Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1814: Popular

"Recommended a good-looking national martial arts "Super Junior Guru" / bk / wx /? sword =

With the wind, the wind is flowing. ??火然?文??????`

I am with the wind, I am with the wind.

After entering the uncertain winds, Sun Hao has no idea how many years have passed.

After entering the uncertain winds, Sun Hao has no idea how far he has gone.

Especially in the end, I met the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, and it was carried with it. It was hundreds of thousands of miles. I really want to say that Sun Hao himself has completely run through the southeast and northwest.

I really want to say that Sun Hao does not think that she can still remember the direction of coming in.

However, Bianmu really extended his dog's paw and pointed his way to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao judged that there were ten, and the side animal husband was indiscriminately pointing. Anyway, his grandson did not know that he was right or wrong. He was daring, and Sun Hao was not in a hurry.

I am with the wind, I am with the wind.

For many years, Sun Hao has been flowing with the wind.

Once again, I killed a lot of wind-behaved animals. Among them, I once again killed a wind dragon, and I also harvested four flying feathers.

In the tenth year, Sun Hao sixth, completed the initialization.

The powerful inheritance of Dapeng Golden Wings gave Sun Hao a very unexpected surprise.

At the moment when the sixth stage was completed, a message was introduced into Sun Hao’s mind. Sun Hao received the first bequest of Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, which was popular.

A spell, popular.

Very simple, just two words, but after Sun Hao saw this spell, but the moment of a spirit, the emotion can not help but admire the heavens, the wind smashing, it is a wind sorcerer!

It is a Dapeng garuda, and it is such a powerful spell.

Wind smashing is not a five-line technique.

However, the name of the wind sorcerer is widely known in the world of monks.

The five elements of martial arts have their own magical effects.

But none of the five elements of the five elements can be compared to the wind.

Wind sorcerer, the fastest spell.

In the past, Sun Hao suffered from Jordan and was chased and killed by Wanli. If Sun Hao would be popular, Jordan would have a hard time catching up.

Even if Jodan smashes the void, even if it is the illusion of the magical magical system, can you catch the opponent who will be popular, it is really two.

Get the wind smashing technique, once it is completed, Sun Hao can return to the human race, walking in the face of the imaginary, practicing and seeking, even if Joe Dan personally came, even if Sun Hao is only in the middle of distraction, it has the power of escape. .

The wind is not omnipotent. There are also some restrictions. For example, in a narrow space, the effect of the wind is greatly reduced. For example, in an environment without wind, the wind is not good.

Normally, the monks who practiced the popular techniques avoided entering the narrow space against the enemy, such as Xiaoyao, which basically flew in the sky.

After Sun Hao was happy for a while, he began to enlighten the winds and sorrows while advancing in the direction indicated by the side of the animal husbandry.

At that time, Sun Hao had practiced banditry, and on different occasions, the bandit technique gave Sun Hao tremendous help, and Sun Hao escaped several times to kill himself.

Today, Sun Hao has rehabilitated the wind and has the experience of bandit techniques, but it is easier to get started.

The first step of the wind blast is similar to the bandit technique.

The bandits need to be familiar with the soil.

And the wind is blowing, but you need to be familiar with the wind.

Sun Hao is now in an indefinite wind domain, and he has also cultivated an indefinite eight swords. When he sees the first condition of the wind, his eyes are not bright.

Familiar with the wind, have you not finished? This is simple!

However, when Sun Hao really plunged into the temperament of cultivation, he found that things were far more complicated than they thought, and that it took a little time for the cultivation of the wind.

Sun Hao has mastered the eight winds, but Sun Hao has mastered the most basic style of the eight winds, but the requirements of the wind are more subtle.

A simple example shows that the hurricane itself has strong winds, small winds, breeze, fine winds, storms, squalls, etc., and winds are not only necessary to master the gentle wind. The characteristics of the entanglement of the hurricane in different environments can only be found in the air, or else it will not go up.

There are so many kinds of styles, it’s not about playing.

Sun Hao wants to be fast, the best way is to do: "there are thousands of styles."

The unrestricted winds are the best place to practice the wind. Sun Hao is in the middle of the road, and drifts with the wind. He begins to feel more and more different styles. I follow the wind and I follow the wind.

After a few more years, Sun Hao’s body gradually turned into a hurricane, which was extremely fast and invisible to the naked eye, moving forward in the uncertain winds.

