Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1875: Cracking section

From the statement of the bridesmaid, Sun Hao also quickly judged what happened within the magical domain, without any special limitations, and may be random.

Maybe, different places cut into the sand and flowers, and will encounter different rules.

On your own side, what you encounter is zeroing.

No matter what, the team has to move forward.

With a slap in the face, the team rushed to the nearest flower sea.

The flowers swayed, like a bunny, running in the yellow sand and rushing away.

The team attacked faster, but succeeded in defeating some flowers, but unfortunately, the flower sea that can run has already ran off most of the time, and the team has also lost an empty space. The crushed petals have turned into yellow sand and disappeared into the air. Did not find any piece of wood.

Sun Hao instantly understood that it seems that the road of Liusha Huahai is not too easy. These flowers are actually alive and can actually run.

All kinds of flowers seem to have their own spirituality, and Sun Hao and others are foreign aggressors, disturbing the calmness of the sand sea.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and the mouth said: "The quicksand has no trace, the speed is very fast, we..."

After waiting for the women's rites to finish the words, Sun Hao said with a smile: "The bridesmaid, I am a simple and effective, very direct, very hunting skills, perhaps useful."

The girl’s eyes lit up and the tulle on her head trembled a few times. She smiled and said: “Really, this occasion, the more primitive the skill, the better it is. Hill, talk about it, we What should I do?"

Sun Hao couldn’t help but think of the time when he buried the ruins. At that time, Zeng Xiangwu once taught himself the law of the military that was very practical, that is, the mortal soldiers’ tactics of prohibiting, acting like mountains, and uniting and coordinating. After many years, it can still be useful again.

However, compared with the last time when I was buried in the market, what I have encountered is even more embarrassing. I remember that last time, everyone encountered the "Nine Ququ Yellow River Array" and was banned. <>

However, this time, it was inexplicably directly determined to return to zero, but it was much more difficult than the last time.

But in any case, the experience of combat can be universal, and Sun Hao began to teach combat skills unceremoniously, and taught everyone the most common cooperation.

Fortunately, everyone is a great monk, there is no problem in comprehension ability, and although everyone is sealed, but experience and consciousness are still there, Sun Hao explained a little, everyone understands instantly.

After a little training, Sun Hao gave an order and the team rushed into the sea of ​​flowers from several directions.

This time, a sea of ​​flowers fell into the encirclement, and the flowers ran around in a panic, but each direction suffered a blockade and was surrounded.

The monk is repaired to zero, but the weapon is still usable. For example, Sun Hao, the huge square shield blocked one direction, the hammer also blocked one direction, and the small flowers that rushed up did not want to run away.

The weapon of the bridesmaid is a smock of smocks, which are layered, elegant and unobstructed. The interception ability is also very strong. If it is a magic weapon, it is estimated to be more powerful.

Geerdamu's hand is a huge wooden stick. It is not easy to wave through the air, and the water can't be poured in. It is also very powerful.

Greg is a wooden stick and has a weak defensive ability.

Pan Pan was actually very similar to Sun Hao's Taoist Xia Qingyu. There was a long shot in his hand, and he was a good-looking man. He also held one side.

A huge flower sea was surrounded by five people in the most basic battle battle, and gradually went to the inner perimeter to kill.

The flowers panicked and found that they could not escape. They actually rebelled on the spot and held a group in the center. They spit out a fine sand to the five people and hit them on the body.

The body is the tallest grandson, often hit by a lot of fine sand, his body was beaten once, and sometimes, he had to hold a shield defense to continue to advance. <>

However, the flowers are weak after all, and the sand that is spit out can only resist a little bit, and ultimately it cannot stop the pace of the monks.

After two hours, five monks succeeded in encircling, annihilating the first flower sea after entering the sand sea.

The last flower turned into fine sand floating in the air, behind everyone, a colorful sand, in this long yellow sand, it looks good.

The female ritual walked into the sand pile after the flower was annihilated, and turned it up seriously. After half a day, the brow was slightly wrinkled, and a half-foot-long length from the sand was thrown out.

