Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 238 Refining the Tongtian Pill!

Luoshen Peak.

After Su Chen returned from Tianhai City, he returned directly to the west courtyard of the Bamboo Tower and entered the chaotic space.

"Now, all the elixirs and heavenly materials and earthly treasures are ready, and we can refine the Tongtian Dan!"

There was a hint of expectation in Su Chen's eyes.

Tongtian Dan is an eighth-grade holy elixir. It is an ancient elixir that contains the power to conquer the world. It is impossible for ordinary alchemy saints to refine it.

Su Chen already has the attainments of a saint of alchemy, but his cultivation is still shallow, so he is still very cautious.

In this chaotic space, you can activate the power of the Qiankun Cauldron and use the Devouring True Fire to refine elixirs, and the success rate will naturally increase a lot.


Su Chen waved his sleeves, and a simple alchemy cauldron suddenly appeared.

This is the Mountain and River Cauldron, a heaven-level spiritual weapon with extraordinary power. Luo Xuan obtained it for Su Chen from Master Cang Yuan after she learned that Su Chen was a sage of the alchemy path.

On top of the alchemy cauldron, there are mountains, rivers, vegetation, and stars. At this moment, they were activated by Su Chen, and they instantly bloomed with dazzling light.

An ancient and vast atmosphere filled the air.

The Mountain and River Cauldron seems to be able to accommodate all things in the mountains and rivers.

The Devouring True Fire burned blazingly, showing two colors of black and gold. Under the Mountain and River Cauldron, it kept beating according to Su Chen's thoughts.

boom! boom! boom!

Su Chen looked solemn, formed seals with his hands, and kept hitting the Mountain and River Cauldron, swallowing the real fire and intertwining it into a web of flames, turning into the shape of a real dragon, entangling the Mountain and River Cauldron.

Each elixir was put into the Mountain and River Cauldron to be tempered by Su Chen.

Su Chen started refining the Tongtian Pill!

His method of refining alchemy is as if it has been refined thousands of times, flowing smoothly, and is full of an artistic beauty, as if it coincides with the natural way of heaven.

The swallowing true fire is the most powerful true fire of heaven and earth. Under its tempering, the speed of purification of those elixirs is greatly reduced.

If an alchemy saint were to see Su Chen's method of refining alchemy, he would probably be amazed!

A few hours later.

Hundreds of precious elixirs, as well as heavenly materials and earthly treasures have been refined and completed.

In the mountain and river cauldron, the aura is dense and auspicious.

Teng, the elixir essence is like stars, floating in the mountain and river cauldron, shining brightly.

"Only the sea of ​​silver sand and the soul beast's heart are left!"

There were dense beads of sweat on Su Chen's forehead, but his eyes became more solemn.

Canghai Silver Sand can further transform the essence of those elixirs into elixir embryos.

The heart of the soul beast can possess the soul of the spiritual elixir embryo, integrate it with the power of heaven and earth, become transcendent, and transform the soul into a saint.

This is the real holy elixir!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Following Su Chen's thoughts, the sea of ​​silver sand and the soul beast's heart turned into two streams of light and flew into the Mountain River Cauldron.

Two flame dragons, one black and one gold, rolled across the sky and swallowed the sea of ​​silver sand and the heart of the soul beast into their belly.


The star essence contained in the sea of ​​silver sand was instantly activated by the flames, and became dense like silver mist, blending with the essence of the elixir.

At the same time, the heart of the soul beast was shining with colorful light, emitting some kind of spiritual fluctuations, like a big net.

, covering all the elixir essence.


In the Mountain River Cauldron, there seemed to be billions of thunders exploding, and the entire Mountain River Cauldron was buzzing and trembling.

Fiery divine light spurted out from it.

Endless flames rose, and the flame dragons roared violently, making dragon roars one after another.

And the essence of the elixir, which was like a star, rose up in the sky instantly, merged into one amidst the thunder, and bloomed with dazzling light.

Brighter than the sun!

It was clearly an ancient and simple elixir filled with divine light.

"It's become a pill!"

Su Chen's eyes were full of great joy. He reached out to grab it and immediately caught the bright elixir in his palm.

The Tongtian Dan is finished!

After grabbing the Tongtian Pill, Su Chen felt a strong sense of dizziness, and intense fatigue surged into his heart.

His mental strength was almost exhausted.

Although Su Chen had attainments in alchemy from his previous life and had the assistance of Devouring True Fire, after all, his cultivation was insufficient.

Refining this Heaven-reaching Pill is still a bit reluctant.

But he couldn't care less about rest and looked at the Tongtian Pill in his hand, his eyes full of joy.

"With this Heaven-reaching Pill, Master will definitely be able to break through to the realm of the Supreme Martial Saint during this retreat!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

In the entire Tiandao Sect, there are currently only two powerful martial saints on the surface.

Cangyuan and Yuanba.

If Luo Xuan can break through to the realm of Martial Saint, it will naturally be a great help to Tiandao Sect.

It's just a pity that there is no longer enough elixir to refine the Tongtian Pill.

"After I come out of the Yuanling Secret Realm, I will ask Qin Muying to find various elixirs for me. I still have two Soul Beast Hearts. If I can refine two more Tongtian Pills, several other uncles will, There is also a chance to break through to the realm of Martial Saint!"

Su Chen said to himself.

The stronger Tiandao Sect can be, the more confident it will be in dealing with future crises.

Tongtian Dan was Su Chen's gift to Luo Xuan.

After resting for a while, Su Chen came out of seclusion.

He walked towards the east courtyard where Luo Xuan was.

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