Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 602: The best in the world!

The ruthless young master Zhao Yuanhao is a strong man on the list of geniuses and possesses the qualifications of a martial emperor.

He has always been arrogant and extremely proud, and few people would take him seriously. Even Qin Hongluan had to pay a high price to get him to take action.

However, he felt an extremely strong threat from Su Chen.

How can this be?

But before he could think clearly, Su Chen severely injured Qin Hongluan, tearing apart his ruthless sound wave, and the sound of rolling dragon roars roared out.

Zhao Yuanhao looked solemnly and rose into the sky to avoid the terrifying sound of dragon roar.


But at this moment, Su Chen suddenly punched down.

The unparalleled fist seal bloomed with blazing brilliance, surrounded by a faint mist of chaos, like an unstoppable scorching sun, suppressing it mightily.

"Damn it!"

Zhao Yuanhao's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly let out a low roar. A terrifying aura rose up around him, and a sharp sword light rose up, like the Milky Way, and slashed towards Su Chen's arm.

The ruthless sword!

Everyone in the world knows that the Jueqing Young Master is good at using the Jueqing Guqin, and uses sound waves and invisible sword energy to fight against the enemy, but they have no idea that his most powerful weapon is the Jueqing Juexi Sword!

This is an extremely powerful swordsmanship. Because of its ruthlessness, it can move forward indomitably, slaying the sky and destroying the earth, which is boundless terror.

He could feel the terror of Su Chen's punch, so he unleashed the Heartless Sword without hesitation.

Maybe Su Chen's punch would severely injure him, but he believed that his sword could definitely cut off Su Chen's arm, and even cut off Su Chen's life!

The Jueqingjuese Sword never let him down.


Between the sky and the earth, a gray sword light seemed to cut the world in half, containing the aura of destruction and killing, and collided with Su Chen's punch.

In an instant, there was a huge earthquake.

Like a sun exploding directly in the sky, the terrifying divine light storm swept in all directions.

However, in Zhao Yuanhao's unbelievable gaze, his ruthless sword could not kill him at all.

Cutting off Su Chen's arm only left a small blood mark on Su Chen's arm, but it quickly disappeared.

But when Su Chen's punch landed mightily, the Jueqingjuexiu Sword exploded like paper.

Then, fist seals came across the sky.


Zhao Yuanhao's whole body was shaken violently, and blood spurted out from his mouth. He was knocked away by Su Chen's punch. His chest collapsed completely, and his internal organs seemed to be shattered.

Zhao Yuanhao's eyes were full of horror.

If he hadn't been wearing an extremely powerful ancient defensive armor, he would have been able to kill him directly with this punch!

How could Su Chen be so strong?

"Brother, he is so strong?"

Su Ling'er also opened her mouth wide, her eyes full of shock.

She was originally a little worried about Su Chen.

But she didn't expect that Su Chen was so powerful. Whether it was Qin Hongluan or Zhao Yuanhao, they were vulnerable to Su Chen's hands and were directly hit hard.


This kind of fighting power was beyond her imagination.

"Su Chen...Su he Su Ling'er's brother? Is he really from Donghuang?"

Li Shaobai was also shocked.

He was still planning to directly use his trump card to break through the ten-day sky formation so that he could rescue Su Ling'er.

But he never expected that Su Chen would take action.

"This Su Chen is simply terrifying to the extreme. Even Zhao Yuanhao's Heartless Sword was broken so easily. He is probably among the top ten in the list of geniuses, and he is the best in the world!"

Seven Killing Sword Shen Yuan's eyes also showed an extremely solemn look.

He knows better than anyone else the horror of the Jueqingjuese Sword.

But Zhao Yuanhao was still vulnerable in Su Chen's hands.

Su Chen's unparalleled fighting power reminded him of the top ten geniuses on the list, those ten extremely monstrous geniuses, each possessing earth-shattering supreme combat power.

Su Chen might be able to compare with those monsters.

It's incredible!

"Everyone comes together, as long as we kill Su

Chen, I promise to open the Sutra Collection Hall of Xiantian Taoist Academy, allowing you to practice the supreme magical skills of Xiantian Taoist Academy! "

At this moment, Qin Hongluan roared angrily, with an extremely malicious look in his eyes.

Su Chen smashed her proud face with a slap, which made her feel even more uncomfortable than killing her, and made her hatred towards Su Chen reach its peak.

She roared madly.

Suddenly, the faces of those talented people she recruited, who originally had extremely fearful expressions, suddenly glowed with incomparable blazing light after hearing her words.


I don't know who it was, and suddenly many talented people burst out with powerful supernatural powers, launched powerful weapons, and rushed towards Su Chen across the sky.

Su Chen is strong.

But if they act together, they may not be able to suppress Su Chen.

The conditions proposed by Qin Hongluan were simply impossible for them to refuse.


Many geniuses and powerful men came from the sky, and the aura around them was terrifying. Torrents of water penetrated the heaven and the earth, shrouding Su Chen in front of him!

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