Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1778: The Sword of the Wind (3)

"Like the gentleman, Wen Qiru jade", Sun Hao itself has a kind of gentle and gentle temperament, in the bright wind, seriously understand the meaning of the spring breeze, unconsciously, all over the body, with a burst of warm and jade temperament, Modest and gentleman, drifting in the wind. Burning novels?????????

Practice the sword in the wind and practice for ten years.

The temperament of Sun Hao’s body gradually became more and more refined and gentler.

In the past ten years, the side of the animal husbandry has been stalking in the hills. The poor Feng Peng, who was stolen by the animal husbandry twice, was so easy to give birth to the eggs, and stood by the animal husbandry and stole it back.

In the middle of the hill, in the fifth year, another Feng Peng did not know where to fly. Just then, Bianmu stole the second egg, and the result was a big fight.

Two winds and spurts came out together, chasing Sun Hao and Bian Mu.

The ordinary means can't cope with Feng Peng, and the Ming dynasty sword is still not mature. Sun Hao has to erupt himself to the sea sail swordsmanship that has already been perfected. He has once again wounded two Feng Peng with the tornado and expelled him.

In the next year, two Feng Peng will rush out to revenge every time, and they will fight against Sun Hao. It is unintentional to become the best sparring partner of Sun Hao.

In the eighth year, Sun Hao can finally block two Feng Peng with his own bright wind, and his body can finally be used without the dragon ribs, nor will it be run away by the unidentified wind.

In the tenth year, Sun Hao finally combined his own swordsmanship with his own temperament, and began to form his own Mingfeng style, which is the Dongfeng sword.

Two Dapeng, at this time, have been stunned by Shang Sunhao, and they are extremely uncomfortable. They have produced a kind of "warm-smelling and drunken tourists", which has the power and nowhere to make it, and the feeling of nowhere in the storm.

At this point, the Ming dynasty sword was originally formed, while the side grazing, stole the third egg of the two Feng Peng, the two Feng Peng completely with Sun Hao became a revenge.

However, at this time, after Sun Haoming's sorrowful swordsmanship began, the two hardships of Fengpeng officially began. Sun Hao held the incense sword and floated like a gentleman. Every day, he was entangled in two Fengpeng, fighting endlessly.

Two Feng Peng returned to the hill.

Sun Hao chased the hill.

Two Fengpeng defended their homes and fought against Sun Hao for three days and three nights. They did not arrive, fled, and Sun Hao occupied the Fengpeng lair. Unfortunately, he could not find the flying feathers.

Two Feng Peng found the place to settle, the speed dropped, ready to build a nest, half a day later, Sun Hao killed with the side of the animal husbandry, Feng Peng furious, fighting Sun Hao, fighting for three days, not arrived, flee .

Within a few days, Sun Hao chased it up again.

While pursuing, Sun Hao cultivated his own Ming dynasty swordsmanship. This chase is another ten years.

The two Feng Peng have been completely scared. If they are infinitely energetic, they will always fly in the air and not fall to the ground. This guy with a dog is really annoying, chasing after all, endless.

After ten years, the two Feng Peng were exhausted, and they were so busy that they didn’t even have time to give birth.

He was chased by Sun Hao and went to the ground. There is no way to retreat.

Sun Hao met the two twentieth years of the two Feng Peng. When Sun Hao stopped the two Feng Peng again, the violent Feng Peng had a burst of whine in his mouth. If he could speak, I believe they must say: "Big Brother, I beg you to do well, to kill, to make a good meal..."

At this time, Sun Hao naturally floated in the bright wind, and the body seemed to be like two winds. It was also turned into a black shadow. The face had a faint smile, and there was a trace of mercy in his eyes. "Two Peng brothers, thank you for accompanying me to practice the sword. Now Shen Xiangming is a sword, and I asked the two brothers to pick me up..."

In the voice of the voice, Sun Hao’s hand, Shen Xiangjian, gently waved outward.

Sun Hao waved his sword and did not see the slightest anger.

Sun Hao's sword is still warm and jade.

I don't see sharp edges, I don't see sharpness, I don't see Jianqi.

But see a group of spring breeze, gentle spring, gentle spring breeze.

At this moment, Sun Hao’s movements are harmonious and beautiful. Sun Hao’s swords are pleasing to the eye. In the side of the animal husbandry, not far away, he said: “So gentle, without killing, can hack two Dapeng? ?"

Bian Mu said that it is good, Sun Hao's sword at this time, to see the gentle, people like a spring breeze.

It is: a gentle sword.