This is the first time everyone has annihilated the flowers.

However, the middle part of this section of wood is a slit with a wide width, like a baby's mouth, revealing the inside of the section of wood, the bright red wooden heart, looks very conspicuous.

The female sighed and said: "Unfortunately, the crack is broken. This piece of wood can't be used. We continue to annihilate. I hope that the next flower sea will not let us down..."

After that, the bridesmaid threw out the paragraph wood.

Without waiting for the wooden floor to land, there was a flying body in the animal husbandry, and the mouth was stunned by a piece of wood. The head of the pen was swayed, and Duanmu flew to the small fire. The bark in his mouth called: "Big sister, we have nothing to do, but we have nothing to do with the wood." Play and play."

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly moved.

Bianmu this kid, will not be untargeted, is there anything wrong with this piece of wood?

The small fire reached out and took the piece of wood in his hand. He leaned his head and looked at it curiously. A flying body jumped from Sun Hao’s shoulder and screamed at the edge of the priest.

Bianmu reveals a shocked look: "No, big sister, you think that the crack in this wood can be filled with sand. You are so funny, the sand is filled, it is just a powder on the face of a woman." I can't shake it, shake it twice, throw it down, go straight down..."

The two little guys were in the air and were busy in the sand. <>

Geerdamu frowned slightly and looked at the bridesmaid.

The cultivation of the bridesmaid is quite good, and the mouth says: "The more the sands go to the inside, the higher the integrity of the section wood. Of course, the deeper the progress, the stronger the resistance of the flower sea, maybe to the depths of the flower sea. We will also meet the exotic animals associated with Huahai. At that time, we must be very careful. There is a sea of ​​flowers in front, hills, and you continue to command..."

The team is moving forward again.

Bianmu and Xiaohuo fell behind the team, while following the team, while pouring flowers into the five-color sand.

After a while, Bian Wang’s screaming came from behind the team: “No, big sister, I said that your approach is not reliable. Look, how much sand you have eaten, not filled yet, and, Look, you see, this crack is getting bigger and bigger..."

After a while, the team re-enclosed a sea of ​​flowers and began to clear.

This time, Bianmu and Xiaohuo began to help. The two little guys were around Sun Hao. After running, the small fires and the two small front paws grabbed The petals that were smashed by Sun Hao and did not have time to turn into fine sand quickly poured into the wood.

Sun Hao smiled slyly, and by the time they played, the speed of advancing forward was invisibly slow.

The bridesmaid didn’t start to frown. The hills spoiled him for these two little pets. They actually went crazy with them, and they were a bit unfair.

Sun Hao killed the flowers while carefully observing the segments in the hands of the small fire.

This piece of wood should be unusual. So many small petals are poured in. There is not much change. To say change, there is also, that is, the crack of the segment is getting bigger and bigger.

I don't know what the meaning of this crack represents, and what effect it will eventually be. If it is not good, the biggest possibility is that the segment is completely split into two halves.

Although Sun Hao's speed is much slower, the overall progress of everyone's encirclement is similar to that of the first flower sea. It didn't take long for this flower sea to be cleared.

Regrettably, this time the situation was very unsatisfactory. The bridesmaid was looking for a half-day in the five-color sand pile, and he did not find the shadow of the half-point wood.

Within the Liusha Huahai, it is not uncommon to find Duanmu. The female court smiled and found the next flower sea, leading the team to kill the past.

But the next situation is as bad as ever.

After a few flower seas were cleared, the bridesmaid had no income, and even the cracked section of the wood could not find a piece.

The brow's brow is deeply wrinkled, and the chance of Duanmu appearing is too small! A bit abnormal.

Sun Hao also feels that this situation is a bit wrong, but the information is too small, can not judge what the situation will be, fell into meditation, but the two little guys around, still have fun, the small fire in the hands of the wood crack The bigger it is, the more it seems to be split. (To be continued.)

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