Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2604: Overbearing Tiancheng

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The imaginary world has reached more than half of the race, and various monks of various shapes have crowded Forna.

The real high tide is a void behemoth, and the Wolverine Wolf is also treated as a dog, and is brought over by a big townman.

The Void Beast was covered in the sky above Forna, almost covering the entire area of ​​Forna!


What is overbearing?

Sun Hao did not think that he had no intention of inserting a willow, and that Bianmu’s actions made Sun Hao’s heart have a new understanding of hegemony.

When the strength reaches a certain height, when the strength is enough to shock the world, doing everything is taken for granted, even if it is ridiculous, it becomes a matter of course, this is hegemony.

As a medicine god, Sun Hao chose for his own dog, and he even got more than half of the monks in the virtual world to come and join.

Everyone who came to join the party also felt that Sun Hao’s fur dog festival was well done and well done. He also felt that Sun Hao’s thoughts were unrestrained. Of course, no one had ever questioned whether Sun Hao did this or not. Proper.

I have to say that Sun Hao is overbearing to the extreme.

The reason for this hegemony is that Sun Hao’s power is strong enough. Sun Hao’s cultivation has suppressed the entire Forna sea area. Even the Winged Wolf, after arriving in the Forna waters, immediately When I settled down, I didn’t want to snarl, but I was a little afraid of the powerful momentum above the Forna sea.

Sun Hao's alchemy technique shocked the virtual world, the birth of Mahayana Dan, even the best live advertising.

The Void Beast was taken to the Forna Sea Dog Festival after being arrested. After trying to get the first place, the drug gods helped the alchemy to prepare for the big dog.

Seeing the wolf of the Wings, even the grazing that is not afraid of the sky is also dumbfounded!

In other words, it is a beauty dog ​​sister to meet their own needs, such a big guy ran over, even if the whole dog body plugged in, it is also like a toothpick, can not get the margin? How is this still?

In addition to being too big, Bianmu felt that he couldn’t help the wolf, but there was a small dog that was too small. The dog was only the size of a thumb, and the animal husbandry opened his eyes and looked for a long time. Only in the dog pile, I found this pitiful dog.

Too small, not a side animal!

The second Sea Dog Festival lasted for more than two months, and it was a lively and extraordinary event.

However, this time, many monks have disagreed with the final ranking of the Fur Seal Festival. They have raised the standard of judgment and are not open and transparent. Many monks even said that they would not participate in the Fur Seal Festival next time to express their own. Strong dissatisfaction.

To be honest, this sort of beautiful dog has a problem at first glance.

A whole body is white and white, and the talents are excellent. The spiritual and beautiful dog princess is actually unsuccessful. The top ten are not able to be discharged. Naturally, people are dissatisfied.

In addition, the Wolverine Wolf did not even rank in the top ten, and the town's great power also expressed its strong indignation.

In the face of such doubts, the Hague as a small ancestor of the Sea Dog Festival Organizing Committee is quite a bit confused.

Sun Hao stood by and watched, let Haizizi and Bianmu first deal with themselves.

The general counsel of the Fur Seal Festival, the dog was standing out, and a screaming, said: "Love does not come, the Sea Dog Festival does not lack you, the standard of the Sea Dog Festival selection, is the willingness of Laozi to graze, not to accept the egg."

Bianmu is full of domineering pressure and pressures the doubts.

Bianmu is a dog next to Sun Hao. Many people know it. At the beginning of the speech, in Haicheng, all kinds of doubts were slightly settled for two days, but when the awards were really sorted, various situations were still coming.

Bianmu silently found that the few beautiful dog sisters she had chosen, the beautiful dog sister who had successfully sneaked in the rules, actually hanged inexplicably!

The final award was delayed.

Who is so wicked! Even the dogs are killing!

Forna has rules, killers, hehe! Can't say that killing the dog is also awkward! This problem has come. Bianmu found that this situation will not be stopped in time. If you can't do it, you will be slaughtered and you will be left behind.

There is no other way. The side of the mountain with a Shanghai nose, a nose and a tear, went to the front of Sun Hao crying.

Sun Hao said a faint voice: "I know, you follow the plan."