The gentle breath seems to be completely integrated into the bright wind, everywhere, everywhere, the two winds spread their wings and want to fly, but found that the usual bright winds like a fish suddenly suddenly did not move.

A little doubt, I haven't reacted yet. What is going on here, the gentle spring breeze is blowing.

I don’t see fire, I only see it.

No killing, but now killing the scene.

The two winds and screams screamed fiercely, and the pastoral stunned and found that the gentle spring breeze was over, two huge winds and phoenixes, like the plucking of countless hands, the feathers of the body were uprooted and danced in the sky. , 煞 is good-looking.

It’s just a fragrant martial arts, the air, two Feng Peng who once dominated the party, and two Feng Peng, who have been entangled with Sun Hao for 20 years, have become two huge, barely polished The meat bird, **** water filled the whole body, screaming and screaming, resounding the uncertain wind.

The two groups of black Feng Peng's feathers in the spring breeze turned into two large groups of large black rounds with a diameter of Xu, and they flew over to Sun Hao. Sun Hao reached out and took it into the Sumi. Looked at the two winds and eyes, and said with regret in his mouth: "Two Peng brothers, all the way to go..."

The gentle spring breeze blew.

The two screams of screaming and screaming abruptly stopped, and the huge head was instantly cut by the gentle wind, and the section became two, and the blood began to rain.

Feng Peng is a native of the undecided wind domain. After death, it has not been decomposed by the wind of indefinite, but still floats in the aura of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s heart sighs slightly, and the so-called sin is sinful. Feng Peng’s body must have something to be condensed in the empty tower, but it cannot be let go. Otherwise, these two Feng Peng have been themselves sparse for 20 years. What if you bypass them?

In the hands of the incense sword slightly shivering, the air crossed a sword shadow, the two Feng Peng's head was instantly broken by the agarwood, two huge wind beads were pointed out by the agarwood sword, fell into the palm of Sun Hao, disappeared.

Feng Peng, the huge body but plopped, fell on the windless windless winds, and fell two big pits.

Bianmu Wang Wang cried and rushed up: "Wang Wang, Wang Wang, stealing you a few eggs, actually still chasing after him, this time being stripped into broiler..."

Turned around Feng Peng for a few laps, turned to look at Sun Hao, and the side of the animal slammed his mouth, biting a wing of Feng Peng, rubbing a slap, and took a sip of meat.

Let’s lick it, screaming while eating and grazing: “Boss, this meat really has a taste, and it’s definitely a big supplement. I suggest you come a few more.”

Sun Hao look at the two big meat mountains ~ ~ brow wrinkles.

Feng Peng's meat may be delicious, but it is raw meat. Sun Hao really has no habit of eating raw.

In the uncertain winds, it is difficult to have a fire. If the true fire of the monk fails to reach a certain intensity, it is best not to shine inside the unrecognized wind domain. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be undecided. The wind disintegrates.

I don’t know if the Mingjian swords that I have mastered now can make the small flames appear in the uncertain winds. No one gives Sun Hao an accurate answer. Sun Hao can’t dare to act rashly.

At this time, after a few mouthfuls of Feng Peng meat, the side animal husbandry actually floated up from the ground, and his mouth screamed: "Boss, boss, Feng Peng's flesh comes with a certain windy area, the most beautiful, you most I can also learn to graze and slap a few mouthfuls, maybe it will be extremely beneficial to your swordsmanship..."

Bianmu this guy, the favorite thing is to drag the Sun Hao into the water, I thought that in the past, in the eternal cemetery and the savage department, the headless Sun Hao was pitted by him a lot, now, come again.

However, Sun Hao heard the words, but could not help but move.

There are indeed related records in the classics of the male and female witches. It seems that it is said that within a certain wind domain, a certain degree of alien animals has accumulated, and its physical body is indeed a self-contained property. If it can be destroyed, it can be eaten. It is bound to gain something.

However, at the time, the information of the male and female witches recorded that within the uncertain winds, the beasts that can enter the body are quite difficult to kill. The reason is naturally that the speed is too fast.

Unexpectedly, the two Feng Peng who killed themselves are actually among them.

Sun Hao thought for a moment, and spread his arms and fell on the edge of the hill-like wind Peng. Shen Xiangjian swung out and cut a small piece of Feng Peng's flesh and gave it to his mouth.

The taste is not good, the suffocation is heavy, and the meat is very soft, it is difficult to chew. If it is not for Sun Hao's body repair, if you can't eat it, it's all two. (To be continued.)

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