Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2177: Law battle

The flying saucer of Li Xuyuan circled in a hover, quickly became bigger, and instantly became a huge silver disc, flying over the Kunxu Palace.

A gas-powered ship!

At this time, what is the use of a gas-powered spaceship? On the opposite side, there are four full-air voyages, and one eternal tree.

In the sky, Zheng Zhengzi, who was covered in flames, suddenly screamed: "Agarwood, you retreat. Today, the Kunxu Palace is dominated by me. You enter the Witch God Palace to recuperate and leave a useful body for my people."

Sun Hao still did not speak, opposite, the flying man Joe Dan has said in a deep voice: "Sun Hao, Sun Shenxiang, did not expect your kid to dare to appear in front of this seat again."

He Musheng also shouted at this time: "Imperial silver ship! The gas ship of the world that was a few hundred years ago was actually obtained by your people. It is no wonder that there will be such a big movement in the border area."

Sun Hao’s eyes swept away to the eternal tree in the distance. I immediately guessed that the image of this eternal gas-powered spaceship should be the eater’s flower of the year, and the righteous son nodded slightly, and Sun Hao strode a big step. Flying a little, standing on the oblique side of the immortal silver ship.

As soon as his face sank, Sun Hao said with a deep voice: "The tribe led the tribe and joined the army and jointly invaded the Sanctuary of my Terran. It was a great battle. It was so good that it actually entered the Sanctuary of my Terran and destroyed my human race. The defense of the core area is so good. It seems that this is really trying to pull up my humanity from the roots."

Momo's method is faintly said: "What is it? The human race wolf ambition, the darkness of my Morgan Protoss, this feud will be reported."

He Musheng, a tree-man who is also low, said: "There are also trees and people in the rainfield, and the Terran must pay the price."

Feidan Qiao Dan did not have to talk nonsense with Sun Hao, his body slightly vibrated, behind, the huge magical law rushed out, the sword of the archangel was also in the hands of the magical law.

Joe Dan took the lead, and the other three gods and gods also appeared in different directions, surrounded by Sun Hao in the middle.

Zheng Yuanzi raised his head and laughed: "You dare to use the chaos. I am the first son to take the first monk to accompany the funeral. When it comes to doing it, Shen Xiang, the enemy is too big, you must retreat first..."

Sun Hao turned back and looked at Kunxu Palace.

Here, there are a large number of the last human race elites in West Kunlun. At this time, they have deep despair and deep hatred in their eyes. They hold their own weapons in their hands and look at themselves from afar.

Even a little girl bravely climbed the shoulder of a one-armed monk and shouted to the air: "Big brother, let's go, the gentleman revenge, not too late."

A large number of monks, kneeling on the ground, they also know clearly, as long as they let, today and today, will be the real end of their lives.

But in their demeanor, they were firm and did not open their own to fight.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao extended his right hand and said to the bottom, "The Zhengyuan adults, this seat is going out today, and the plan is to seek justice for the hundreds of millions of people. Let the hundreds of monks who invade my people pay the price of blood. At this moment, you look at it, my people are monks..."

Sun Hao’s voice paused, and his voice said in his mouth: “My grandson, Sun Xiangxiang, swears to Heaven today, and whoever commits the human race, although far away, you, and see this seat for the human race to receive the first blood debt ""

Sun Hao’s voice is bright, like Hong Zhong, and he keeps reverberating in the air, and his tone is even more sloppy.

The Terran monks will be suspicious.

Zheng Yuanzi was also slightly confused, and his mouth screamed again: "Agarwood, staying in the green hills, not afraid of not burning wood, you..."

The voice was gone, and Sun Hao’s arms were slightly displayed, and there was a huge three-headed six-armed magical law behind it.

The sky reproduces a magical law, and it is still the kind of self-cultivation that has not been borrowed from the power of the Kunxu Palace. The opposite of the Baizu coalition suddenly became a bit commotion.

Especially those races with weaker strengths have a kind of embarrassment in their hearts. If the masters of this magical law do not participate in this decisive battle, they will rush to their ethnic chaos. At that time, their race can't stop.

Isn’t the intelligence saying that the Terran has only one fit?

