Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 529 The Rising Stars of the Imperial Court

After receiving the appointment from the Taifu, Li Tai returned home immediately and went straight into the inner hall, regardless of greeting the Taifu officials who came to congratulate him after hearing the news.

In the inner hall, Lady Miaoyin was sitting behind the desk in a pomegranate red skirt, writing and drawing on paper with a brush in her hand. When she heard Li Taixing's footsteps, she just looked up, and then lowered her head to write again. He stood up, looking very focused and serious.

Li Tai quietly sat on the side seat and took a peek at the calm and peaceful look on this young lady's pretty face. He felt relieved at first, and then felt a little uncomfortable.

He placed the appointment document and personal information he had just received from the Tai Mansion on the table in front of him. Then he sighed softly, but when he saw that the young lady just glanced at it without asking any questions, he couldn't help but speak. He said, "Madam, you didn't go to the front hall yesterday morning to listen to your family's discussion?"

When Lady Miaoyin heard this, she paused for a moment, and then said after a moment: "I have some serious things to do today, and I will discuss this matter with my husband later."

When Li Tai heard this, he felt even more unhappy. It seemed that this young lady didn't know that she was about to go to Jingzhou, but she still remained indifferent.

He was previously worried that his wife would be sad when she knew about it, so he kept it secret. He hoped that he could live happily with his wife for a period of time before getting the appointment. After receiving the appointment, he rushed back as soon as possible to comfort her. , now it seems that I am a little worried?

He felt a little bit amused here, and sat there in silence for a long time. When he turned around to look, he didn't know when the young lady had put down the pen in her hand. She was resting her arms on the desk and holding her chin with one hand as she gazed wildly. Hold him.

"Are you done with your work? Let's see what's going on!"

Li Tai walked forward, half embarrassed and half angry, and the young lady also picked up the paper with written words on the table and handed it to Li Tai with both hands, and said expectantly: "Husband, you can see "What am I planning?"

Li Tai took the piece of paper absentmindedly, glanced at it casually and found that most of the names were written on it. When he took a closer look, he found that the names involved were all his subordinates, and they were listed behind each name. Looking at the residential address and the number of people in the house, I was immediately surprised: "What is the lady doing?"

"My husband is about to leave the town, and I don't know when he will return. His family members will probably follow him, and the people of these families will also look different because of this. I know that my husband is focused on things and is determined to make meritorious deeds, but people's interests , The situations are different, and not everyone may be understanding and considerate, and may complain that the general is greedy for merit and not willing to recruit people. "

Lady Miaoyin put on a serious face and said: "When my husband went on an expedition before, I visited several families who worked with me. I saw that the relationships and situations of each family were different, so I couldn't generalize. This time my husband is going on an expedition again, so I will I thought of inviting all the family members of my colleagues to come to their homes to be guests, and each would describe his or her worries and financial difficulties, and help if they could. This would allow the husbands of each household to concentrate on their affairs without any worries when following their husbands. "

Li Tai was quite touched when he heard the lady's intention, especially when he saw that nearly a hundred of his subordinates were listed on the paper, and their respective family situations were also clear, which showed that the lady was serious when doing this background check. Although he was careful, Li Tai himself didn't know much about the family situations of his subordinates.

"It took a lot of effort to find out these things, right?"

At this moment, the anger in his heart had long disappeared, and he held the little lady in his arms, looking at the dense writing on the paper and asked with a smile.

The young lady pressed her face against Li Tai's chest. After hearing this, she said proudly: "I am very hard-working to be able to do this, especially since these families do not live together in one place. They can be found in many places in Huazhou and Chang'an. Some hometowns are too far away for me to visit, so I just made a careful inspection and collected them for the time being..."

Li Tai didn't expect that what he just said casually before the last expedition would be remembered carefully and done so much. She couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Although I am ordering the disciples from outside, I can really control the situation." It is the wife who is accepted by my heart. What more can a husband ask for when he gets a wife like this?"

