lou Rui Manor, Xu Xianxiu was walking around anxiously, asking the slaves and masters in a rough voice from time to time when they would be back. After a while, the sound of ceremonial trumpets sounded outside the manor. Xu Xianxiu rushed out of the hall and saw Lou Rui, dressed in rich clothes, being cheered by the servants and entering the house.

"Xu came into the house today, but there are treasures to offer as rewards? I was in Nanfu to pay homage to the Queen Mother, and before I had time to talk about family affairs in detail, I was rushed by your envoys several times. If the things I brought in are not amazing enough, I can I can’t spare you!”

Lou Rui and Xu Xianxiu had a close friendship and were acquainted with each other informally. Seeing Xu Xianxiu coming up to him with an anxious expression, he smiled and joked.

Xu Xianxiu was not in such a good mood as Lou Rui. He pulled Lou Rui and walked into the hall. They sat down and turned away the servants. Then he looked at Lou Rui and said with a serious face: "Does the leader know who Li Boshan is?" thing?"

After hearing this, Lou Rui nodded and sighed: "This fugitive slave from Hebei is really an alien among people. He used to have no reputation in Guandong. Once he entered Guanxi, he became so powerful that no one could control him. Now he dominates Heluo and Fufeng." No one like the king is his enemy..."

Xu Xianxiu was naturally not in the mood to listen to Lou Rui's evaluation of Li Boshan, and immediately said: "Since the leader knows who he is, how can he know about the recent investigations in the city?"

"Of course I've heard of this, what? Could it be that you, Xianxiu, are actually involved in this matter?"

Seeing Xu Xianxiu's anxious look, Lou Rui smiled happily, but Xu Xianxiu's next words soon made him stop laughing: "It's not just me, the leader is also deeply involved in this matter! The leader a few days ago is not They also said that one of his disciples, Li Wanjin, was missing? It turned out that this disciple was the henchman sent by Li Boshan to steal my talisman and lure his relatives, first out of Jinyang City and then across the Beishan Great Wall..."

"Thief, it was you who introduced Li Wanjin to my sect!"

When Lou Rui heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately stood up and pointed at Xu Xianxiu and cursed.

"The golden sword on the leader's waist was given by Li Wanjin!"

Not to be outdone, Xu Xianxiu pointed to Lou Rui's gorgeous saber inlaid with gems on his waist and said to him, then he sighed again: "It was because I was greedy for his many treasures that I recommended him to the leader without careful review. But the leader also benefited greatly from this.

As for whether he was sent by the Qiang thieves, who could know in advance? It is indeed inevitable that I will be involved in the incident today, but the leader is by no means innocent. I can bear the blame alone, but even if I suffer the death penalty, the matter is irreversible. What's more, if I don't exist, who can be as dedicated as I am to enriching the treasury for the leader? "

When Lou Rui heard this, he also frowned, and immediately stamped his feet and said in an evil voice: "It's all Hu Lu Fengle's fault for causing trouble! His defeat at the hands of Li Boshan is known to the world, and he wants to frame the Shandong family because of his life experience. This is how old things are brought out!”

He was also in the Jinyang Palace when the matter was discussed that day. He was happily watching the excitement and thinking that some Guandong family would suffer, but he did not expect that the culprit was his lost disciple. You can imagine his depression.

He also witnessed His Majesty the Emperor's furious state that day, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart. He felt that he might not be able to handle this matter, so he quickly ordered: "Go home and pack up some rare and fashionable goods. Let's meet up in Luocheng first, and then I'll take you to Nanfu to present to the Queen Mother. You'll stay in the inner garden temporarily to avoid the limelight."

After Xu Xianxiu heard this, he no longer hesitated, acted as he said, and left in a hurry.

Not to mention the quick plan made by these two collusive guys, under the personal supervision of His Majesty the Emperor, the whole story of Li Boshan's family escaping from Jinyang City was also investigated.

Originally, the crowd thought that it must be Li's relatives and friends in Longxi and Guandong who helped, but when the results were before their eyes, they were all dumbfounded. Especially those Jinyang nobles who originally planned to show off their talents are even more unacceptable now. It turns out that we have a traitor!

Emperor Gao Yang was immediately furious after learning the result, and immediately ordered the arrest of Lou Rui and Xu Xianxiu. However, before the two men were captured and brought to justice, the Empress Dowager sent a palace slave to summon the Emperor to meet at Nanfu.

The so-called Nanfu is the Prime Minister's Mansion where the Ba Mansion was originally located. It had only been less than half a year since the Northern Qi Dynasty replaced the Eastern Wei Dynasty. Various regulations and personnel had not yet been adjusted properly, and the Empress Dowager still lived in the inner garden of her former residence.

When Gao Yang came to the inner garden of Nanfu on the orders of his mother, he looked up and saw Lou Rui kneeling in front of the court. His expression immediately changed, and Kuo stepped forward and kicked his cousin to the ground.

