Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1929: Weird

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Infernal hell, known as infinite, naturally infinite, the grandson of Sun Hao Gu Yu has completely exceeded the limit of infinity, and Hell paused a little, but in an instant, the law re-runs, and the severe pain directly affects Sun Hao’s Above the soul.

This is a kind of soul for Sun Hao, the most direct targeting of Sun Hao's three souls and seven souls.

It is also the most direct erosion of Sun Hao's mind.

The physical pain is slightly reduced, but the pain of the soul is still there, and it is also in a state of nowhere.

There is no time, no pain in the interval.

The silver-colored Sun Hao suddenly shimmered and twitched in the air, which was very uncomfortable. This pressure and suffering from the spirit and will made Sun Hao struggle again.

In the infernal hell, those such as grinds, saws, axes, and sickles disappeared from the body of Sun Hao, but the strange pains fell on Sun Hao without warning.

Sun Haoqiang endured the boundless endless pains and walked forward.

Gradually, Sun Hao perceives or sees or hears or smells a very strange existence, constantly attacking his own knowledge and soul.

But it is very strange that this kind of existence does not seem to exist.

This existence gave Sun Hao a feeling that he could not be recognized at all.

The pain afflicts the soul of Sun Hao. Although there is no pain in the interval, Sun Hao’s ability to analyze and judge has encountered great obstacles. However, Sun Hao still quickly judges and analyzes the general situation.

The strange existence should be the unique ghost field or the alien spirit of Hell, the infernal hell, no time, no space, embodied in the alien body, there may be a state of existence that cannot be described by words.

There is no hell, no space, different infinity may be infinite, or infinitely small, can not see the true body.

There is no hell, no time, there may be this moment in the alien, or there may be the past, of course, it may also appear in the future.

The alienation in this incompetent state can be said to be ubiquitous, and it can be said that there is nowhere.

Very strange, and, the attack on Sun Hao is also directly to the soul, Sun Hao simply does not know the way of attack, but do not know how to avoid.

Enduring the boundless suffering, Sun Hao stopped in the air after sliding far and wide in the infernal hell.

Infernal hell, hell.

Any advancement of Sun Hao may be in vain, the front may be infinity, the front may be the end, there is no space for the concept of hell, fear that it is space everywhere.

If you don't find the way to break the barrier, there is no solution in hell.

The experience of the flesh tells Sun Hao that if you want to break through, you have a stupid way, that is, to refine the soul that you should temper, to the extreme, then you should go beyond the attacking range of strange existence, you may find Breaking the law.

However, the problem is coming.

Sun Hao is now only in the distraction period, and he has just completed the Seven Devils. The soul of the two deputy souls has not yet been completely finalized.

That is to say, not to say whether the mind and the refining heart can reach the limit standard, at least, Sun Hao’s refining soul cultivation is always unable to reach the limit, unless Sun Hao completely completes the soul of the two souls in the infernal hell. .

In the hands of Sun Hao, there is indeed a basic suitable soul that can be used as a spare. There is another ancient demon soul, but it can be a **** and a demon, but it can also suppress the seven scorpions. It is a good choice. However, according to the more inward, the more difficult, the stronger the theory of the emergence of the theory to analyze, the gods and devils should have the existence of beyond the big flowers.

Sun Hao swayed the Wansheng Palace, pursuing the ultimate soul source. Sun Hao’s heart has always wanted to find the real powerful soul that can be powerful enough to pass the seven 作为 as his own soul source, but does not want to use the great 昙 昙 soul .

Then, Sun Hao is also very difficult to rely on his own strength to pass.

There is such a strange existence in hell, there is no possibility of targeting, is there any possibility of victory?

What is this existence?

Sun Hao experienced the infinite painful process and kept thinking.

Before he could find the answer, Sun Hao could only endure it bitterly.

But soon, Sun Hao discovered a very strange scene. In an instant that may exist or may not exist, Sun Hao felt that his Dapeng Golden Winged Birds had a very strange state.

At that moment, the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird encountered a very strange and powerful attack, representing the star of the wind, suddenly flashing.

At this moment, Sun Hao’s heart produced a vague feeling, an ambiguous feeling, that is, under this attack, will Dapeng Golden Wings be completely defeated?

The powerful pain came from the wind of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird.

Sun Hao thinks that the Dapeng garuda may be unbearable, will finish playing, and then re-born according to the rules of hell, and start to suffer again.

At the same time, Sun Hao also feels that with the ability of Dapeng Golden Wings, he may be able to resist this kind of attack without any problems, and may be able to survive.

At this moment, Sun Hao produced this paradoxical, ambiguous mentality.

At this moment, Dapeng Golden Winged Bird appeared in a very short time, Sun Hao is unreasonable, completely beyond the changes of Sun Hao's cognition.

At this moment, Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea is like the appearance of two Dapeng gold-winged birds.

A Dapeng garuda bird obeyed Sun Hao's first thought, and died in Sun Hao's knowledge of the sea.

The other Dapeng Golden Winged Bird conformed to Sun Hao’s second thought, and the good end was suspended in the sea of ​​Sun Hao’s knowledge, emitting a faint light.

This strange, one death and one live two winds actually appeared at the same time.

Moreover, this time of appearance seems to be extremely short-lived. Immediately, the dead Dapeng garuda is revived and merges with the still floating Dapeng garuda.

If Sun Hao is very sensitive to his own bifurcation, it is really not necessarily able to perceive this magical and bizarre change.

Why do you have two distinct states in a short period of time?

Obviously, there is only one branch of his own. Why are there two states that are perceived by oneself? This is really wonderful. According to the truth, it is impossible for a monk's division to be divided into two at the same time. Why do you see two?

No reason!

Sun Hao is very strange to feel that the two souls are actually real, actually are the body, it is not a mirror relationship, and life and death are the opposite.

It really subverts Sun Hao’s basic understanding of the world.

Infernal hell, a powerful and strange existence.

Not long after, Sun Hao, who paid attention to observation, once again discovered a very strange scene, which appeared on the golden silkworm.

The strength of the extinction gold silkworm is strong also belongs to the kind of strong branch that Sun Hao does not know whether it will be swallowed up in an instant, but in the ambiguous cognition of Sun Hao, the golden silkworm also appears There are two distinct forms of existence.

Looking at the left, the ruins of the golden silkworm have collapsed, dissipated, and are rapidly reorganizing.

On the right, the golden silkworm is still strong, emitting a faint light, hanging high in the sea.

The same situation arises.

Once it is accidental, there should be a basic law twice.

Why are there two different forms of existence for the same bifurcation? One kind of death, one kind of alive, two ways appearing on the same bifurcation, and it is an incomparable nature, which makes Sun Hao feel inexplicably surprised, but also deeply ponders the crux of it.

There is no doubt that the emergence of this state is not accidental.

This can be understood as the strange rule of infernal hell, which can be understood as the strange imagination of Hell, but Sun Hao hopes to find the law from it.

The most basic point is that Sun Hao discovered that when the world’s golden silkworms and Dapeng gold-winged birds appeared in that situation, they were actually in their own subjective cognition, that is, in their own telepathy, when they felt contradictory. .

I think that they may be able to resist or they may not be able to resist.

Then, they appeared in two forms of "life and death."

In other words, the two states that they believe are the same, both the golden silkworm and the Dapeng gold-winged bird.

Thinking about other forms in his body, Sun Hao suddenly discovered a very interesting thing, that is, when he judged that he could stop it, he blocked himself; and when he judged that he could not resist himself, he himself It just collapsed.

Is your judgment 100% accurate?

But when you judge the ambiguous answer, why are there two very different forms? (To be continued.)

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