Bianmu and The Hague daringly prepared for the award. Just one day before the award, over the waters of Forna, there was a sudden voice of Sun Hao’s clear voice: “Shi Ju, again and again, you are really me. Is Forna the back garden of your home?"

Already inflated, in the hundreds of millions of people in the city of Forna, all the monks looked up to the sky.

Suddenly discovered that the huge hollow behemoth, the Wolverine Wolf has been firmly pinched to the neck by a huge golden palm.

Huge, like two stars in the eyes, showing a very shocking expression, a scarlet tongue hanging from the sky like a waterfall.

The pleading pleading sound came out from the sky: "Medical God, I am just coming to the Fur Seal Festival. I have not violated any of your iron laws. You are a large number of adults, let me go!"

Sun Hao said with arrogance and majesty: "I said that you are damn, you have to die, don't think that you have a giant blood, there is a dragon blood, you can be unscrupulous in my Forna, today, I call you a five-horse corpse... ”

A huge fist rushed out of the city of Forna, and a bang hit the chest and abdomen of the Void.

In the mouth of the wolf's wolf, a screaming scream was made: "The adult is slow, and the stone giant is the direct subordinate of the dragon god. This is also a commission from the dragon god. Don't let the dragon god's earnest hope."

Sun Hao laughed happily: "How can the dragon **** be? I still haven't tore you."

In the big laughter, the golden hand slammed into the sky, and there was a burst of blood on the sky. The huge white wolf layer exploded, and the blood and rain flew, and they slammed down.

In the sea of ​​Forna, it was full of blood.

On the street, on the ground, in the port, there are pieces of minced meat everywhere, and the whole city is full of scarlet.

Sun Hao screamed coldly and threw it away. The huge skeleton of the Winged Wolf fell into the mountains of the Siberian mountains and fell deeply on the outskirts of the Forna sea, like a majestic mountain.

Sun Hao’s hegemony and violentness made the entire Forna Sea City suddenly silent.

Shiju, should be a well-rounded and perfected township, the Wolverine is the fierce distraction that he is famous for. Behind him, he still stands a dragon and has a dragon god.

After offending the drug god, he was actually smashed on the spot.

Moreover, after being pinched, I didn’t see the dragon god’s snoring. Maybe the dragon **** really didn’t know, but more likely it was after the dragon **** weighed, and felt that there was no need to go with another unscrupulous overbearing Mahayana for this little thing~ pinch the wolf of the tooth, Sun Hao carrying his hands, appeared in the sky above the sea of ​​Forna, said coldly in his mouth: "Who is not satisfied with the Furna Sea Dog Festival, You can stand up at this point."

The entire Folna was still **** at this time. The general monks did not dare to stand up, but there were also monks in the world who were not afraid of death. A monk who was not particularly high was said: "The gods are fascinating, unparalleled in the world, no one dares Offensive adults, but since the Fur Seal Festival is a beautiful dog, why is it so unfair? Why is the first dog that is obviously higher than the top one, and the top ten can't get in?"

Sun Hao glanced down at the lower eye and said: "Whoever told you that the Fur Seal Festival is a beautiful dog, you listen to me, the fur seal festival, that is to choose the **** for this side of the animal husbandry, love to come If you don't come, what other objections do you have?"

The monk stayed behind and said in his mouth: "Adult, you are too unreasonable..."

Sun Hao flew out of the air and directly swept the monk who did not know how to be good. He said coldly in his mouth: "If you don't have the strength, don't tell me the truth, you can't die, the dog stays, the people go." ”

The side of the pastoral flies to the front of Sun Hao, and his mouth screamed: "Wang Wang Wang, Wang Wang Wang, adults wise, adults are mighty..."

Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, the Hague said in the lower voice: "The adults are wise, the adults are mighty."

Regardless of how other races are manifested, the most populous medicinal monks in the city of Forna are cheering and smashing a large piece.

Sun Hao’s voice, slowly and vividly above the sky, came out very clearly: “Don’t discuss the rules in Forna, it doesn’t make any sense, because the rules here are the ones set by this seat, the Fur Seal Festival. Without rules, that is the biggest rule, understand?"

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