Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2065: High price auction

A bottle of definite agent, inciting all directions.

Sun Hao did not expect that the bottle of spirits thrown by himself would encounter such a degree of looting.

After the unknown monks opened five large-scale spiritual veins, the quotation speed was really close to the limit. A large number of under-prepared monks withdrew from the competition, but still insisted on bidding.

Huang Zizi raised the price and said in his mouth: "Old, I finally understand, you are the big squid."

I am not afraid to say weakly: "To each other, you are not that big yellow cockroach."


The two old guys who were hiding each other eventually failed to capture the prescription.

The No. 2 box shot a strong shot, and finally fixed the auction price of Dingshen Pharmacy in eight large-scale veins.

The auction was lost, and the entire auction house heard buzz from time to time.

Many monks in the **** sea are repaired by the robbers, and there are dozens of small spiritual veins that are already very rich.

I saw a real feast today.

At the same time, I also felt my own smallness and insufficiency. Compared with those real distracting powers, my own gap is still far away.

In the second box, Bai Chen smiled and came in from the blood wall. He sat on a futon and said loudly: "Liu boss, you are throwing out eight large veins, but it hurts. Dead people."

Shen Wang Liu said slowly: "I took my shot, what happened to you? Right, you haven't told me who is the auction item?" I don't know the boss, I am looking for a good spirit. Do you actually take out the auction and save it? I am not?"

Bai Chen whispered to the mouth to fill the blood spring, and shrugged his shoulders: "The thing that he wants to shoot, you can't stop, you really have to stand in front of him, I guess it is too late."

Liu Bo frowned slightly, and said in his mouth: "What are you talking about? No wonder, now I have a few great gods in the Witch God Palace. He is the most fierce one. Well, you said how bad I am. you?"

The white morning mouth moved a few times.

Liu Bo’s eyes slammed round and sighed. “Good guy, isn’t the bottom of my Witch’s Palace just like him?” It’s twice as big as 16 big, I rely on it, plus me. These eight, isn’t it a whole twenty-four?"

Bai Chen was crying and sullen: "Isn't it? Hey!"

Liu Bo’s eyes turned and whispered: “You are like this, so...”

White morning face reveals a questioning expression: "Boss, can you do this?"

Liu Bo: "Go and go. Listen to me right. That guy is better than the hypocrites of Kunxu, but it is better than us. You do what I say, and it is guaranteed."

Bai Chen showed a strange expression, shrugged and said: "Boss, you are also awkward, actually let my old girl out, you are not afraid of fake drama really do?"

Liu Bo's face flicked a few times, flying a foot and talking about the white morning into the blood wall, said in his mouth: "I can't wait, I will become a woman after I split up, and I will be on my own. Go and do things..."

The auction of the sacred pharmacy came to an end, and the main singer of the **** goddess actually retired with a smile, and changed a female repair to host the auction.

The auction continues.

Soon, the blood-blooded goddess appeared in the box of Sun Hao, and saw Sun Hao sitting in the middle of the knee. A pair of beautiful eyes showed a playful smile. The lotus step moved lightly and went to the coffee table of Sun Hao. The body was slightly stunned and said: "When you are naked, you can see the adults."

The **** of blood is called Bai Jie!

At this time, Bai Jie was praying, and a palace dress showed a white and round shoulder. Sun Hao looked at his eyes and saw the deep groove and the white and smooth ball.

The heart couldn’t help but think of the day when the goddess of blood and blood was covered, lying on the cloud bed to seduce himself, and Sun Hao suddenly sinned.

I don't know what kind of tricks Liu and Bai Chen are playing!

As the face sinks into the water, Sun Hao is as old as the old man, and his mouth faintly said: "Well, are you coming to deliver?"

Bai Jie smiled lightly and sat naturally on the opposite side of Sun Hao. He was full of manners and styles. His face was filled with a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze. He said to Sun Hao: "Yes, adults, all over the body." It’s coming, but the adults, before they are delivered, have one more thing to ask the adults?”

Sun Hao said faintly: "What? Tell me."

