Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 284 Qinglian Mountain!

Red Dragon Medicine Garden is like Shura Hell.

There were mutilated limbs and broken arms everywhere, and rivers of blood.

Except for a few disciples who escaped, the three major guardians, as well as many elders and disciples of Jiuyang Divine Sect, all died in Su Chen's hands.

Moreover, in this battle, the Red Dragon Medicine Garden was completely destroyed.

After causing so many murders, Su Chen didn't hesitate or regret at all.

"In my previous life, my whole Tiandao Sect was wiped out, and countless elders, brothers and sisters died tragically in front of me. In this life, I will never allow anyone to harm the Tiandao Sect!"

Su Chen's eyes were sharp and full of determination.


After destroying the Red Dragon Medicine Garden, he jumped into the sky without any hesitation and headed towards the next target location.

After a while.


A terrifying figure tore through the void and appeared in the sky above the Red Dragon Medicine Garden.

It was an old man wearing a red robe, with a ruddy face and white beard and hair. His aura was so misty that he seemed to be integrated with the surrounding world.

After seeing the scene in front of him, his expression suddenly changed.

, there was overwhelming anger and murderous intent in his eyes.

"Who is it? Who destroyed my Red Dragon Medicine Garden? I will fight with you until death!!"

The roar exploded like thunder, causing the land thousands of miles around to roar and tremble.

He is the guarding martial saint of Red Dragon Medicine Garden!

Yesterday, he had to return to Jiuyang Shenzong for something, but he was delayed for a whole day. Unexpectedly, he sensed traces of the activation of the formation barrier in the Red Dragon Medicine Garden.

He returned immediately.

But I didn't expect that I would come back late.

The entire Red Dragon Medicine Garden was destroyed!


He vented his anger and smashed several hills, but in the end he found nothing. He could only suppress the anger in his heart and hurried towards Jiuyang Shenzong.

He wanted to report this matter to the sect.

No matter who dares to provoke Jiuyang Shenzong, he must pay the price!

The second target Su Chen chose was Qinglian Mountain.

Qinglian Mountain is not far from Chilong Medicine Garden, only a few thousand miles away, making it convenient for Su Chen to make a quick raid.

More importantly, Qinglian Mountain is very hidden and difficult for outsiders to know.

There are not many powerful people in charge, and there should be only one peak martial emperor in charge.

In the Qinglian Mountain, there is a top-quality earth core fire vein. The Jiuyang Divine Sect refines various spiritual weapons here and then sells them to various regions in the Eastern Wasteland.

The Jiuyang Divine Sect is good at refining weapons, so Qinglian Mountain also contributes most of the Jiuyang Divine Sect's resource income.

Su Chen's speed was extremely fast, and he arrived at the outskirts of Qinglian Mountain in a short time.

Although Qinglian Mountain is relatively hidden and hidden in the heart of the mountain, the Jiuyang Divine Sect is heavily guarded and has many hidden sentinels.

It's just that those secret whistles have nowhere to hide in front of Su Chen's delusion-breaking eyes.

Su Chen took action one after another, killing the secret sentries, and then reached the gate of Qinglian Mountain. Following his previous strategy, he took the token and sneaked into Qinglian Mountain.

"That's the Hidden Soldier Pavilion in Qinglian Mountain! Take their Hidden Soldier Pavilion and leave directly!"

Su Chen passed through several underground passages and finally came to a vast underground cave. He looked at a heavily guarded passage in the distance and thought to himself.

"Enemy attack!"

At this moment, a

A roar suddenly sounded.

In Qinglian Mountain, many guards, as well as elders and disciples were alarmed and rushed towards the outside of Qinglian Mountain.

"Am I exposed?"

Su Chen's heart moved, but he soon realized something was wrong.

Those people were heading outside Qinglian Mountain and did not notice him. Even the guards guarding the Tibetan Armed Forces Pavilion left the passage and headed outside.

"Is there anyone else who came to Qinglian Mountain besides me? No matter, now is a good opportunity!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed and he instantly entered the passage.

At the end of the passage are two extremely hard black doors.

Made of special materials, extremely hard.

At the same time, a formation barrier was also set up.

"I'm afraid there are a lot of good things in this Hidden Arms Pavilion! However, I don't have the key. Even if I force my way in, I may not be able to break through the door in a short time!"

Su Chen frowned.

"Huh? Is there anyone?"

Su Chen's heart moved.

He instantly restrained his breath and hid behind a boulder nearby.


A figure came to the door quietly.

It was a somewhat wretched-looking figure. He looked left and right, then took out a token and opened the formation barrier very skillfully.

Then, he took out another key and opened the door to the Tibetan Armed Forces Pavilion.

"Is there anyone else who is interested in the Tibetan Armed Forces Pavilion?"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.


Just when that wretched figure was about to close the door of the Hidden Arms Pavilion, Su Chen rushed out like a bolt of lightning and rushed directly into the Hidden Arms Pavilion.

"who is it?"

The figure was startled and trembled all over.

He almost thought that he was discovered by the strong men of Jiuyang Divine Sect, but when he saw Su Chen, he was overjoyed.

"Master, is it you?"

That figure was extremely excited.

"Are you...Zhao Xu?!"

After Su Chen saw the figure with clear eyes, he was also stunned.

The figure in front of me is dressed as a Taoist, looks a bit sinister, and carries an ancient sword on his back. If it's not Feng Shui master Zhao Xu, who else could it be?

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