Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2488: Destroy

Seeing the appearance of Nami, the fire fox screamed, and the fox's face showed a cheerful expression. At the same time, it also showed a lack of goodness to Dandan Awu, a bit of a shit.

Dandan Awu did not feel anything. After all, he had just smashed this little fox, and he was a little unwilling to go. It was normal to be hostile.

The little medicine that hovered in the air was uncomfortable, and the leaves kept shaking, and I was a little bit eager to try, revealing that I wanted to get rid of the spiritual fluctuations of this ignorant fire fox.

Dandan Awu was surprised to perceive that Xiaoyao believed that killing the fire fox, taking its flesh and blood, and making up the small medicine, if there is a chance, the small medicine is strongly recommended to kill the fire fox.

At the same time, the small drug also expressed dissatisfaction with the old man. The small drug understood Naomi’s command to use the thunderbolt. The heart was actually hateful, indicating that the old man was too wide.

Dandan Awu felt a little bitter and sorrowful, and the small medicine did things, but with instinct, and with a feeling of being unscrupulous and impatient and constrained, the bones were born with a kind of masculinity that was the first in the world, without any Nami is in the eyes!

The small medicine can express emotions unscrupulously, and can lick your teeth. Dandan Awu is not good. He keeps appreciating the little medicine in his heart, so that he does not want to mess around. He said: "If this is the case, the great elders will go there first. The theater is over."

Nami had a long stretch of hand and hugged the fire fox. The mouth said, "Okay, go, be careful, don't cast that kind of thunder. If you really destroy the essence of my Nami Peak, But the loss is big."

Nami hasn't said anything yet, and she already perceives the idea of ​​a small drug.

The small drug is such a thought at this time, hey, let me use Leifa, then I use poison, use the wind method, use the ice method, ensure that the same is enough for your old man to be surprised, to ensure that the so-called elite cry Shouting mother.

Dandan Awu’s heart kept laughing, feeling that with the growth of small medicines, there was a lot of heart for the future.

In addition, I feel that my true fighting strength may far exceed the monks of the same order. However, it is really impossible to come from the temperament of a small drug, nor to explain it to Nami, and to appease the medicine, Dandan Wu Fei quickly ran to the transfer area.

This time, there was nothing unusual. Dandan Awu’s body appeared in the waiting area. He just stood up and heard the black cloth brother shouting loudly: “My big sister, you finally came, the battle in the big battle area will be immediately I have to start."

Dandan Awu smiled and said: "Sorry, I have been entangled in the test of the core disciples, so I am late."

Huang Li Hebu walked toward the transmission zone of the Great War Zone, and said in his mouth: "Awu, I guess, should you be chasing the tester? Otherwise, you can just come out with a cup of tea. ”

Dandan Awu said depressedly: "I don't know that I only need to stick to it for a while. I thought I had to remove the roadblocker to come in."

Huang Li black cloth touched his head and shook his head without words. Sure enough, Awu really went to the appraisers of the core disciples, but did not know how the results were. He did not continue to discuss this issue. Huang Lihe and Wu Mengang Zhuo has come to the transmission array and stood up.

Wu Mengang Zhuozui said: "Au Shijie, let's start the transmission together, then we will appear in the big war zone, the distance will not be too far, we can act together, but Ba Mo picks up they have been in for some time, it is estimated After we got in, it’s hard to return to the team."

Dandan Ao nodded and stood up. The three people started the transmission array. When they appeared again, they suddenly discovered that they had stood in a wasteland, but they did not see a monk.

Huang Li black cloth whispered: "The advantage of many people is that the fighting power is strong, it is not easy to be defeated by people, relatively safe, but there are fewer people and fewer people. The three of us should be careful not to be quickly identified. ......"

When the words were not finished, Dandan Awu had a yellow light on the top of his head. The small medicine appeared in the air, and there was almost no thinking. The small medicines circled several times and turned into an arc. Hovering and flying over.

