Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1914: Tortured

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In the records of the classics, the first prison was a year of 3,750 years, and the more the comparison, the greater the value. Some ethnic books even think that the level of hell, every additional layer, the time has doubled accordingly.

Therefore, don't look at Sun Hao's entry into the six reincarnations for a long time, but how long the real time has passed is really hard to say.

This kind of time has become very special, and it has a very special meaning in the six reincarnations. The purpose is to let the wicked who enter the six reincarnations suffer long-term untold suffering and let them suffer in the pain.

This is a punishment for **** that is specifically set up to punish the wicked.

After the six reincarnations of the Halloween Palace, some of these things have changed. For example, the evils in the living **** no longer attack each other every day, but only attack the strange evils nearby. The power and extent of the attack also become more powerful as the strength of the evils increases.

There are also some things that have been preserved, such as getting longer, such as resurrection.

And the time is getting longer. This evil thing may be endlessly tortured. When it comes to Sun Hao, it has become a very useful method of cultivation.

Ordinary evils are metaplasias that are automatically generated in magma and cannot have too much mobility, but Sun Hao is a practitioner who jumps directly into the magma.

After coming in, Sun Hao found that living **** is very painful, but as long as he can hold on, he can endure this kind of boundless torture. In the endless time, his own sneaky body is getting stronger and stronger. Condensation, in fact, is the ability of its own soul, but also more and more powerful.

The effect is equivalent to Sun Hao entering the cultivation place of the soul, and it is a place where time has been lengthened many times, and the body is slowly polished.

It is very painful, very hard, but it is a little bit better.

For Sun Hao, for the monks, especially the monks after the distraction, this is actually a rare cultivation experience, and it can be regarded as a kind of cultivation opportunity at the expense of being abused.

After endlessly waiting for a long time in the living hell, Sun Hao was pleasantly surprised to see a light gate standing in the fire.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly surprised, drifting in and entering the light door.

After the light door, there were four ramps.

Sun Hao randomly selected a martyr and rushed in.

Just as the dripping water dripped into the oil pan, Sun Hao had just entered it, and in an instant of body pain, the claw of the soldering iron that had been stretched out from all sides caught a crush, and immediately rebuilt, followed by broken...

In this kind of torture, Sun Hao slowly realized the environment in this region. This is a small area like a huge iron pot. The density of evil things inside is quite high and the strength is very high. Strong, and, every evil thing will take the initiative to attack, Sun Hao is difficult to walk inside, suffering, until the grandson of Sun Hao is gradually strong after the extraordinary torture, able to resist the iron claws of the evil thing, The situation has gradually improved.

I don't know how long it has passed. Sun Hao has withstood the extraordinary test of this little hell, killing it from the passage of entry and entering the second passage...

Among the second channel, it is similar to the first channel. It is also a small **** with no way out. The strength of the evil thing is similar to that of the first channel. Sun Hao did not use much time and became familiar with the environment of this small hell. , killed from it.

Killing four channels in a row, without exception, is a small **** without a way out.

After standing at the four forked light gates, Sun Hao understood a little bit about what the four little hells were.

According to the records, there are four light gates in each area of ​​the eight hot regions, and each door has four small hells, a total of one hundred and twenty-eight hells. All sentient beings who come out of the eight hot hells have to travel here one by one, so they are called "Youzeng".

Sure enough, Sun Hao saw the same four light doors in the process of drifting forward.

This is the entrance to the area of ​​Youzeng.

Moreover, the Zengzeng area and the connected hot areas are almost the same evil things, but the environment is different. The level of evils inside is slightly higher and the density is much larger. Sun Hao experiences a small area and feels himself. They have been greatly tortured, and every visit to the **** is a baptism of the soul.

After living in Hell, there are a total of 16 in the small hell. After experiencing 16 different tormenting environments, Sun Hao feels that he has increased his ability to withstand various kinds of tortures. Moreover, the soul, especially The power of the sneaky is also gradually increasing.

