"Hyuga clan leader? What do you think?" After talking for a while, Namikaze Minato finally explained his real intention.

Hyuga Hiashi really guessed it right, this guy really came to propose marriage.

Hyuga Hiashi kept cursing in his heart, this bastard must have done it on purpose.

Naruto didn't say anything on the side. He also wanted to speak, but he was worried that he would say the wrong thing and make his future father-in-law bored. After watching the video, he knew Hinata's intentions, especially since he thought about this matter every night during this period of time. He cared more about Hinata. When Minato and Kushina said that they should get along, he didn't object, but was secretly happy in his heart.

"This..." Hyuga Hiashi hesitated, but in front of him was the fourth generation who saved Konoha, and he was also quite satisfied with Naruto.

After all, the future Naruto is so strong that he can guard the Hyuga family for decades. In these decades, the Hyuga family is definitely the strongest family in Konoha.

After thinking again and again in his heart, he finally nodded and asked his men to call Hinata out.

Hinata's face turned red as soon as she saw Naruto, and her index finger kept circling.

Naruto was also a little overwhelmed, and now he was not as jumpy as before.

Kushina pulled Hinata over reluctantly, and then started chatting. After a while, Hinata gradually calmed down. Kushina whispered something in Naruto's ear, and then Naruto pulled Hinata out, and the two began to walk in the huge Konoha Village.

And Hyuga Hiashi was communicating cordially with Namikaze Minato.

So, in these few days, Naruto and Hinata's feelings quickly heated up, and in these few days, other timelines happened.

Konoha's fifty-seventh year, Uchiha family.

"Itachi, how is it?" Uchiha Fugaku asked solemnly. They have decided to use Kotoamatsukami to control Danzo and sell Uchiha Tiehuo and others.

Those who achieve great things do not care about small details. As long as the Uchiha clan can make more people survive than sacrifice, it is profitable, and they will do it.

Uchiha Itachi nodded: "The third generation has promised me that he will capture Uchiha Tiehuo and others as quickly as possible. As for Danzo, Shisui has been keeping an eye on him and will soon find an opportunity!"

Fugaku breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't wait any longer. Of course, the main reason was that he was worried that Danzo would take action in advance and directly attack Uchiha with false charges.

"If I invite Danzo to visit our house, will he come?" Uchiha Fugaku suddenly asked.

Itachi pondered for a moment and said: "With his vigilance, he should not come. Even if he comes, he will bring his personal guards!"

"Yeah, I think so too." Uchiha Fugaku smiled bitterly and could only wait for the opportunity quietly.

A day later, Shisui came to report.

"Clan leader, we have found an opportunity! Danzo will leave the village in the afternoon!"

Fugaku frowned slightly: "Where is the destination?"

Shisui shook his head. He didn't know where the destination was. He knew the news because he used illusion to read the memory of his personal guards. Otherwise, it would be difficult to know.

"Very good, we will ambush outside his village in the afternoon! Try to be as far away as possible to avoid being discovered by the village's perception team!"


In the afternoon, dozens of Uchiha clan members hid their breath to the extreme and hid in the forest outside Konoha Village.

Dadada, the footsteps kept ringing. Fugaku knew that it was Danzo's voice. He had been dealing with Danzo for many years, and even his footsteps were clearly investigated by him.

"Here they come, everyone get ready!" He gestured to the clansmen around him.

Everyone nodded, but before they took the initiative to attack, Danzo's voice rang out.

"Come out!" The voice was calm, as if he had known it for a long time.

Uchiha Fugaku was surprised and jumped down from the tree. He saluted first and then said, "Danzo-sama is so sensitive!"

Danzo smiled and said, "There is no such thing as sensitive or not sensitive. I just know the nature of you Uchiha people and will definitely seize the opportunity."

He knows more about the Uchiha clan than Senju Tobirama, of course, only a part of it. The illusion of the Uchiha family is outstanding. It is completely possible to read other people's memories without being discovered by others. It is inevitable that his whereabouts will be exposed.

He came out alone today just to make a break with the Uchiha clan.

He put away his smile and said lightly, "Why? Do you want to kill me?"

Although his tone was flat, anyone could hear the piercing chill in it.

