Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1939: Bronze Death (2)

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Several ancient true bereaved families looked at each other and stopped talking.

The scenes are some old monsters, no one is stupid. In the end, they can only speak with strength. Fortunately, everyone is arguing, and it is only the elixir that may exist in the scorpio, but no one will go to the death.簋 簋 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Dragon King tyrants are also on the left cloister. After sweeping a few bronzes and smashing the scorpio, they said to the virgin king very slyly: "The Witch King, the witches of the male and female squadrons are in the middle of the emptiness. Now, we have to take out this. What is in the sky, I am afraid that you still need the Witch King to preside over the overall situation."

There is no such thing as a slight abnormality in the patio, but there is no trace of it, but the encounter of Luohe is seen in the eyes, but the heart knows, great possibility, the bronze scorpion is in the extremely powerful spirit and even the ban. Under protection.

The Zhongxu and the Wanzu have their own characteristics, and there are many races known for their martial arts. As the Dragon King said, among the Wanzu, the male and female witches have the strongest martial arts.

Gexu Wang smiled gracefully and whispered: "The dragon king said that he was heavy, and the flying people's line was passed down, but it was not under my male and female witches. There were flying people, Jordan, and Joe was there, but I dare not Sigh the first place on the scene."

Opposite, Joe Dan was so sinking, his eyes were stunned, and he was staring at the four-legged bronze scorpion, as if he wanted to discover the secret.

Joey actually slightly fanned his white wings, and laughed happily: "No matter how powerful the men and women's troupes are, here is the place. In the face of the ban, we all went to the same starting line. I want to come, no matter who it is. It is difficult to break apart alone, but everyone may wish to sit down and discuss and discuss."

Gewang Wang swept the sweeping ceremony.

The masked mask of the scarf is slightly dagger, indicating that Joe’s words are very reasonable.

At this point, the opposite side of the father's right index finger middle finger, a touch on his forehead, the nine secluded eyes that were cultivated on the purple micro bucket number suddenly opened, and the mouth sighed clearly: "Nine secluded, give me Now..."

In the vertical, the shape of the bronze scorpion is rapidly rotating and gradually forming.

However, just in the moment when the bronze scorpion is about to be fully formed in the eyes of the nine secluded, in the courtyard, the tall bronze scorpion slams into a shock, as if inadvertently, gently swaying, very restrained bronze ray Slightly flashing.

Qiao Dan’s mouth was sullen, his right hand grabbed his forehead with his hand, and his wings flew to the front of his body. The whole body was covered with wings as if he had a huge driving force. He stepped back and slammed back. The inner wall of the cloister, the body's milky white radiance, turned into a large egg shell, for a long time.

After half a ring, the light converges, and Joe Dan’s wings are closed, and his mouth screams coldly: “A strong and powerful ban, I don’t know what the Witch King saw?”

Sun Hao looked at Joe Dan's forehead and found a faint blood mark on the position of the vertical eye. It is estimated that this time, the eyes of Jiu Ning can not be opened for a short time.

Gexu Wang had no good feelings for Joe Dan, and he looked up and said, "The Halloween Palace is very dangerous. If you are a powerful person, you should not just arbitrarily chase, haha."

Joe Dan’s eyes widened and he was waiting to speak.

Joey gave him a wink and said: "I am a flying family. If you are a literary group, it is not as good as a male or female witch. But if you talk about the technique of breaking the battle, you have some unique features. If the witch king is willing to treat each other honestly, everyone. You can work together to break the array around the Dading. As for the things in Dingzhong, you can follow the strength and contribution, in a sequence..."

If the dragon king screams loudly, "Well, everyone will need to come up with a charter, or else, if you just start playing, it will be really time-consuming and laborious. God, what do you mean?"

Undead king snorted, did not speak, but nodded slightly, indicating acquiescence.

Among the on-site monks, the undead king has the strongest individual strength, while the average strength is the strongest, but it is the real demon. Therefore, the dragon king tyrant looks at Lorraine.

