Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2164: Starlight painting

Sansheng Stone is on the edge of the marriage, singing with the common effect on Fei Le.

The silver star came back, filling the ice and destroying the sea.

Opposite the snow-capped mountains, above the sea of ​​fire, Sun Hao and Xia Qingyu stand side by side.

At this time, Sun Hao, the green shirt is elegant, and the stars are blue.

At this time, Xia Qingyu, white clothes fluttering, like a fairy.

The monks on the snow-capped mountains, watching a pair of monks standing side by side, have a word in their hearts: "God's companion."

Under the flames of the sea, the figures of the two are forever imprinted into the hearts of every monk.

Standing side by side with Sun Hao, Xia Qingyu whispered: "Agarwood, what should I do?"

Sun Hao smiled and reached out to her.

Xia Qingyu stayed, and the white little hand extended, gently placed in the palm of Sun Hao's palm, and his face flew a touch of rosy.

The silk is cold and passed from the small hand of Xia Qingyu. Sun Hao has a cool feeling of immersing in the heart and spleen.

Sure enough, it was a different general Yu Jie Bing Qing body. Sun Hao’s heart sighed a little, and said in his mouth: “I am blessing, light rain, you have the strongest release effect, the widest coverage of ice attribute spells, as long as the ice covers a certain The scope, the Mars that escaped will be forced out by us."

Xia Qingyu glanced at the vast expanse of the sea of ​​fire, and whispered in his mouth: "Sun Hao, this fire is extremely incomparable and broad and incomparable. If we want to completely destroy him, it may not be a day's work."

Sun Hao glanced back at the monk behind him and said: "No matter, there are thousands of miles in the sea, and there are countless resources inside. We are forced to release the process of Mars, which is the process of extending the domain. The time is slow, just let them stabilize. Extension domain frontier."

Sun Hao’s words are not loud, but every monk listens very clearly and understands.

Above the snow-capped mountains, the Yaotaifeng monks took the lead, and all the sleigh-ridden monks said in a loud voice: "I would like to follow the example of Shenxiang adults."

Pulling up the small hand of Xia Qingyu, the back of Sun Hao was gently shaken, and a pair of wings stretched out.

The wings spread more than two feet, the whole body is blue and blue, and there is a light star shining on it, mysterious and elegant.

Xia Qingyu extended another small hand, and Xinghui fell on his hand, as if he had turned into an ice-blue butterfly.

Seeing the beautiful ice butterfly, Xia Qingyu’s heart burst into a feeling of intimacy and familiarity, and his mouth whispered softly: “Agarwood, a strong ice property, I perceive a strong source of ice properties.”

Sun Hao said with a light smile: "This is my hail, the star ice butterfly, should be able to have a huge blessing on your ice attribute spells, let's get started."

Xia Qingyu nodded, his left hand was still placed in the palm of Sun Hao, his right hand five fingers open, to the top of his head.

Suddenly, a three-foot ice vortex appeared on the top of Sun Hao and Xia Qingyu, slowly rotating, the speed from slow to block, the area of ​​the ice vortex is also growing.

Xia Qingyu whispered: "Agarwood, my trick is the strongest trick in the ice spell. The name is a thousand miles of ice, and the snow is floating, but my repair is not home, at most I can do it. It’s frozen, and it’s a super-level play.”

Sun Hao said with a soft voice: "No problem, there is me, you just try hard to see if you can have better spell effects."

Xia Qingyu nodded, and the right hand gently rotated in the air, causing the ice vortex to turn bigger and bigger, eventually turning into a huge ice cloud, shrouded in magma from time to time with flames rushing out.

Above the sky, fluttering and swaying, there is heavy snowfall in the goose. However, the temperature in the sea of ​​fire is high, the heat is strong, and the snow is still falling. It has been evaporated by the sea of ​​fire and turned into water vapor, which has been floating in the air.

After a while, the expanding ice vortex is still unseen.

The monks on the snow-capped mountains looked at them and saw the snow fluttering in the air. A pair of fairy companions floated on top of the sea of ​​fire, standing under the ice, surrounded by stars, and the ice butterflies fluttered, forming a scene of human wonders.

Yao Qiong’s eyes showed his envious expression, and he said softly in his mouth: “It’s beautiful.”