Bai Jie’s face showed a resentful expression, and his mouth seemed to be a sorrowful woman. He said unwillingly: “On that day, Bai Jie recommended the pillow, why did the adult see him as a red powder, disdain? Is it really unbearable? ”

This woman really doesn't know how to be ashamed. Actually, in this box, she is eager to ask herself. Sun Hao feels a hot face, and the gods are swept away. It is found that Lushan is sitting in danger, it seems to be in the set, and Wei Xinbing is a curiosity. Look at the baby, look at the fun on the side.

With a cough, Sun Hao said with a sigh of relief: "Is this my heart, is it a demon martyr?"

Bai Jie resentment, tears and tears: "You are so thin, adults, broke the white magic dance of the magic magic Dafa, know not know..."

Sun Hao said with no mercy: "I will take care of myself and hand over my auction proceeds."

Bai Jie said with tears: "Adult, you are really heart-wrenching. Now our sisters are thinking about it, just want to see the adults. Who knows that you are so ruthless, give, this is the reward you deserve."

After that, the little hand stretched out and there was a small storage bag on it.

Sun Hao’s heart and mind, the storage bag fell into the palm of his hand, and the gods swept away, not right, how could it be so much less? Although very reluctant to deal with this fox charm, but the loss of interest is too great, Sun Hao is not a good fool.

The face was slightly sunk, and Sun Hao whispered: "If I remember correctly, it should be twenty-four large spirits."

Bai Jie’s tears were sullen, and his mouth whispered: “The adults’ observations, the auction proceeds, and the brothers’ purchase of Raytheon’s income are indeed twenty-four large-scale veins. But adults, you see, we have such a large auction house in Wanxue Island. Not easy."

Sun Hao stunned, and said that you are not easy to manage me?

Bai Jie put his fingers together: "These bloods need to extract the blood of the beasts to irrigate, or they will dry up; these people need to pay, they can't make people dry; the operation of these boxes needs to be maintained, and resources are needed. Invest..."

Lin Lin, Bai Jie softly and clearly listed a series of expenses of Wanxue Island, indicating that it is not easy.

Sun Hao finally resisted the on-the-spot attack, and said in a faint voice: "What about the rest of the seat?"

Bai Jie said with a sigh: "Adult, you are too unconscience? You are so sorrowful, you have no sympathy."

You blame it, Sun Hao said coldly: "Don't pretend in front of me, reason, there is no suitable reason, I don't mind letting you all this **** island sink."

Bai Jie glanced at Sun Hao and said with a resentment: "Adult, you are really a stone heart, but adults need reasons. There is one in Bai Jie. Adults need to know that every auction of the auction house is charged a fee. From low to high, the handling fee ranges from 10% to 30%..."

Got it! Bai Jie did not finish, Sun Hao already knows what is going on.

Co-authored, I forgot to talk about the handling fee with the white child, and take it for granted.

As a result, people got a 30% commission.

The twenty-four large-scale spiritual veins of the good end turned into sixteen large-scale spiritual veins, and Sun Hao was really dumbfounding.

These guys in the Witch God Palace are really daring, even their own resources dare to swallow.

As soon as the eyes were gone, Sun Hao’s heart began to get annoyed.

Bai Jie’s head hangs slightly, like a little girl who admits the mistake, and whispers in her mouth: “The big man redeemed the sin, the island did receive the adult’s 30% fee according to the highest standard, but there is no way to do it. Adults don't have VIP cards, no invitations, this amount is a matter of reason, adults can't ignore it..."

Sun Hao stunned, it seems that he really does not make sense, pressing the people?

Bai Jie continued to choke and said: "Second, not to be an adult, the **** of medicine is also taken by the island's Dadongjia Wang Liu, the Wanxue Demon Island and even the entire Wushen Palace, if you pay twenty-four large veins, Will hurt the bones, but also ask the adults to pity."

Sun Hao was a slight glimpse, but did not expect the second box to sit on the **** Wang Liu.

As a fit and great power, Sun Hao knows the extent of the large-scale spirituality, but he also knows that the 16th spirit is down, and the Witch God Palace may be really exhausted. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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