Lou Rui also had a look of fear at this moment. He held the emperor's ankle and kowtowed and begged for mercy. However, Gao Yang was still furious and pulled out the saber from his waist.


An angry shout rang out in the hall. Empress Dowager Lou Zhaojun, surrounded by several palace slaves, walked down to the corridor, pointed at the emperor and shouted angrily.

"My mother doesn't know that this thief is so blinded by greed that he dares to liaise with foreign enemies..."

Before Gao Yang was about to argue loudly, the Empress Dowager's face became even more angry. She pointed at the emperor and continued to scold: "Although you are the emperor now, you were still conceived in the mother's womb and were not born in the world for free! Even though this son has It’s unbearable that he is the blood of my father and brother, and his elder brother also sacrificed his life for your family’s achievements! The emperor is rich in the world, but he allows his close followers to ask for help from outsiders. This is a failure of your morality. Who should you blame now?”

When Gao Yang heard this, he became even more angry. He bent down and grabbed the back of Lou Rui's neck with his hand. He pressed the hilt of the knife directly into his throat and immediately yelled: "Bitch thief, you come and sue my mother. Do I have any rights?" Treat you poorly? What outstanding achievements have you made to deserve the title you have today? Ordinary people can feed themselves with three mouthfuls of millet. You are a thief who enjoys the treasures of land and water every day. After all, it is your father and brother's savings. It is still bestowed upon me! Now that we have separated my mother and my son, how much benefit can you enjoy?"

As he spoke, he dragged Lou Rui's hair backwards and pulled the wailing cousin in front of his mother. He looked up at the livid Lou and sneered: "Mom, open your eyes and see clearly. I can support you today." My mother is your husband's son, but not your brother's son! Is it because I am angry today because I don't allow this evil thief to be wealthy and enjoy his life? Within the lair, if there is no punishment, who of the ministers inside and outside can be loyal? "

Seeing the emperor's beard and hair growing wildly and his eyes widening with anger, the Empress Dowager was frightened for a moment and her face changed slightly, but soon she said in embarrassment: "My husband has more than one son, and everything he enjoys today is the legacy of your father and brother!

Li Boshan, the bandit general who fled into Qiang territory, was grateful to his parents. Although it was difficult, he still sent his confidants to welcome his old mother out. It is never a sin to fulfill one's filial piety in the world. Being unable to capture and kill thieves on the battlefield is just because you are incompetent!

If the old woman is greedy for glory and wealth, she will not be able to be in your high family even in ten reincarnations! Are you bullying me now that I have no support, and are you yelling in front of me to punish me, a foolish woman who has never taught me anything in her life? Come, come, come, the Emperor will show me how sinful I am! "

As she spoke, the Empress Dowager walked directly down the hall, looking at the Emperor with angry eyes, and even reached out to grab the blade of the knife in the Emperor's hand.

After Gao Yang saw this, he hurriedly took two steps back, threw the sword in his hand on the ground, and immediately bowed to the ground without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, the anger on the Empress Dowager's face subsided slightly, and then she said coldly: "The emperor is deeply involved in family and national affairs. He should not just be intimate with Chinese women, listen to their heresy, and neglect and alienate his true loyal followers. What benefit does this have to the emperor?

Fo Ren, he is indeed at fault, but if he is tortured and punished in public, causing him to lose all dignity, how will he be able to control his subordinates and serve you in the future? My family is not a big family with many relatives. Your brothers still do not do anything, so you should rely more on these relatives and disciples who share weal and woe..."

The Empress Dowager did not want the relationship with the Emperor to become too tense. When the Emperor fell to the ground and admitted his mistake, she continued to talk for a long time. However, when she saw that the Emperor was silent, she snorted again, waved her hand and said: "The state is busy. , Emperor, go!”

After hearing this, Gao Yang stood up, picked up his saber and left the inner garden without looking back.

However, not long after leaving the inner garden, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side and shouted at Gao Yang. The waiters at the rear who did not dare to get too close because of the emperor's anger rushed forward and found that it was Gao Zhan, King of Changguang.

"Boring, boring! My second brother is now the emperor, but he is not as happy as before!"

Gao Zhan is Gao Yang's half-brother and is now fourteen years old. Because Gao Yang kept a low profile in old years, his reactions were often slow, so the brothers often hid to scare him and watched his reaction for fun.

Gao Yang was already filled with anger, but his eyes suddenly turned cold after hearing these words. Gao Zhan was quite smart. When he saw this, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He immediately said, "My mother is calling me, so please go away..."

However, it was too late after all. As soon as he turned around, he was caught by Gao Yang's reaching hand. Before he could shout, he received a solid slap on the mouth.

"Take these palace slaves into prison together! Anyone who dares to disturb the Queen Mother will be severely punished!"

Gao Yang raised his arms and slammed Gao Zhan, who was constantly kicking and struggling, to the ground. He took out the scabbard and slapped him on the head and face. Hearing the wailing of the young brother who was most favored by his parents, the anger in his heart was relieved.

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