Wu Mengang Zhuozui said: "Big sister, your meaning of this life medicine is to let us go here? No one here? Is it safe?"

Dandan Awu’s face showed a strange expression on his face. He said, “No, the meaning of a small medicine is that there are many people here. We just had a good time to clean them up.”

The so-called different positions and attitudes are completely different.

The main purpose of Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo is to persist in the war zone for a long time, so that it can become the core disciple of Nami Peak with outstanding performance.

However, the small drug is not the same thing at all. The small drug directly finds the enemy. It is recommended that everyone kill the past and sweep the enemy out.

Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo’s face showed strangeness. After looking at it, Huang Li Heib whispered: "That, we only need to get ten other drug mountain battlefield nameplates, and we can enter the total theater." ""

Dandan Awu asked differently: "As long as ten pieces become?"

Huang Li black cloth can not help but slam the white eyes, what is called as long as ten, you know, a drug mountain can enter the war zone is about 20 people, plus all the monks of Nami main peak, it is estimated that the total number of monks within the war zone More than two hundred people.

To get the other medicine mountain battlefield nameplate, you have to defeat at least one battle group, and listen to Dandan Awu's tone, as if this is not a problem at all.

Touching the head, Huang Li black cloth can only say: "Let's do it, I am far away from Ang Zhuo, Au you go first to see, if you play, you will pick up your opponent, if you can't beat it, then run." ”

Dandan Ao nodded, no nonsense, his body swayed, and the whole person disappeared with the small medicine in the air.

Wumen Ang Zhuozhen did not find out how Dandan Awu disappeared. He whispered: "Big Brother, did Awu Shijie go there?"

Huang Li black cloth knows that Dandan Awu should have broken into the ground, but the lesser people know the better, the present, the mysterious, the yellow calendar black cloth erected a finger: "small voice The master of Awu Shijie, called into the void, the ghost is not, very powerful, well, we also look at the direction of the small medicine."

The two sneaked around, borrowed various cover, and touched the past.

Wu Meng Ang Zhuo whispered: "Big brother, why the succulent material of Awu Shijie actually said that the body is out of the body, free and free, although the spirituality is not embarrassing, but it seems to pull the wind."

Huang Li Heib said: "That is not ordinary decaying material, it is super-extremely aging material, it is estimated that the sky is underground, this one is unique, what is abnormal, you can be regarded as normal understanding, I rely, no, so solve it so quickly Fighting?"

Wumen Ang Zhuo also looked at the front with a stunned look. After a long ringing, he said in his mouth: "Big brother, isn’t it too embarrassing!"

In front of it, it is completely frozen in an ice crystal. I don’t know which seventeen elite monks of Yaoshan have been completely frozen for the ice sculpture.

Dandan Awu seems to be a bit dumbfounded, standing in front of the ice sculptures that flash the ice crystal color under the sun, a little overwhelmed.

After the Daniel Awu bandit came over, I thought about it for a long time and decided to use the freezing technique to deal with these drugs. Because the freezing technique has a strong deceleration effect, the medicine caught in it can be repaired a lot. The opportunity to escape.

However, what I never expected was that Dandan Awu had exerted a powerful freezing effect after the freezing of the small drug-mediated medium. At almost instant, all the opponents were completely frozen. It became an ice sculpture.

Dan Dan Au wants to cry and tears to find that these drugs have been frozen, fearing that they are badly injured, even if they are not completely frozen, it is estimated that after thawing, they will be returned to their original shape and can only slowly recover.

Nami Dachang just confessed to himself, and he was so embarrassed that he accidentally smashed such a big leak.

Until the yellow calendar black cloth touched it, he called: "Awu, you are too embarrassed," Dandan Awu reacted, and said quickly: "Oh, who knows that they are so killed?" Ah, fast, collect the battlefield nameplate, we change places."

Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng Ang Zhuo quickly took the nameplate of the battlefield from the body of one ice sculpture. The three men did not return to the ground and quickly left the scene.


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