Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2181: Fit war

In the heart of Jordan, there was a lot of unhappiness in his heart. There was a violent voice in his mouth: "Several friends, for the present, we can only resist each other with sincere cooperation, and everyone will join us."

Once upon a time, the small smuggling monks who had been chased by themselves and had no way to go to the ground, have grown to their own heights. Do they need to stand side by side with other monks to fight?

On the ship of the Archangel, Joe Dan fanned his wings, raised his hands, and began to cast spells. His heart was filled with unwillingness and resentment. He only hoped that a few fits and abilities could work together to make the human race boy with an amazing length. Fallen into the void.

In the three directions of the three-headed six-armed magical attack, three huge epic airlifts took off.

The ship of the archangels driven by Jodan and Jobs circling in the air, the white light flashed, and a holy lightsaber was formed in the sky, and a sword fell and stopped in front of the stick.

Jordan's hands were hugged in the air, and seven ice blue light **** appeared in front of him, slamming forward, and seven light dragons rushed from the seven directions to Sun Hao of the immortal silver ship.

Momo's law screamed "come well," raising his hand, and a handful of cold-backed dragon-backed tiger-headed pheasant appeared in his hand.

There is a word in the mouth, the tiger's head flies up, and the air is spiraled into a tiger-like big, two-foot-long, human face, tiger's foot, pig's mouth, a long-tailed beast, roaring, to Taikoo. The fierce sword rushed over.

The two airlifting ships of the Morgan Protoss swelled in two directions, like a strong man, slamming the momentum and spewing two glaring lights toward the three fires.

Opposite the immortal silver ship attack, on the tree of eternal, in addition to He Musheng and He Shuisheng, once again a body-like monk-like fit monk, three combined powers, the eternal tree moves "Wanxiang Sen Luo", the front one Large areas are shrouded in the green light of the grass, a variety of strange sights, all kinds of birds and animals roaring, rushing to Sun Hao's immortal silver ship.

On the high sky, the silver plate is flying.

In an instant, the fierce battle that made all the monks stunned.

Colorful, it seems to be smashing the sky in the air; the huge explosion is deafening.

Fierce beasts, golden sticks, glaring lasers...

The beautiful battle scenes let the monks watching the war sway, and any human monk who witnessed the battle of this mighty monk will never forget this fierce scene.

Many aspiring monks have spent the rest of their lives pursuing the heights that they have never been able to achieve for the rest of their lives. They have been climbing hard all their lives.

Of course, looking up at the sky, even Zheng Yuanzi is worried about Sun Hao at this time.

At this moment, Sun Hao is facing, it is a full four air transport ship, seven big fit and powerful.

Zheng Yuanzi can't imagine how this is a battle.

In all directions, when various attacks rushed toward Sun Hao, Zheng Yuanzi felt terrified in his heart.

Within the defensive hood of the Kunxu Palace, hundreds of thousands of surviving human race elite monks, and more ethnic monks in East Kunlun, all looking at the sky at this time, will soon decide their own destiny.

Everyone’s heart has both hope and contradiction and embarrassment.

Shen Xiang adults, do not want to be indifferent, and want to give the Terran a fair, that is, I do not know the agarwood adults, can you repel the Bai nationality coalition?

Or, can Anpton adults kill a few hundred people who have committed crimes?

Rumble, rumbling, the sky seems to be thundering, all kinds of attacks bloom and glare hit together.

The fighting stick Jinguang hit the sword of the archangel and evenly matched.

The ancient and fierce swords have encountered the green-backed dragon-tiger tiger head, and the dragon fights.

Sancha real fire hit the Morgan Protoss Airship Ship laser, and they died.

Vientiane Sendo gathered together Jordan's seven blue light balls, and flocked to the immortal silver ship, attacking Sun Hao on the flying silver ship.

The high sky is like a trembling, and the flying ship with a weaker strength of the Baizu coalition has to avoid it far away, otherwise the aftermath of the big battle will be enough to catch the fish.

The three-headed six-armed magical law blocked three epic-class airships and three of them.

