Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 622 Su Ling'er is in danger!


Su Ling'er was so angry that she was shaking all over, staring at Qin Hongluan and saying coldly.

As soon as Cheng Xin opened her mouth, she understood everything.

She never thought that Qin Hongluan and Qin Jingzhi would arrest Cheng Xin's parents and relatives to threaten Cheng Xin and trick Su Ling'er into coming here.

Especially Feng Qian, who is Cheng Xin's Taoist companion and a true disciple of Xiantian Taoist Academy. He has a deep relationship with Cheng Xin. Cheng Xin has no choice but to compromise.

It was precisely because of Cheng Xin that Su Ling'er had no doubts.

"Despicable and shameless? Su Ling'er, when you and Su Chen ruined my cultivation and knocked me from the clouds to the dirt, why didn't you say you were despicable and shameless? I want to tell you today that my Qin Hongluan's things, Don’t let any of you try to take it away!”

Qin Hongluan's eyes were full of ferocious killing intent.

"Cheng Xin, you did a good job! Don't worry, I will send you to meet your parents and Feng Qian!"

Qin Hongluan glanced at Cheng Xin and said with a half-smile.

"Thank you, thank you, Junior Sister Qin!"

Cheng Xin was trembling all over, her eyes full of helplessness.

With a painful look on his face, he thanked her repeatedly.


But she didn't pay attention. A figure shrouded in black robes suddenly appeared behind her, and then shot out a palm in the air, instantly hitting Cheng Xin's body, which contained terrifying devouring power.

Cheng Xin's whole body was shaken violently, as if struck by lightning. He instantly felt that the vitality of his flesh and blood, and even his martial soul, were being pulled by the terrifying devouring power, and the vitality was rapidly passing away.

"you you……"

Cheng Xin stared at Qin Hongluan, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Stop! Qin Hongluan, what do you want to do?!"

Su Ling'er was also extremely anxious and angry, and roared at Qin Hongluan.

"Sister Cheng Xin, I promised you to reunite with your parents and Feng Qian, because they have already left before you, hahaha... If I want to blame you, I have to blame you for going against me, so you still go to hell!"

Qin Hongluan's eyes were full of ferocious killing intent, and she laughed loudly.

"Qin Hongluan, you must die a happy death..."

Hear Qin

After Hong Luan's words, Cheng Xin was shaken all over, his eyes showed deep hatred and murderous intent, and he let out an extremely sad roar.

But soon, her voice stopped suddenly.

Because all the flesh and blood vitality in her body, as well as her martial soul, were completely devoured by the mysterious black-robed man, leaving only a pool of withered bones, which collapsed!

"Jie Jie... As expected, the flesh and blood spirits of human cultivators are the most delicious..."

An old, hoarse and intoxicated voice came out of the black-robed man's mouth.

"Qin Hongluan, how dare you collude with evil spirits from outside the territory?!"

Su Ling'er's whole body was shaken violently, and her eyes suddenly turned red, showing an unbelievable look, full of murderous intent.

She didn't expect that Qin Hongluan would be so heartbroken.

Cheng Xin had already helped Qin Hongluan complete the task and deceived Su Ling'er into Hongluan Palace. Unexpectedly, Qin Hongluan actually killed Cheng Xin.

The black-robed man's method of devouring Cheng Xin's flesh and blood soul was exactly the secret technique of the demon from outside the territory.

"Su Ling'er, you are dead today!"

Qin Hongluan

He sneered.


Then she clapped her palm, and suddenly a bright light rose up in the Hongluan Palace, instantly rolling up her, Su Ling'er, and the man in black robes, and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, they appeared in an extremely strange space.

And Qin Jingzhi is right here.

"Su Ling'er, didn't you ask me what I want to do? I want your innate body, I want your talent, and after today, everything about you will belong to me!"

Qin Hongluan stared at Su Ling'er, her eyes filled with extremely fanaticism and strong murderous intent.


Su Linger was shocked.

Looking at the indifferent Qin Jingzhi in front of her and the crazy-looking Qin Hongluan, she immediately understood that it turned out that the First Supreme Elder was colluding with the evil demon from outside the territory!


The man in black robe waved his sleeves, and Su Ling'er was immediately tied to an ancient black stone pillar. The black stone pillar was covered with strange runes and patterns, and it looked hideous and terrifying.

She was firmly imprisoned in

There, the entire body's cultivation was completely sealed, making it impossible to move at all.

"First Supreme Elder, why? Why do you want to collude with evil spirits from outside the territory? Is it because Qin Hongluan has not become a Taoist disciple?"

Su Ling'er stared at Qin Jingzhi, her eyes full of disbelief and disappointment.

Qin Jingzhi is the Supreme Elder of the Xiantian Taoist Academy, a powerful man at the peak of Emperor Wu, and the leader of the Patriarch's lineage, carrying the glory of the Patriarch's lineage.

In Su Ling'er's view, anyone could betray the Xiantian Taoist Academy, but Qin Jingzhi was the only one who could not betray the Xiantian Taoist Academy.

"Why? Because I, Qin Jingzhi, am the true descendant of the ancestor's lineage. Only I am qualified to become the dean of Xiantian Taoist Academy. Why does Zhang Ruoxu become the dean of the academy?

My granddaughter Qin Hongluan is the real Taoist disciple, and you, a humble woman from the Eastern Wilderness, have what qualifications do you have to be a Taoist disciple? The Xiantian Taoist Academy is unfair. If that's the case, then why shouldn't I cooperate with the outside demons... the saints? "

Qin Jingzhi sneered, his eyes extremely cold and filled with murderous intent.

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