How can there be three people, and once the human race is going to retaliate in the future, the forces will be weak, but they will not stop.

Momo's mouth said in a mouth: "How about a magical law? You friends, the murder of the Morgan Protoss has the ability to lock the opponent's airship, and now the Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, we must chase In the end, let it completely lose the power of the airship, and defeat the realm, otherwise the Hundreds of People are uneasy."

Zheng Yuanzi is lame.

Qiao Dan shouted: "Daoyou said as I mean, haha, what about the three heads and six arms? Can it stop us from being able to withstand the four magical laws, and all of us, we will take him."

Joe Dan's giant face, the Mosuo method's Saul giant, He Musheng He Shuisheng's three headed snakes and the mother-in-law tree, the four laws are like the screaming King Kong of the former Yuan Zizi, and Qi Qi to the three heads and six arms Siege up.

Three hands and six arms and one hand stretched out, and in the air, there was a golden stick in the hand. The iron rod pointed forward and rushed forward.

The huge club head, the bigger and bigger, the straight point to the Sol giant.

The giants of Sol were throwing stones forward with their hands, and the stones in the hills could not stop the iron bars. Above the sky, the stones were broken and shattered like raindrops.

The huge club head, a bang, pointed at the forehead of the Sol giant, the second time of the Sol giant's head, blasted open over the Kunxu Palace.

At this time, the other three supernatural systems have already attacked Sun Hao's three arms and six arms.

Sun Hao’s heart moved slightly, and his mouth slammed softly. On the three hands and six arms and one hand, there was a fierce sword like a saw. He lifted up high and went up to the sword of the archangel that went straight to his own. .

The magical law of the Momoso Law was broken and the heart was shocked. But after seeing the great sword of Sun Hao’s magical law, he immediately screamed: "The ancient sword is so murderous that you have maimed the Momoso Heavenly Man. Friends are careful, his strange sword has nothing to saw..."

The voice has fallen, and the sword of the archangel that was attacked by the giant face method, together with the half arm of the Fa, has been cut into the air by the three-headed six-armed gods. It turned into a light spot and fell to the ground.

The attack of the other two laws has not yet been close, and the three-headed six-armed gods have already waved their fists and should be beaten at the head.

In the air, there were two loud noises in the air. The attack was directly defeated by Sun Hao in the air.

Three heads and six arms, four arms to fight, and two arms after the victory, raised a fist to the sky, three heads up, screamed fiercely: "ah..."

Not far away, Zheng Yuanzi looked at the mighty three-headed six-armed magical law in the air, and his eyes suddenly became a little It was different, and it was completely different from his own glare.

The incense's three-headed and six-armed opponents are not inferior to the opponent. The first round, with a dozen hits, does not fall at all.

Qiao Dan's brow wrinkled, his heart was shocked, how did this kid practice? How many years has this been? Has it been able to take a block four? Is this the one who was chased by the enemy and was robbed by the people?

How could it be so careless that it has grown to such a height?

Momo's method was exclaimed: "What is his level of magical law? Are three heads and six arms able to fight alone?"

He Musheng looked at the two magical weapons on the three arms and six arms. He said in his mouth: "You friends are careful, not only the high level of the magical law, but also the magical power of his magic. You can't hide it. Come on the truth..."

In the voice, the body was shocked, and behind the wonderful tree, a green longbow was raised, and the bow was full of strings, aiming at the three heads and six arms.

Momoso violently said: "Okay."

The head of the Sol giant suddenly swelled again, holding his hands together, and there was a sacred circle in his hand, and the treasure of the flying giant bird was engraved on the blue body.

The giant face of the flying man, Jordan, also swayed a few times, a mask, covering the Fa.

The three-headed six-armed magical law made several Shentong monks stunned, and Qi Qi released his own magical powers, and comprehensively enhanced the power of the magical powers of Sun Hao.

Zheng Yuanzi screamed dryly beside him: "Agarwood is careful."

The Terran monks watching the war below, as well as the monks of the East Kunlun who saw the change through the Xuantian Magic, raised their minds a little, hoping that the Shentong Master's magical law could withstand it.

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