Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2197: Chasing the enemy

Incarnation of Dapeng Golden Wings, Sun Hao is flying high, within the human domain, chasing the high-powered Hundreds of escaped monks. ?

At the same time as the Gemini bomb exploded, among the Baizu, those surviving monks and monks left the ship and fled, and these monks were the targets of Sun Hao’s pursuit.

On the same day, Dapeng rose from the wind and lifted up to 90,000 miles. With the degree of Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, after Sun Hao’s full flight, it was not long before the trace of the escaped monk appeared in front.

However, it is not one of the three combined powers, but a distracted monk.

By the time of distraction, the monks have practiced many avatars, and there have been many means of escape. After sensing the existence of Sun Hao, the distracted monk showed various means to fight for himself.

Sun Hao chased after more than two months, which completely destroyed all the martial arts of the monk and continued to pursue.

After killing the first distracted monk, Sun Hao once again chased forward, Dapeng Golden Wings are extremely fast, but after all, Sun Hao has been delaying a lot of time, has been chasing three or four days, this is now a enemy.

In general, with the first disintegrated distraction, the monks who can escape from the twins are all high-powered. Although they are not the opponents of Sun Hao, the means of escape is unconventional.

Killing this monk also took Sun Hao a lot of time.

When Sun Hao pursued it again, he could not carry it out at will, or else he would escape the combination of the three leaders.

Among the three combined powers, the strongest flying man, Jodan, was chased by the criminal sorcerer and the side priest. The most strange Mormon method has turned into the second son of Zhengyuan, the only remaining tree is the tree. He Musheng of the human race.

The direction in which Sun Hao pursued was exactly where He Musheng escaped.

Sun Hao's tracking ability is not as good as that of the pastoral, but after all, it has reached this height, and he has read a lot of books and tracked the skills of tracing.

Following in this direction for more than two months, Sun Hao finally clearly perceives He Musheng's breath.

The richness of the woody monk atmosphere should be He Musheng.

Sun Hao, who became the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, hovered over a vast expanse of jungle and felt He Musheng, but there was no specific trace of He Musheng.

The feeling now is similar to the time when I pursued Momosotian. I remember that when Sun Hao chased the lake, I felt that the whole lake was the breath of Momoso, but seriously went to Licha. But I don't see any clues.

This time is the same, the entire vast forest, with a lot of lakes, can feel the smell of He Musheng everywhere.

He Musheng is hiding in the forest here.

The forest has been extending along the mountains, and as long as it is the place where the forests are, it seems that He Musheng is everywhere.

Flying in the sky, Sun Haoxun judges what this will be like.

The forest is different from the lake. Every big tree in the forest must be a single individual. It is impossible for the whole forest to be an incarnation of He Musheng.

Moreover, there are a lot of natural species in the forest, and there are many different animals that have the strength to cultivate.

I remember that the biggest flaw in the lake that Momoso was at that time was that there was no spirit.

Obviously, He Musheng’s stealth skills may be very powerful. If he wants to catch him, he will be afraid to pay for it.

In Sun Hao’s perception, the prisoner’s body has already caught up with the flying man, Jordan, and the two have already started to fight. In a short time, the battle between the body and the flying man’s Jordan is difficult to separate.

The reason why Sun Hao let Bianmu take the headless and fierce to chase the flying man, Jordan, because Sun Hao knows that the flying man, Jordan, is actually only a part of the double-headed Jordan. Even if he forced himself to stay, it is estimated that he can only Reinventing Qiao Dan, his repairs can still remain in the late stage of the fit.

Maybe, his own pursuit, it may also become the experience of double-headed Jordan, and understand the nutrients of progress.

Under the assistance of Bianmu, the criminal sorcerer chased and slammed, and the flying man, Jodan, was extremely clever while fleeing and fleeing. The prisoner’s body occupied a certain advantage, but it was difficult to really leave the flying man, Jordan. Move slowly beyond the human domain.

Sun Hao's Dapeng Golden-winged bird hovered in the air, looking for a long time, still could not find the exact position of He Musheng, thought about it, a golden wing, a large piece of jungle around the square, flying up, flying In the upper half.