"I can indeed deserve my husband's compliment. Although I am not a shrewd and thoughtful person, I can take advantage of my free time and think hard about what I can do for my family and my husband. When I visited various families, , I also see that the wives of other families are more dignified than my concubine, but there are also some that are worse than my concubine. My husband is a talented man in the world, and of course he must match the best woman in the world! Still working hard..."

After hearing her husband's compliment, Lady Miaoyin replied seriously, but her tone immediately turned low: "Last night, when Li Tun came to see me at home, I knew that my husband was going to travel far away again. Didn't he tell me earlier? , I think I am afraid that I am worried about this when I return in a hurry today?

I am not a child who does not know what is right and wrong. I am already the head of the house. How can I abuse my evil nature and prevent my husband from doing meritorious service? It's just that if something like this happens again in the future, the husband must inform him in advance, so that he doesn't let the concubine know the news suddenly and regret that she was too entangled before and didn't let the husband rest at home more! "

At this point, the young lady suddenly choked up in her voice, her pretty face buried in his chest, and her clenched pink fist kept hitting down: "Bad, bad husband, why didn't you tell me earlier? I also said you won't do anything this autumn. I left home, secretly planning to go hunting for pheasants in the mountains in a few days, and make a feather coat to show off to others... When the feather coat is gone, I, too, am no longer beautiful!"

When Li Tai heard the lady's sobs, he was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry for a moment. He just patted her shoulder and comforted her: "The colorful pheasants in the mountains are born every year. If you don't hunt this year, there will be next year. Besides, my lady is naturally beautiful. The bridesmaid has just seen the glory, but the lady will never be diminished by it. I have always heard that there are more rare birds in the southern continent. If I don’t find a few gorgeous feathers for the lady, what will I be like when I return home?”

"Go home when you should, I want a husband, not Yuyi!"

When the young lady heard this, she quickly hugged Li Tai with both hands and continued to sob: "I, I want to cry for a while, just for a's so hard to bear it with a dignified look!"

Li Tai had been fully prepared before, but now there was nothing urgent that he had to deal with personally before leaving, so he simply took out most of the day to accompany his wife to chat in the inner hall.

This little lady didn't break her promise. She cried heartily for a while and then gradually controlled her emotions. Although she is not very old, she comes from a royal family and is used to such things. Although she is still sad, she is not in a state of indulging or worrying.

While Li Tai was chatting goodbye with his wife, he was thinking about it in his mind. In the future, he will inevitably have to stay in the same place for a long time, and he cannot live separately as husband and wife.

Although the Western Wei Dynasty did not impose any restrictions or forbid the local governor Fang Bo to bring his family members to take office, but generally those who were under pressure would not bring their whole family to take office. Even those local powerful people who pastored Honshu often sent their clansmen to serve in the imperial court and the Taiwanese government, that is, as hostages.

Li Taijin's most important relatives in Kansai are his wife and his second brother Li Chao, who just came to Kansai with him. It is not convenient for them to accompany him to his post. Li Chao was arranged by him to stay in Chang'an. While continuing to study with his cousin Lu Rou and others, he also followed Li Licheng to get in touch with Kansai personnel.

If you want to take your wife with you to the post, you have to replace it with a more important hostage, so you have to step up the search and bring your parents to Kansai as soon as possible.

After Miaoyin's mood returned to normal, the couple discussed together how to entertain their subordinates' families at a suburban manor later.

Li Tai had been inspired by Daxingtai before, and he had always wanted to win people's hearts, but he never thought of starting with his family. After his wife reminded him, he felt that this was a good idea.

After all, he is not as powerful as Yu Wentai, who can legitimately control the country's famous weapons and unite people's hearts through official titles. If it is just a matter of money and goods, the love may be as intense as honey in a short period of time, but it cannot withstand the difficult test, so other ways must be used to further sublimate the relationship.

As for what his wife said about helping each family solve their problems, Li Tai felt that it still had to depend on the situation. After all, it is difficult for an upright official to resolve household affairs. If it is a lack of money and power, he may be able to help. However, if it is a conflict within the family, rashly interfering will only make the situation more chaotic.

