Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2223: Three hundred and sixty degrees

Among the immortal silver ships, Sun Hao’s two sons and five apprentices were very shocked.

Before entering the immortal silver ship, they didn't feel very deep. They thought it was an ordinary flying ship. After they really came in, they saw this majestic building like a fairy mountain, an endless huge silver hull, and a demon in the heart. Oh.

What kind of flying ship will be so vast, it seems that there is no hole in the sky.

Then they got a warm welcome from the monks around Sun Hao.

A friend who used to be in the mainland of Tianling, after thousands of years, finally met again.

Zhong Rong saw her sister and mother, and Xuanyuan Xiaolong also saw her unreasonable mother.

Every monk who is next to Sun Hao is not weak.

There are several distracted monks.

What surprised everyone the most is the four spirits.

In the records of the Tianling Continental, the four spirits have fallen into the battle against the catastrophe. The heavens and the earth in the heavenly world are engraved with the statues of the four spirits, and the four spirits have become the patron saint of the heavenly continent.

Unexpectedly, they were born again in Sun Hao’s immortal silver ship, and each of them has achieved great distraction.

From the bottom of the virtual through the void, into the virtual, the fastest has to be a few months.

After the war was over, Sun Hao did not drive the immortal silver ship himself. Instead, he handed the immortal silver ship to the monks around him and quickly driven through the passage between the imaginary and the imaginary, and flew away from the illusion.

Sun Hao summoned the monks around him to gather together, and lived a bit, let Xuanyuan Xiaolong, Zhong Rong and Xiao Cao and Zhong Rui several brothers and sisters go to the sacred air tower to practice, called the five disciples, I started to test their cultivation, and by the way, taught them some practice.

Among the five disciples of Daewoo, Zhu Dezheng, Wu Xianlang, Xia Chuan and Xiaoyu Feitian, the strongest are Xiachuan and Daewoo, followed by Xiaoyu Feitian.

Relatively speaking, Zhu Dezheng and Wu Chuanglang, who are obsessed with the refining device, are much weaker. They have soared for so long, and they are still level of the gods.

Fortunately, the foundation of the two is playing well, and there is room for improvement in cultivation. As long as you work hard, it is very likely that you will be advanced in the future.

If Sun Hao's special secret technique is practiced, the possibility of advanced semiconductors is not without, but if there is no chance to go against the sky, it is basically difficult to advance the real fit.

In the days of Tianling, Sun Hao passed down nine veins.

Nowadays, after thousands of years, the former nine-pulse disciples have already experienced huge differences in practice.

Refining the heart, killing acne Lushan's cultivation is the highest level, and now it is distracting power. The refinement of the pulse, the easy road lamp fire, the repair is a little worse than the Lulu Mountain, but the combat power is similar, if you count his beast army, Lushan fear is also difficult to be his opponent.

The refining soul is a vein of Xiachuan and the refining line to Daewoo. Although it is only a ferry, it is not weak and ordinary.

The weakest, in fact, is Huang Wenmao who refines the spirit of the gods. He has fallen into the Qingmuzong.

However, after his efforts, Qing Muzong has now become one of Qingyunmen's most powerful affiliated sects, and Sun Hao's ancestral graves, for many years, have been guarded by the Qingmu sect monks, among which Huang Wenmao contributed.

The refinement of the vein, the strength of Xiaoyu Feitian is not weak, the strong body, so that his chances of becoming a fit and power in the future will even exceed that of Daewoo.

The alchemy is a vein, and the honor is arrogant.

Refining a vein, respect Zhu Dezheng.

The cultivation of these two guys gradually fell behind, and the alchemy and refining tools gradually failed to meet the needs of other brothers and brothers, and they needed to catch up.

Sun Hao sees his disciples, and he attaches the most importance to the foundation. He does not care much about the fact that Wu Xinglang and Zhu Dezheng are currently under-repaired. Instead, they have expressed their approval and satisfaction for their lack of eagerness to seek success, steady practice, and solid foundation.

Sitting together for a few days, there is still a little time to go to Zhongxu, and Sun Hao began to teach several disciples the practice of practice.

Daewoo was a big disciple, and the first one was recruited by Sun Hao.

The technique of the celestial continent is not comparable to the imaginary. After Da Yu entered the emptiness, he systematically studied the human race, and the progress made Sun Hao quite satisfied.