After releasing the feelings of the gods, the jungle lost the atmosphere of He Musheng after the jungle flew off the ground. At the same time, the uplifted jungle also lost the sense of anger.

There is no breath in places where there are no trees, and places where there are trees cannot leave the earth, or else there is still no breath.

What is the situation?

Sun Hao’s heart is puzzled, and the breath is only the pretense of He Musheng? It is just a familiarity with the forest, and there is a blind eye.

Or, if He Musheng stays in a large forest, once he loses two conditions, he will be cut off into dead objects.

Then, Sun Hao thought in his heart, is it that if he finds the whole forest and pulls it all up, he will let He Musheng have nothing to do?

As soon as the gods became open, Sun Haoxun extended his explorations in all directions.

Soon, on the outskirts of the mountains, Sun Hao found the boundary of He Mu's breath. Outside the mountains, where there were no trees, he lost the atmosphere of He Musheng. However, along the winding mountain, Sun Hao unexpectedly appeared the atmosphere of He Musheng. Unstoppable, the gods actually can't find the end.

Where there is a tree, there is a breath of wood.

Along the mountain, Sun Hao flew inside. For a whole day, I don’t know how far I went. The mountains are still the same, and He Musheng’s breath is still there.

Sun Hao is now a superb god, and a move can make the mountains and rivers discolored, and the world is sad.

It’s just a moment to face the magical magic of He Musheng’s.

This mountain range should be one of the dragon veins of the East Kunlun Mountains. The mountains are continuous. I don’t know tens of thousands of miles. The distance is too long. Sun Hao can’t really pull out the woods in the whole mountain range.

More importantly, this mountain cannot be arbitrarily moved, damaging the East Kunlun Dragon Vein, which will damage the human race and damage the roots of the human race.

Once Sun Hao is doing it, maybe it will be countered by Kunlun Mirror, but it is really not fun.

Sun Hao flew forward with this dragon pulse for a long time, only to find the end of He Mu's breath.

From the beginning of the calculation, until the location where Sun Hao is now, He Musheng's breath has been extended to 100,000 miles along the Dragon's pulse. This is really not easy for Sun Hao to lift his hand and not easily. Find out where you are hiding.

The monks who have reached a certain level of cultivation are old ghosts who have experienced vicissitudes of life. Various self-help methods can be described as endless.

At this level, even if it is the strength to occupy the absolute advantage, it is not easy to completely destroy an opponent.

Several times before and after the battle Hao has a deep feeling.

In the days of Momo, he had a few fights with Sun Hao, and he almost made Sun Hao unable to do anything.

Not long ago, Momoso Law really made Sun Hao have no choice but to let him see the situation for the time being.

The flying man, Jordan, is entangled with the criminal sorcerer, killing is difficult to understand, and the means of escape is also strange, and it is estimated that it will not be able to end.

Now, the troubles of He Musheng are also out of Sun Hao’s expectations.

The forests of thousands of miles have the atmosphere of He Musheng, and the investigation is carried out in earnest. This kind of atmosphere is no different, and there is no special place in any place.

Sun Hao patiently stopped in the air, and he observed it for a long time at the outermost part of He Mu's breath.

Another conclusion was drawn.

He Musheng's breath is still slowly extending beyond the dragon vein. This degree of extension is very slow. If Sun Hao feels very sensitive, it may not be abnormal.

After a whole day, He Musheng's breath extended outward by about half a foot.

In other words, He Musheng is slowly moving away.

In a very strange way to escape, Sun Hao can be sure that once this guy extends beyond the periphery of the human race, it will definitely slip away from the mountains.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao double-winged the fan, and uprooted the tree outside the mountain where He Musheng escaped, and vacated the mountain with no trees in the 3rd and 4th, to see if He Musheng could continue to flee.

After finishing it, Sun Hao became the body and waited at high altitude.

After more than a year, Sun Hao’s eyes opened and he was very surprised to see the other side of the mountain.

On the other side of the forest, the other side of the forest, He Musheng's breath appeared again.

He Musheng crossed the blank, no trees, and still fled outside the Terran.

Can you escape without trees?

This guy really is some means. 8

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