The female monk is still high, and is also a woman. Seeing the beautiful scenery of this scene, every heart has a strong envy, the sea of ​​fire is the bottom, the ice is spinning, the stars are surrounded, and the ice butterfly is nostalgic. A good and beautiful feeling.

The ice on the head is far beyond the usual level.

Xia Qingyu’s eyes showed a surprise expression in his eyes, and his mouth whispered: “Agarwood, I didn’t expect your star-shaped ice butterfly to be so powerful. My spell effect has increased by four or five times. It’s really powerful, light rain. admire."

Sun Hao smiled faintly: "Don't be too weak, don't break the foundation of cultivation. When you reach the limit, let go."

Xia Qingyu gently snorted, his right hand was rotated a few times in the air, once again expanded the scope of the spell, a sigh in his mouth: "Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, give me a freeze, fire."

In the snoring, the little hand waved forward.

The ice above the sky will come out and spread out into the sea of ​​fire.

The snow of the goose feathers has fallen.

The monks on the snow-capped mountains instantly felt that the sky had become a white, and the sea of ​​fire in front of them quickly cooled down. The fiery magma instantly turned into a green rock and spread quickly.

Less than a fragrant time, the flames in front of the flames, the heat of the rolling waves, has become a snowy snow, the fluttering of the goose snow has covered a thin layer on the snowfield.

Only in the far ahead, it is still faintly able to see the fire and the sky.

The sea of ​​fire in front of the snow-capped mountains is completely frozen.

Amazing frozen spells.

After the monks have reached a certain height, they have a strong strength. This is a real feat of changing the earth and transforming nature.

The Yaotaifeng monks have a lot of knowledge, and they are the most powerful people in the world.

The sled riders once again opened their mouths and lamented the miracles in front of them.

Fortunately, with the fierce performance of the abyss beasts in front of Sun Hao, this time, the spirit of the sled knights is much stronger, otherwise they will scream at the goddess.

Above the sky, Xia Qingyu whispered: "Agarwood, my effect should not be weak, there is a blessing of your star-shaped ice butterfly, ordinary terrain, not to mention thousands of miles of ice, how can there be eight hundred miles, but Here is the sea of ​​fire, the sea of ​​fire is particularly deep, so the effect of my move is greatly reduced, I don’t know..."

Xia Qingyu is preparing to say that when he can't force Mars, Sun Hao gently **** his wings, pulls her little hand, hovering in the air, sprinkling a star, and flying forward.

In front, an inconspicuous red line, extending into the sea of ​​fire outside the ice sheet, saw the star-shaped ice butterfly flying over, a Mars bombing from the ground and escaping into the sea of ​​fire.

In the air, the stars are bursting.

When Mars is still a long way from the sea of ​​fire, Sun Hao has already reached out and left to catch Mars in the palm of his hand.

Mars started, it has become a fiery ruby, lost spirituality, quietly being stunned by Sun Hao in the palm of his hand.

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Hao said to Xia Qingyu: "Let's go, we continue, the rain is really amazing. This move is going down to more than 400 miles. It won't take long, we can be completely Set it flat."

Xia Qingyu grinned: "I am not awesome, or you are awesome. Under normal circumstances, I will use a long break to recover after a thousand miles of snow. But after you get your help, I am Execution of this trick, actually still nothing, let's go, let's continue."

On the snowy field, Sun Hao took Xia Qingyu, fanned the wings of the ice butterfly, and flew forward.

Fluttering and sprinkling thousands of miles of snow, and flying the ice butterfly.

The ice is as clear and crystal-clear as the thin wings, and the faint ice-blue whirls on the light blue wings. When flying, it scatters the sparkling blue star-shaped star point, above the snowy field, a blue star.

One green and one white, two floating in the shadows, above the snowy, in the snow, the stars shine in the light, like an elegant painting.

Yao Qiong looked a bit too sleepy.

Other Yaotaifeng women's repairs are a bit too sleepy, and the sled riders have a burst of admiration and embarrassment.

This is the real powerful monk.

After a half-sound, the leader of the Hemu Tubo sled knight suddenly reacted and said in a loud voice: "Let's go up to repair, Shen Xiang adults confess, we have to stabilize the newly expanded territory."

Yao Taifeng women's repairs could not help but reinvigorate. They looked at each other and saw the surprise and excitement in their eyes.

Yao Ying shouted: "Let's go, let's go, everyone is going to explore and see if there is any special cultivation resource in this ice sheet..."

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