Miaoyin also listened attentively to what her husband said about the taboos in interpersonal relationships. Of course it is good to be warm, friendly and helpful, but too much is not enough. In the final analysis, you still have to judge others by yourself. If you don't want others to know or point out things, try not to point them out to others. A sense of propriety is something you must pay attention to at all times.

The nearly 100 subordinates who Miaoyin has done background checks on are mainly the disciples who have been admitted to the school and the subordinates of Li Tai for several times, including some department commanders. But that's not all. After all, she didn't know Li Tai's military status.

Some of the family members of these subordinates live in the counties in Jinei, and some are as far away as Longyou. Li Tai carefully screened the situation and invited the whole family of some ministers who lived nearby, while others who were too far away only invited themselves. They each sent invitations and agreed to host a banquet at Shangyuan Village in a few days, and gave each family an invitation. Prepare a seasonal gift.

On the day of the banquet, families came to Shangyuan one after another. Although there were many guests, the manor could fully accommodate them. The female guests and children went to the inner courtyard, while the generals and young men from each family were having banquets and games in the outer village.

Today's Shangyuan Manor is no longer the manor with seventeen hectares of land in the west of the original. The Duguxin Manor in the east of the original was also brought by Lady Miaoyin as a dowry. The two villages were combined into one village, which directly occupied most of the area of ​​​​Shangyuan. If there was an opportunity to transfer the Yuanbei Yujinjia Manor to the area, then Shangyuan could be officially renamed Li Yuan.

The original west is various rural industries, and the original east is the owner's living and leisure area. There are all kinds of martial arts performance venues such as the neatly built Ma Qi, the grand shooting hall, etc., where all the military generals have a lot of fun.

In addition to the disciples and generals that Li Tai had previously planned to take to Jingzhou, today's banquet also added several new members, namely Dou Chi, Dou Yi's uncle and nephew, Hou Zhi, the governor of the Hou Army, and Yu Wengui's His son Yu Wenshan, and Liang Rui, whom Yu Wentai had entrusted to him before.

After all, Jingzhou is a big border defense town. No matter what, Yu Wentai cannot let Li Tai's disciples swarm the shogunate. He must send him some other members. Otherwise, what is the difference between this and separatist rule?

The Dou family is also a wealthy Xianbei family, and Dou Chi is the representative member of his family who entered the customs. This time he went south to serve as the governor of Nanyong Prefecture and the governor of Rangcheng Fangcheng, and he was regarded as Li Tai's deputy. Hou Zhi served as the governor of Dongjing Prefecture and went out to control Biyang, still serving as Li Tai's general. Everyone else also took office in the Jingzhen Metropolitan Governor's Office. It was not a deliberate effort to monitor and balance, but just to enrich the shogunate members.

Compared to Li Tai, Dou Chi is a well-deserved veteran among everyone. He is tall and burly, with a beautiful beard that is intimidating, and his gaze is full of majesty.

When he led his nephew to the manor, the banquet that was already going on in the manor and had a good atmosphere was a little quiet for a while. The generals couldn't help but restrain their words and deeds when facing the majestic Dou Chi, and they did not dare to do what they did before. Arbitrary.

When Li Taichu saw Dou Chi's serious look, he couldn't help but wonder if this guy was causing trouble?

But when he stood up and raised his glass to signal Dou Chi, Dou Chi stood up from the table and danced to thank him first, then raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp, then leaned over and clasped his fists and said to Li Tai: "And I take this cup as a congratulation to you, and I hope that some of the people who are engaged in it will make great contributions to you and become famous in the north and south!"

The dance ceremony that was popular in the Sui and Tang Dynasties was influenced by the customs of the Northern Dynasties. Although it has not yet developed into a formal etiquette, it is generally used as a social occasion for lower-ranking people to express respect and gratitude to superiors.

Dou Chi used practical actions to prove that he was not a conceited person, and he also restored the atmosphere of the banquet that was somewhat depressing due to his arrival to normal.