Lorraine smiled and said: "Oh, we also agree that there is a basic order. However, as far as I know, the so-called gods are spiritual, and most of the truly valuable things in the Palais will naturally choose the Lord. Xiaolan suggested that if we choose the main object, and we have not intercepted it, can we not sort it?"

After the words of Lorraine, the scene was quiet.

Among the monks in the field, the true demon beast is the only race with some origins from the Holy Palace. The gods are spiritual, so it is very likely that the first choice of the gods will be greatly biased towards the true demon monks. It is possible to make the real demons occupy huge huge profits.

Undead King swept a few true monks and monks, and said in a low voice: "Princess Lorraine said well, entering the Halloween Palace, the actual strength is still speaking. If it is really a god, we can’t stop it. If so, then it is indeed not a sort of order, but since this article has passed, then you have no other privilege in the real demons, and everyone chooses the items in the same order."

Luohe and Luoyue look at Luo Er.

Luo Er did not have the slightest expression. Lorra giggled and said: "Well, then that's it, God, what do you think of this ranking?"

On both sides of the cloister, several monks discussed and reluctantly reached a more unanimous opinion, initially discharging a more reasonable order of taking treasures.

Of course, how much binding is such a sorting, it is really two. Once the kind of anti-sky thing appears, these fragile sorts are afraid that they will be broken in an instant.

In any case, the sorting is fixed.

Together with the four true demon bereaved, there are a total of fourteen monks on the scene. Unfortunately, the hills, that is, Sun Hao, are ranked in the last order, because the strength of the hill is recognized as the weakest, plus the former Wang Wang And the rank of the bridesmaid is relatively high, so that's it.

To be honest, Sun Hao feels that there is a great possibility that he has not yet turned himself. This sort of rule has been broken by the heavy weight.

It takes a total of fourteen treasures to get yourself in the round. It’s really funny.

However, at this time, Sun Hao is not a time to fight, even the vain king and the female ceremonies acquiesced in this sorting method, Sun Hao has nothing to say.

Moreover, what makes Sun Hao strange is that Lorraine, Lorraine, who himself feels very trusting, is not in the sorting, giving himself a little bit of care.

The strength of the undead king is tyrannical, and he is used to being unreasonable. The on-site monks are a little afraid that he will be no longer playing, and he will be ranked first; and the king of the virtual, because of the relationship, may be confronted with the Halloween Palace. Great contribution, ranked second; third is Jordan; fourth is Luohe; fifth is Dragon King...

Overall, this sort of sorting is basically reasonable, but everyone knows that sorting is just a description of the order in which treasures are taken. When there are a lot of treasures, the first monks are really not. You must be able to get the most weighty baby, because after the first take, it will automatically backstage, unless he is willing to give up the selection opportunity.

Moreover, the Palais is very strange and mysterious. It has been passed down from ancient times. Even the true devils have no advantage here. After the real treasures appear, everyone has to rely on their eyesight and the ability to identify treasures.

After sorting, before the emergence of heavy treasure, everyone finally got a more consistent opinion.

Moreover, the on-site monks gradually became subtle in this sort of order. It is vaguely obvious that the Dragon King and the male and female witches have reached a more consistent offensive and defensive alliance, and the Flying People have some cooperation intentions with the Undead. The races vaguely cooperate with each other to fight against the most powerful true demon.

That is to say, the monks on the scene basically formed a pattern of three-legged, mutual restraint.

After the appointment, Ge Xuwang nodded slightly to the bride price.

Among the male and female witches, the strength of the virtual king is the strongest, but in general, the strongest, but the female gift.

In front of the women's ceremonies, there was a sky-blue ball in the hand, and above her head, a pair of blue rabbit ears stretched out and swayed.

The ball released blue light, and the rabbit ears on her head complemented each other, plus her wonderful masked scarf, the female ceremony at this time, very mysterious.

The rabbit ear swayed for a long time, the light of the ball was always swaying, and the bridegroom said crisply: "The Witch King helps me."

Gexu Wang stretched his right hand and drove his own ball. A blue light hit the ball of the women's ceremony. (To be continued.)

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