In the bright wind, like Chunyan, the gentle sword wind is lingering; the hurricane center is vicissitudes, the wind and the sword are miserable...

After riding the wind for decades, Sun Hao is getting faster and faster.

Bianmu gradually needs to grasp Sun Hao, in order to ensure that he is opened, and the mouth has a feeling of filling the wind, Sun Boss has a taste of Dapeng Golden Wings, flying faster and faster.

After a hundred years before and after, Sun Hao finally saw the wind dragons that had been killed in the past, and the three dragon wings of the flying feathers, and the spirit of the heart was sighed.

The Dapeng Golden-winged Bird is really powerful, like a flying and winding road. It has been running for a hundred years before it runs back. The dog of the animal husbandry sniffs the sky and it is magical. It can be accurately positioned so far, if it is not border animal husbandry, I don’t know when I can go back.

The way to judge the position of the animal husbandry should be the smell.

Almost in the same way as Sun Hao came in, he returned in the same way. After a few more years, Sun Hao saw the glaciers.

I think about the scene when I just met the lonely boat and the fishing boat of the Hanjiang Iron and Steel. Sun Hao couldn’t help but sigh. The ice glaciers are still frozen, and the iron shovel that has been fishing for thousands of years has been turned into history, the next one. How can a monk in the winds think that there has been a monk who has been holding for thousands of years?

And if he is defeated, who knows that he has been here?

The glaciers are still there, and the snowflakes are falling.

The river runs under the ice and slowly swims the fish.

I saw that the scenery is not seen, the scenery is still there, and the people are no longer.

Slightly sighed, Sun Hao went to the wind, leaving a long snow-filled glaciers.

Once again on the road, Sun Hao remembered one thing in his heart, and Shen Shen sank into a purple gold belt, took out the clothes and carefully observed.

After a half ring, the front is not bright.

There was a pocket in the coat, and at first glance there was no abnormality, but Sun Hao found a small fish in the inside and saw the big herring on one side.

Seeing this moment of the big blue carp, Sun Hao had an impulse in his heart, and he did not simply give the seventh soul.

This is Kun Peng!

Not as weak as the Taikoo Leiyin's Kun Peng, many monks are dreaming of the Peng Peng, and, although Peng Peng is also a wind attribute, but with the Dapeng Golden Wings should have a different inheritance.

But in the end, Sun Hao shook his head and decided to look for the seventh flaw of other attributes according to his original plan.

The key reason is that there is a phenomenon of yin and yang imbalance in the soul of the soul. Although the Dapeng garuda is a wind, its essence can also be classified as a genus Now Sun Hao’s seven gongs are powerful. The yang property has already had the Taikoo Lei Beast, the Criminal Day Witch and the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird.

These three powerful existences have already made Sun Hao's spirits and spirits too strong. Shen Xiangjian has to stand on the opposite side of the yang, to help the ghosts to turn the yin and yang, and to combine the yin and yang to maintain the yin and yang in the soul of Sun Hao. balance.

Although Peng Peng is also a wind, but since Dapeng Golden Wings are ready to reinvent themselves with the body of Kunpeng, they want to get, and the body of Kunpeng is definitely a property of Yang. The best choice for Sun Hao is actually the seventh sinister attribute of his original plan. Oh.

After collecting the small fish, Sun Hao turned to clean the small pockets of the Dapeng garuda.

There are not many things in the small pockets. The gods are swept away and feel empty. Sun Hao’s heart is slightly lost. It seems that the resources of Tie Peng’s resources have been consumed for a long time, and there are not many remains.

However, when Sun Hao’s knowledge swept through a small number of resources, he was shocked.

Tie Peng’s strong means, Sun Hao sighed.

Among the small pockets, there was a small ball, and Sun Hao knew it, but he couldn’t finish the ball.

Sun Hao's current knowledge, as long as it is not restricted by the special environment, goes a thousand miles, this small ball, actually more than a thousand miles in diameter, a magical space supernatural power, like the small fish, is also very embarrassing.

Seriously observing the small ball, Sun Hao’s face showed a surprise and inexplicable expression.

The small ball is actually a kind of medicine garden similar to Sun Hao's condensed empty tower. Sun Hao is on the top and saw many elixir, the most of which is the condensate solution.

Under the medicine garden, many spiritual veins have been buried. Among them, there are more than a hundred small veins with the hardest pass, and there are still more than 20 distinctly larger spiritual veins. It should be that Zhongxu is also very rare. Medium-sized spirit. (To be continued.)

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