Seriously analyzing and thinking, Sun Hao perceives the effect of living in **** on his own different cultivation practices.

At the time of the Tianling continent, Sun Hao summed up his cultivation and divided his cultivation into the "nine veins". Among the nine veins, the most illusory, no obvious grade, no clear cultivation of cultivation, is the refining heart.

After Sun Haofei rose to the virtual world, so far, among the races he has contacted, he has his own cultivation skills, each with magical cultivation techniques. However, there is no one race that inherits the skills of refining the heart.

Of course, although the Zhongxu and the underworld are boundless, although Sun Hao has ran many places, it is also less than one in ten thousand. So far, the race that Sun Hao often touches is just a few hundred, only tens of thousands. The gap can't be counted, and the special race that didn't find the heart is normal.

Because these relationships, coupled with the low level of the refining of the heavenly continent, to the virtual world, Sun Hao’s technique of refining the heart, most of them naturally understand through their own cultivation process, and more, they use their own refining. The improvement of the qi dynasty, the improvement of the soul refining the realm of the gods to drive the progress of the refining heart.

Sun Hao's several major cultivation systems have progressed at the same time, and the driving effect on the refining heart is relatively large. However, there is no doubt that there is no special cultivation method, and Sun Hao's refining and repairing is gradually in a relatively backward state.

This time, Sun Hao entered the six-round reincarnation, especially after falling into the evil road, and felt the progress of his own refining.

According to the cause and effect, the sentient beings decided on their own reincarnation direction and encountered various causes and effects. Sun Hao walked among them and realized the deep feelings.

Shura Road, animal road, hungry ghost road, until now, the road to hell, the tortured beings, the phenomenon of eating ghosts and eating people, the phenomenon of hungry ghosts everywhere, the phenomenon of big demon full of streets, especially waiting for live **** and The suffering of the region has been tortured, and Sun Hao’s refining is constantly improving.

Originally, after Sun Hao was ready to complete the soul of the Three Souls and Seven Skulls, find a refining heart race, learn the techniques of refining the heart, upgrade their level of refining, and make up their own shortcomings of cultivation, then come back to the advanced fit.

Who knows, by chance, entering the Halloween Palace, encountering a strange six-round reincarnation, deep into it, feeling the strange reincarnation, and suffering from the grievances of the karma, but unintentionally vigorously promoted their own refining for.

It was really an unexpected result.

After realizing the progress of his own refining, Sun Hao completely sinks his heart and regards this painful torture journey as his own cultivation place, constantly challenging and waiting for the increasingly powerful evils in the living hell. .

When Sun Hao smashed and waited for the fourth light door of the living **** to go to the last stagnation area, in the little hell, the endless evils turned out to be a powerful singer. Wang, a powerful attack on Sun Hao, a strong iron claw, can instantly tear Sun Hao.

After the tear, unlike other evils, the fragments of Sun Hao's ghost body were swallowed by it.

At the same time, Sun Hao was shocked and found that he suddenly appeared in a peculiar ancient time. He became a young man, holding a brush in his hand, writing a book, and taking a closer look at the title "Alib "The Chronicle", look at the contents of the book, Sun Hao was suddenly shocked.

The protagonist in the book, no evil, no scams, scams, scams, steals, everything is good, although the bow is a female, lie to the female, let Sun Hao be ashamed.

There are such bad people in the world, and why do you write such a dark book?

Just thinking about it, Sun Hao feels that he has turned into the male protagonist in the book of Alibaba, and he is willing to behave in a free-spirited manner. He will release his various evil desires without any taboos, and all kinds of means will make his life comfortable and feel like this. Life is the real life, I feel that this life is the real life, I feel that I used to live in the past.

At this moment, Sun Hao feels that his previous cultivation is so worthless, hardship and hardship, suffering and suffering, still struggling to find out, why is it so painful, not nowadays, there is wine drunk today, how happy life is. (To be continued.)

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