However, when it comes to the martial arts, the sorcerer and the sorcerer are one of the most complete races outside the human race.

To Daewoo’s front, in front of Sun Hao, nature is weak and I don’t know.

Answering the problems on Da Yun's many fronts, Sun Hao began to teach Daewoo the inheritance of the witches and the witches.

With Sun Hao’s understanding of Daewoo, the knowledge of these martial arts taught by himself, according to the truth, to Daewoo to be thorough, it takes a little time, Dawu’s understanding is very strong, but not anxious, but a very continuous, capable Introduce new savvy.

After Sun Hao passed on the knowledge of the witches of the male and female witches, he was prepared to let Daewoo himself digest, but what surprised Sun Hao was that he soon got through some of the spiritual arrays, and he asked Sun Hao on the spot. The problem.

Sun Hao’s eyes lit up and pointed out to Daewoo a few times. He said in his mouth: “Dayu is good, it’s accumulated enough, and learning is very fast. If so, I’d better pass it to you, you can slow down. Go slow and try to learn."

Respectfully respect Daewoo to Sun Hao, and say, "Thank Master."

His words are as small as ever.

After thanking Sun Hao, he said to Daewoo: "Master, 360 degrees."

360 degrees? Sun Hao stayed for a while, and could not help but ask a question: "Daewoo, you mean, 360 degrees?"

To Daewoo, two words: "Yes."

Sun Hao fell into meditation. After half a ring, his eyes lit up and he gave a thumbs up to Daewoo. He laughed in his mouth: "Interesting, it’s so interesting, hahaha, why didn’t you think of it for the teacher? Yes, Daewoo is really good. I actually thought of using 360 degrees to distinguish angles. Think about it. This method of scale is the most scientific definition of angle scale."

To Daewoo said a few more words this time: "It’s all inspired by the teacher. Daewoo is only under the guidance of the Master, and now there is progress."

Sun Hao patted his shoulder: "Oh, don't be flattered."

After that, Sun Hao looked awkward and said: "Dayu's practice, there are signs of partiality, according to your practice, it may not be difficult to enter the fit in the future, but it is difficult to go further, for the teacher today, Send you three sentences, I hope you keep in mind."

Respectfully respected Daewoo and fell to the ground, saying in his mouth: "Please ask Master."

Sun Hao shouldered his hands and said: "The first sentence is based on the array, with the body as the floor and the gas as the context."

Responded to Daewoo: "Okay."

This is the three foundations for the cultivation of Daewoo. At present, among the three cultivations of Daewoo, the refining array is the strongest, the refining is second, and the refining is relatively weak.

According to Sun Hao’s statement, Daewoo must work hard to refine the Hao’s targeted measures came: “The second sentence, before distracting, first refine the body, not into the bronze Yes, this is a set of refining techniques that I have arranged for you."

He took over the jade that Sun Hao handed over to Daewoo, and said calmly in his mouth: "The disciple does not enter the white jade."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Well, Daewoo wants to go further, and refining is a must. You must know the period of the fit. The monk's refining is a hurdle. You can have a thick foundation and you will come out in the future." How far."

I sincerely said to Daewoo: "The disciple understands, thank you for teaching the teacher."

Sun Hao nodded and continued: "The third sentence, the pill into the body, into the inconsistency, this sentence, you first remember, time together, you naturally understand."

To Daewoo said with a voice: "The disciple remembered, thank you Master."

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, that's it, go on, let Dezhen come over to see me."

After a while, the short and chunky Zhu Dezheng came in and went to the door and bowed down: "German met with Master, and for many years, Master, you are more and more wise, and you can shake the sky."

Sun Hao whispered, "How is Jiebeier?"

Zhu Dezheng’s look was dark, and his mouth said: “Jiebeier was made into Jindan, and Shouyuan was five hundred. Before Master’s flight, he had already sat down. Dezheng did not want to disturb Master’s practice, and did not inform.”

Sun Hao nodded: "There were some anecdotes in the past, and the eyes of the past have become empty. Unconsciously, the former companions who can still see the present can still see the past."

Zhu Dezheng bowed his head and said: "There is no way to do it. In fact, the life of the disciple is almost exhausted. If it is not greatly helped by the **** transition of the master, the disciple and the singer will now have sat down in the heavenly continent. If it weren't for the help of Dagongzi, it would be difficult for me and I was able to complete the feat."

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