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head, "How could it be? Danzo-sama is loyal to the village and is a role model for all of us. How could we kill you? Danzo-sama, don't judge a gentleman by your own meanness."

Villain? Gentleman?

This can hide the groupI was so angry. Of course, Fugaku did it on purpose. I couldn't kill Danzo, but I couldn't mock him?

"So you just want to use Kotoamatsukami to control me?"

Fugaku laughed and said, "Danzo, what are you talking about? We just want to correct your twisted thoughts, but we don't have any other ideas!"

Danzo snorted coldly, and only heard Fugaku continue to say, "We Uchiha clan have always been loyal to Konoha. We are very enthusiastic about the good work of the guard team!"

The word "enthusiastic" was pronounced very clearly by Fugaku. Danzo sneered in his heart. How could he not hear the meaning of Fugaku's words?

The Uchiha Guard, founded by the second generation, manages the village's guard affairs. Although it has considerable power, it is an offensive job and is completely isolated from the real power center. The Uchiha clan has long been dissatisfied with this.

"Our clan works hard for the development of the village day and night, otherwise we would do all kinds of dirty work, but you, Danzo, still doubt us, which makes us very disappointed."

Fugaku pretended to be heartbroken, as if he was sad about Danzo's distrust.

"Okay, stop pretending!" Danzo couldn't stand it anymore, and said directly: "Use whatever moves you have! I'll take them all!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Fugaku laughed immediately: "Danzo, I'm waiting for you to say this!"


In the blink of an eye, Shisui appeared in front of Danzo, and the name of Shisui of Instant Body was no joke.

"Is it really Kotoamatsukami?" The speed was so fast that Danzo barely reacted when he saw Shisui's Mangekyō.

"It's over!" In an instant, he was controlled by Shisui's Mangekyō. From now on, Danzo will never trouble the Uchiha clan again, at least he can usher in more than ten years of peace for the Uchiha clan.

"Very good, next is Uchiha Tiehuo and his people!" Fugaku smiled. Only with sacrifice can there be gains, so I'm sorry to come here, elders.

Uchiha Tiehuo and his people were drinking and cursing Fugaku's inhumanity, lack of ambition, and weakness, when they were arrested by Hiruzen's men.

Just as Itachi said, they had the courage to coup, but not the courage to fight. When they saw the Anbu led by Sarutobi Hiruzen, they trembled in their hearts and almost knelt down to beg for mercy.

They knew it was over. The Uchiha clan threw them out as discarded pawns in order to exchange for the future peace of the Uchiha clan.

"All is well!" Fugaku's eyes were gone with laughter. Of course, he still had to restrain his clan members more and avoid conflicts with other people in the village.

In addition, he wanted Uchiha to no longer serve as the guard. Of course, he still had to discuss this with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Then the next step was family happiness. They, the Uchiha clan, would definitely not repeat the previous mistakes.

Hahaha, thinking of this, Fugaku wanted to drink three cups happily.

Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has kept Naruto by his side all the time, wanting to train him to be a real Hokage.

As for which one it is, it's hard to say.

During this period, the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body no longer made trouble, and seemed to be calm. His progress in practicing ninjutsu was also rapid, and his strength improved very quickly.

"He is a good child, maybe he can really surpass the previous generations of Hokage!" Looking at Naruto's little face, Sarutobi Hiruzen was happy from the bottom of his heart.

He naturally felt this change, maybe the Nine-Tails also wanted to live in peace with Naruto. With Sasuke and Naruto, all kinds of crises in the future, he believed that they would end peacefully, and the future of the ninja world would definitely be changed by these two children.

The fifty-seven-year timeline of Konoha ended here.

Ps: Regarding the changes in Konoha in the past sixty-three years, some readers may say that with the change of time, the improvement in Naruto and Sasuke's strength is probably not that exaggerated, but don't forget that the existence of the Nine-Tails is enough to solve most crises, and the only thing that the Nine-Tails cannot solve is the resurrection of the Ten-Tails and the existence of a second Six Paths. But at this time the Six Paths Sage will be online, so there is no need to worry. As for the Otsutsuki clan, perhaps because of the playback of the video they will unite again and use the power of the entire ninja world to fight against the Otsutsuki. There is still a way out.

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