Sun Hao's ontology drives the immortal silver ship to rush to the tree of eternal, and meets the Vientiane Senro of Joe Dan and the Tree of Eternity. On the Tree of Eternity, there are three people who are in harmony with each other.

Among the three great talents of the tree and the human race, the last ancient monk-like monk should be a semiconductor monk with a strong marching fit.

The immortal silver ship hovered, extremely fast, and crossed a beautiful arc in the air, like a thin thin sheet, scratching the attack of Vientiane Senro, flying to his own scenery and changing the beasts one by one. Falling into the air, without losing, still rushing to the tree of eternal.

Joe Dan's seven blue light **** automatically tracked, chasing Sun Hao, spinning, dragging his long tail and chasing behind Sun Hao's back.

The three-headed six-armed sacred sacred screams again, waving the sky sticks, the ancient savage swords in the air, spitting three real fires, and mingling with the Morgan theologians, it is difficult to understand.

The immortal silver ship with the blue light ball behind it rushed to the tree of eternal.

He Musheng and He Shuisheng, two real Shurens, are irritated by Sun Haosun, who is daring to go straight to himself. This guy, dare to directly provoke the strongest tree-man army in the Baizu coalition.

The two looked at each other. He Musheng screamed: "Sun Hao, I really don't know how to live and die. Let's take a look at it today. The eternal class of airships is not your unbreakable level of immortality. The eternal sanctuary, give it to me."

Around the Tree of Eternity, a faint cyan glow is formed, forming a huge cyan mask that reflects the entire surrounding space into an indigo.

The immortal silver ship is like a fish, slamming into the eternal sanctuary.

Joe Dan’s offense also followed closely and rushed in.

However, after the seven blue light **** rushed in, the sudden movements slowed down, as if the mortal people were trapped in the quagmire and could not move forward.

The immortal silver ship fell sharply in front.

Joe Dan whispered a little, his mouth whispered: "A good eternal sanctuary, Mu Shengdao, you are trapped in the sanctuary, we first destroy his magical law..."

When Sun Hao drove the sea of ​​Shenxiang to conquer the sea in Nanyang, different top-class seagoing vessels had different characteristic combat skills. I remember that at that time, Sun Hao’s whirlwind and other moves made the entire Nanyang.

Now I want to come. The special combat skills of the former Nanyang are completely worth mentioning. Now Sun Hao, throwing a spell at hand, can not know how many times the attack effect.

However, the series of combat aircraft of the spaceships, which are created by the imaginary and devastating wisdom, naturally have their own special combat skills.

Different grades of the flying ship strength is different.

At the level of the airlifting ship, the difference in the strength of the spacecraft is mainly reflected in the difference in combat skills of different airships.

A powerful gas-powered spaceship, its combat skills also have strengths and weaknesses, attribute differences.

Epic-level gas transporters generally have no less than three special combat skills of various attributes, some are plus, some are special spells, and some are added defense armor.

Zheng Yuanzi's air transport Feihong ship, its most special combat capability, is like a flying rainbow. When fighting, it is extremely dexterous, and it can also be called the attacking technique of five-color black light.

Most of these combat skills are focused on individual exhibitions, which the monks call it.

A few powerful airship epic ships or less powerful immortal eternal ships, there will be composite spaceship combat skills, such as the sword of the archangel.

This kind of combat skill is capable of displaying various special combat forms in the air, or a sword, a knife, or even a piece of music.

Such combat skills, the Zhongxu Wanzu called it "mimicry" combat skills, and their offensive and defensive capabilities must be stronger than break.

Under normal circumstances, the spacecraft capable of mimicking combat skills is already quite powerful enough to resist a powerful fit.

However, mimicry is still not the strongest flying weapon combat skill.

In the records of the classics, a powerful eternal class spaceship or an immortal class spacecraft also has a special "domain" of combat skills, one involving the avenue rules, forming a peculiar "domain field" that dominates the domain field. The fighting, the most powerful fighting skills.

This is the "eternal sanctuary" that the Tree of Eternity is now showing.

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