Li Tai was also very happy to see Dou Chiting giving him face. Knowing that Dou Chi was an excellent archer, he ordered his servant to get a fine war bow that he had looted from Jinyang Palace as a gift to him. Seeing that the atmosphere at the banquet was just right, he simply took out more than a dozen bows, knives, guns, spears and other famous weapons and let the crowd compete to win them.

Although Li Tai has not yet officially set off, the news that he will serve as the governor of Jingzhou has spread rapidly southward along Danshui, and has had some impact on the enemy's territory.

On the road to the river embankment outside Xiangyang City on the south bank of the Han River, a middle-aged Confucian scholar rode a gray donkey, followed by a servant at the front and rear, and walked toward the river embankment among the pedestrians.

On the long embankment on the south bank of the Han River, many soldiers and soldiers were busy dredging the river and building fences and water forts. The atmosphere seemed a bit tense. Some Jindu wharves were also closed, preventing people from crossing the river to the north. Therefore, many people in need were blocked outside the river embankment.

After the Confucian scholar arrived here on a donkey, he was a little curious when he saw this scene, and immediately asked an attendant to come in and ask what happened. But soon a group of armored soldiers rushed out on the road ahead, waving sticks and sticks to drive away the people who stopped here.

The middle-aged man was pushed and pushed by the crowd, and he stumbled to the side of the road. When his servants hurriedly pulled the frightened gray donkey over, the crowd had already dispersed, and they hurriedly stepped forward to help the donkey, which was already stained with mud. The master of the house.

"Brother Renlue, why are you so embarrassed?"

An ox cart with a green cloth curtain passed by here. When the passengers in the car saw the master and servant on the side of the road, they asked someone to stop the car, looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

"Alas, being pushed and pushed into the mud made Cai Shenjun laugh."

The middle-aged man was named Li Renlue, a northern scholar living in Xiangyang, and the passenger on the oxcart was named Cai Dabao, who was the governor of Yongzhou and was consulted by the Prince of Yueyang to join the army.

Cai Dabao did not dislike Li Renlue's muddy appearance, so he sent someone to take a spare cloak from the car and handed it to Li Renlue. Then he invited him to ride an ox cart back to the city, and said to Li Renlue in the car: " Brother Renlue, there is no need to come to the dock to visit visitors from Beixiang today. After Hou Jing's rebellion, the Westerner Wang Sizheng invaded Henan, and all visitors from the east to Hebei were blocked. Brother Renlue, if you want to know the news from your hometown, you may have to visit again. Been waiting for a while.”

After Li Renlue heard this, he immediately sighed: "Oh, the war in the world will never end! Yes, I saw that the front line of the river embankment was tensely fortified. I would like to ask Cai Canjun, is there going to be military trouble in Xiangyang?" "

This time it was Cai Dabao who sighed: "Well, there is no military at present, but it may not be far away. The Westerners in Jingzhou in the north have a new person in charge. This new person is unusual. He is the former Ren Lue Brother, you have visited the thief general Li Boshan.

This beast is a new leader in the imperial court, and the ferocious flames are growing. He once captured the Jinyang Palace in the East, and then attacked the important town of Heyang, both of which were powerful deeds. Now that the Westerners stationed them in Jingzhou, their intentions must be bad. Now they are repairing the river defenses, so that they are prepared. "

"Li, Li Boshan actually served as the governor of Jingzhou? He was still young, but he used the big town... How could Prime Minister Yu Wen of the West feel confident about appointing a young man? With Cai joining the army, could it be that the King of Yueyang actually wanted to provoke and bully the young man? Is it possible that he wanted to start a border war? Provocation, this is..."

When Li Renlue heard Cai Dabao's words, his eyes widened immediately, looking unbelievable and worried.

I’ll update a chapter today. The weather is hot, so everyone should pay attention to preventing heatstroke. . . There have been so many words, and dad is finally no longer in the background, he appears for the first time, and father and son are immediately reunited. . .

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